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Toni Dec 2010
Another hit. Colors. Everywhere. Taking in everything. Seeing nothing.
Feel the rush. Sting of the needle. Sweet pain. Inviting.
Laughter. Stripped emotion. Pure insanity. Touch of skin.
Passion rising. Savage sensation. Pining for intimacy.
Subsiding into darkness. Driving into turmoil. Aching need.
No more high. No more monster. Crazed obsession for another
copyright 12.28.10 tlb
Toni Dec 2010
Christmas Is Here

Bells ringing, people singing
It is the best time of year
Carolers humming, drummers drumming
What a jolly time of year

Snow falling, children calling
What a happy time of year
Christmas trees, chilly breeze
What a lovely time of year

Cookies baking, Santa’s waking
It is the most carefree time of year
Wrapping presents, Christmas pageants
Oh what a glorious time of year
copyright 12.07.10 tlb
Toni Dec 2010
black, white, brown
red, blonde, brunette
blue, amber, emerald
everyone so different
no one the same
short, tall, thin, fat
every size, shape
divergent, unique
Spanish, French, Japanese
Latino, Asian, Vietnamese
north, south, east, west
England, Morocco, Paraguay
child, adolescent, adult
heart, lung, eyes, brain
soul, spirit, mind
fear, love, pain, strength
November 30, 2010 TLB
Toni Nov 2010
feel as if everything in life is irrelevant;
moving in slow motion;
black and white motion picture;
no sound, light, color;

static through a fog veiled morning;
eyes clashing open, mind pulsating, body oblivious;
so elevated, untroubled, senseless;

tortured agony, squealing shrieks;
airborne for a moment in time;
cascading down into a crevice;

veins of ice, hatred, need;
addicted star-crossed lovers love no more;
idolization for merely the poison alone;
innopportune destruction;

mind, body, soul, life;
clasped by the spite dependence of cannabis;
needles, blood, fire;
November 30, 2010 TLB
Toni Nov 2010
The holes in the wall say,
"There was a fight."
The broken furniture said,
"Stay out of sight!"
The record player skipping tunes said,
"Watch out for his wrath."
The empty bottles said,
"He drank way to much."
The blood stained on the floor said,
"Something got out of hand."
The bones buried in the yard say,
"He is an evil man."
10.03.10 tlb
Toni Nov 2010
An uncertain, scared teenage girl,
Wonder what is beyond this world?
Hear thoughts of one another,
See judgement in their eyes
I am an uncertain, scared teenage girl

Pretend I do not care,
Drowning in uncertainty,
Touch the hearts of all I see,
Worry about what you think of me,
Think of you,
I am an uncertain, scared teenage girl

Understand that I shouldn't care so much,
Say I won't give up,
Dream of a place where I'm excepted,
Try so hard to meet your expectations,
Hope you will one day love me for who I am,
I am an uncertain, scared teenage girl
10.03.10 tlb
Toni Sep 2010
I hate school, it makes me drool
I wish I was a bird, Tweet
You are a fool, and I am cool
My brother is a **** that smells like feet
My hair is pretty like falling leaves
My eyes are bright like the sky, oh
my kitty licks me, he was stolen by thieves
My, oh my, would I hate to die

My mind is empty like a cave
Oh, wow my body is hot like the sun
I feel like a slave, but my name is not Dave
I like to run, this poem is almost done

Toni and Kaitlyn wrote this with all their might
It is a good thing we do not fight
copyright 9.30.10 tb & kh
Kaitlyn and I wrote this for our english class - doesn't make any sense, but it is fun!
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