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Jun 2014 · 3.6k
Tomorrow Jun 2014
I may have made an innocent mistake but,
You were the one that started this sick *** war
I have not engaged it, I will not
I believe in love, not war
I apologized to the one that matter
Will I get apologies for the hurt I suffured?
Tiss the first rule of war….I guess,
Cover your own *** bad
Jun 2014 · 768
Tomorrow Jun 2014
I may have made a mistake, but
You were the one that started this sick *** war
I have not engaged it, I will not
I believe in love, not war
I apologized to the one that matter
Will I get apologies for the hurt I sulfured?
Tiss the first rule of war….
Protect your own ***, no matter who falls  because of it.....
It may be seen as egotistical or selfish but  for those who care, it is hard to close down the hurt, to move on without those apologies. These were people I trusted, people I respected, people I considered friends....unfortunately no longer....
Jun 2014 · 4.3k
Tomorrow Jun 2014
Thank God there is tomorrow
I may sit in my misery tonight but,
I always know there is tomorrow
A new day
A new sunrise
A new  beginning.
Thank God for new beginnings. A new start, a new sunrise, a new star, a new beginning....not sure where I would be without it!
Jun 2014 · 803
Others Needs..
Tomorrow Jun 2014
I always put others before myself,
But when it is my turn???
When will someone want to be there to hold me,
To fight for me,
To hold me as tears run down my face and tell me it’s ok
When will someone want to be that person for me??
I never want to be selfish but just once  I want someone who is here, holding me, telling me it will be alright. Is that wrong????
Jun 2014 · 7.0k
Tomorrow Jun 2014
Answers are all I need
Weeks I have suffered
Verbal abuse, mental, emotional abuse
I just want answers
I know there are many of you who have them
I know
I don’t care of the consequences
If I have hurt someone, I will apologize
I will admit I was wrong
I can do it
I just want answers
I want the truth
Is that too much to ask??
Is it really to much to ask to have someone speak the truth to me, than around me. So many games, I do not know what is reality and what is fiction.....please
Jun 2014 · 596
Tomorrow Jun 2014
Truth has tormented me for weeks
So many spoken words around me, but never to me
I know many of you have the answers I so desire
But heed them to yourselves, without an inquire
Not fair, I say
I stand there speechless, I do not react
Waiting for someone to be strong and speak their mind
You can think what you want, if truth were told
You would understand, the answers I do not hold.
I spend my nights in my head, looking for the same answers you do
Jun 2014 · 665
There is only me.
Tomorrow Jun 2014
There is no “we”, there is no “you”
There is no we, because I am alone tonight
There is no you, because I will always be the better person
I take it on, as I always do
Whether it tears me apart,
Time will tell
Tomorrow will always be a new day, a new start
Jun 2014 · 594
Tomorrow Jun 2014
Everyone, even myself, says you are never alone..
But where are they when you need a hug,
When you need someone to hold you and tell you it is going to be okay
To tell you they are sorry for the hurt they caused when they didn’t know the consequences,
Where are they?????
Jun 2014 · 621
Tomorrow Jun 2014
As tears roll down my face,
The hurt inside flooding out
I know, I know I am stronger
A prayer, a speech to myself
Reminding myself, I am stronger than this
But…I feel myself drowning,
Being pulled down
Into the darkness….
When will this day be over... I beg....
Jun 2014 · 3.3k
Tomorrow Jun 2014
S – Sincere
T – Thoughtful
R – Respectful
O – Open minded
N – Nice
G – Genuine
Jun 2014 · 558
All thanks to you
Tomorrow Jun 2014
How did this all happen
Was it a past lover, seeking revenge
Was it an impersonated new friend
Either way, it doesn’t matter
My mind has overtaken and I have succumbed to the dark
I take two steps forward feeling you holding me back
The jokes on you though
I have been in the valley before, many times
I might stay there a while, laying, resting in the grass
When I am ready though, I pick myself up and tell the world to kiss my a!
I am strong at heart
I have a strong will
I will rise above and thanks to you
I will be more than I am today
I will be a better mom
I will be a better woman
All thanks to you, don’t you feel like an a
Not a great poet but a lot of emotion to get out. Sorry

— The End —