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Love  an ambigious four letter word that holds a universal language. A form of essence that makes you breath but then erratically can make you feel like your holding on to your last breath. A feeling that can cure one of many wounds but then leave a scar you dont want to remember.
Your heart is getting weak
but i see something in you
that can grow
a beautiful flame
I'm just a girl with a broken compass.
A wondering artist who has anxiety.
A girl who loves taking pictures
because then i know i can hold on to memories
that can no longer be done.
I want to run away from all my silent battles
because im tired of how they just constantly
rattle in my mind
I may also be blind,
blind because i dont see
what i have within me.
We all have a flame that ignites
but why am i so scared to show it off to the world
We are all beautiful in one way or another
so why don't I see it within me?
My light is dim but just maybe
maybe one day ill shine the light from within
Random thoughts & Struggles
I've always wondered if you think of me since you set me free
And if you ponder of who we could be
the times and years we shared and when you actually cared
Of our faded memories
Now my hardship days seem to be a haze and flow with ease
And after the times I felt so alone
The betrayal and knowing your never coming home
But i came to see that your not longer
the person i knew

You hold on to her with that blank stare

Oh your grey colored eyes
How they show so much lies
& suppressed emotions
that are in the back of your head
and in the darkest of our hearts
we know the truth that teared us apart

But you won't admit it anymore
because your heart is trapped in illusions, frustration,
and false conclusions

I hope she makes you happy
since your excuse to set me free was that you wanted to grow up and spread your wings
but in reality you wanted her instead of me

and after months of excruciating pain  i realized that its okay
because I'm not the one who lost in your silly game
Its funny how life passes you by, how in a split second things change.
How months felt like it was yesterday and
How years become dreams and faded memories.

When I look at the moon, you're so far but still close just astrayed.
How you leave me emptied handed even after I asked if you were okay.

When I look into the sea I wonder if your in the path you always wanted to be.
The waves tumble memories, the shore and waves meet
but never stay for long but just enough to touch my feet.

When you see me at night you might think I'm doing wrong but I'm just pondering as the night sky falls behind me. Silence speaks when you hear the trees weep people say its golden..

Your probably wondering why I visited people from my last but I was just closing doors from my past. I lay on the grass where we use to share laughs irony how I see you pass.

I watch the sky and the stars and I fade into an eerie daydream where its just you and me. But its gone left and unseen. But we aren't fools because we know the truth that lays in our grey colored eyes. No matter how much we pray and ask why.

There's  just* silence.

Because your just a ghost. A faded memory.
Who I talk to when I lay here and about to sleep.
I wonder if you ever hear me in your dreams. I guess I feel you weep.

To be honest I have no choice but to rejoice
even if its just a smile I wear on that's just worthwhile.

Live your dreams, and continue flirting on that girl that's not the one you use to hold.

Farewell I wish you the best was the last few words ill ever hear from you. And I'm off to my quest.....

In the next few days, things will *fade
away and fall into place... As a writer, stories are for eternity thanks for being part of my life's. Uncertainties

— The End —