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Tommy Reidy Mar 2015
The day came for us to end,
you had made up your mind by then.
I cried that day, you did too.
I wanted one thing, and it was you.
Time marched steadily on,
the words kept flowing so very wrong.
You said you never loved me,
I said, "who is he?"
I said I'd take it all back, and you cried.
We talked it out, we really tried.

That day in November,
I'll always remember.

In January you wanted to come back,
you said you loved me.
But that was the one thing we now did lack,
but you said you loved me.

I repeated it back, but I meant it.

We talked, we laughed, we hugged, we kissed;
All this would soon be missed.
The harsh words crept in,
you blamed me for your sin.

Your church came between us again.

You would never marry me

I wasn't changing and neither were you

The words, like daggers, flung by you and me.
It was only then that I could see-
see that there was no hope for us.
There was an end to us.

There could have been so many endings for us,
much better than the one we settled for.

The letters, the Starbucks, the kiss.
Our little forever deserved better.

But it came to an end in late February, so quiet, so slight.
Oh how far had we fallen, from so great a height.

That day we talked, we laughed, we hugged.

But we both walked away alone, into that noon light.
You went left, and I went right.
Tommy Reidy Sep 2012
She makes my blood run cold.
She makes me say things so bold.
To think I loved her once,
I've put that love on hold.

Without her I've become useless and lazy.
She's made my thoughts clouded and hazy.
I love her still,
it drives me crazy.
Tommy Reidy Jan 2013
She was my little princess:
I loved her to an excess.
I was hers, and she was mine;
in love we did define.

I let her in the recesses of my heart;
I loaded up my secrets for her on a cart.
But she put something back, and it would burn,
what it was, I would soon learn.

One stormy night our love did break,
and all of me she would take.
She was gone from me,
lost forever to the sea.

I was broken.
In my tears I had soak en.
Inside of me it did burn,
what she left there it did churn.

In my heart she left herself,
high up on some forgotten shelf.
'Tis a shame that she could not take,
for very soon it would break.

What was made of love did take a new form,
hate would become its new norm.
My love for her was strong,
so my loathe for her is equally wrong

— The End —