You look so fine and pretty
Like you’ve got it all together
You sound as though your thoughts are wise
Like you understand the world and weather
And everything in between
There’s so many things that you know
You seem to recognize truth
So beautiful to watch your potential grow
But then you end up with him
The **** who’ll probably break your heart
Manipulates you to get what he wants
But then, you were in denial from the start
Or you end up with another guy
Who cheats and lies and steals
Craving his bad boy attention
You disregard how he makes you feel
You let yourself go
Selling yourself cheap
Give yourself to the feelings of lust
Despite that you’ll end up in a heap
You don’t value who you are
So you let him break you down
Your lessen yourself for the hope of love
Yet love is hardly what you found
Please don’t be a stupid girl
Don’t let him strip you raw
My girl you need to guard your heart
If you want to avoid a downpour
Beautiful girl, I wish you knew
All of us make stupid mistakes
But stupid girls don’t change there ways
So they keep having heart aches.
Beautiful girl that’s who you are
Don’t give up on yourself, not yet
Avoid stupid boys, who rob your destiny
Because that you will certainly regret