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563 · Aug 2014
Destined to Love
Tonie A Booker Aug 2014
I believe in true love at first sight
Because it was in that moment that I saw you, that I knew  I could never truly love again .
Especially not after you .
However, we became aquaintances.
Hours , days , weeks , and months soon changed that.
I don't know .... Was it your looks?
Your personality ,
Or was it simply the fact that you were so unobtainable?
I believe it is because I cant have you ..
Yeah , maybe that's why I crave you .
Forgive me because my idealistic beliefs have changed ..
I now realise it is because we were meant to be together.
487 · Aug 2014
Dreadful Oblivion
Tonie A Booker Aug 2014
Our love
Oh, our love was something else.
             It faded into oblivion
             You soon forgot I existed.
It crushed my heart how easily you moved on , and it left me desperate.
               Desperate for your smile
               Desperate for your laugh
               Desperate for your smell
But most of all ; desperate for your
OH baby...
Our love was truly something else.
Something so wonderful I would never forget it , to stuck on blissful memories of the past ..... Of our past.
Oblivion wasn't an open door for me , and I couldnt live without you.
So I took the only medicine that would set me free.
                        Goodbye my love , ill see
                         You later .
462 · Aug 2014
Tonie A Booker Aug 2014
Death be not proud ; though some have called thee mighty & dreadful.
Thou art slaves to fate ; chance kings, and desperate men , but thou can not stop me .
One short sleep and then I awake eternally , because I promised you we would be together again .
338 · Aug 2014
Alone In This World
Tonie A Booker Aug 2014
I'm a lonely package that should've been labeled "fragile" right from the beginning .. but since I wasnt no one knew to take "special" care of me , no one knew ... And for that I hold no hate or any grudges... I was a lonely , fragile package that went through it all .. with no one there , or at least that's what i thought .. to comfort me .. to console me ..I fell in "love" three times each ending with another piece of my heart breaking ... But no one knew to take special care of the lonely, broken , and fragile package that's been through it all . Ive been kicked around , thrown around, and even stomped upon ... But lifes foul mark , had nothing upon thine own beauty .. I thought I was alone stuck in a desolate place , when really I wasn't ... It was only thine enemy of thines own mind .. but  how was I to know ?
291 · Aug 2014
In The Final Days
Tonie A Booker Aug 2014
The end of the world is near
I see the signs all around us
So i'll ask you this once
Are you ready ?

The end of the world is beginning
Chaos have risen and began to
Wreak havoc upon life as we once
Knew it .
So i'll tell you this once
Prepare for the worst .

The end of the world is here
You're frightened , we are all frightened .
Fire is spreading
The oceans are racing in
And the ground is crumbling beneath
Our feet .
So i'll ask you this once
Do you love me ?

We are nearing our fate
The same fate as everyone else
Death is all around us
and its only a matter of time before the ocean swallows us whole
I love you
I've always loved you
I wish I had repeated this more than once .

So i'll do this once more
Wrap you into my embrace and kiss your delicate lips ... Just as the tides rush in .
278 · Aug 2014
I Have Loved..
Tonie A Booker Aug 2014
I have loved with my very soul .
Just as I have hated with all of my soul.
Why is it that I love you too much to hate you ?
Or is it that I hate you too much to love you ?
Wait is it that I love you you so Much that I hate you ?
                                  I don't know ..

Neither do i understand it . My heart cries out for you . It weeps for endless hours . Endlessly craving your love and desire. Will you yield to me ? Will you ever love me , as I love you ?
P.s. Cupid you should have shot us both ...!

— The End —