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I never really did quite belong

I felt like I was just always being dragged along

Every word I spoke was white noise like a fan while you sleep

I never really did make a peep

My head hung low

Lost in thought

Looking beaten and bruised as if I'd just fought

Well in some way I did and still do

I'm sure lots of you do too

The voice gets louder and the devil's get stronger fueled by my own thoughts

I only go outside when rain falls from the sky

it makes my tears not so clear

I guess Im still in fear of being a

Another long one sorry about that
When words fail actions speak
When actions speak words fail
Supposed to be a play on actions speak louder than words but sometimes our actions undermine our words
Tethered between heaven and hell

Sitting staring silently sobbing

I place all my hopes ‘n dreams on to the wishing well

Wishing that one day just like the stars above

I will shine long after my days have come to an end
When i was young I learned to tie my shoe
I learned to read and to write
I learned about what was wrong and right
I learned about the colors like black and white
Then like the shadows trying to hide from the sun
I learned about things not so clear
I learned about things not so innocent
I learned about life about things my parents wanted me not to see
I learned about pain unlike that from the scraping of a knee
I learned about life and how no matter how it will always be companied by death
I learned about pleasure and that every star will one day fade
I learned about people and the good they can do
I learned that just as life is always companied by death and just as every star fades not everything is as clear as we choose to believe
I learned that the people that we think we may be are always different than what others see
I learned that now matter how much we learn in our lives we will always have more to go  
Now I just need to learn how to be the best version of me
Thomas Freeman Sep 2024
Crying sobbing sad
Then like a switch moods brighten
Thriving gleeful glad
Thomas Freeman Jun 2024
Life is what we make of it just like family
Family isn't always the one we're born with
It can be those we hold dear to our heart
Yet not an ounce of blood is shared between us
They may not feed nurture or shelter us
But the laughs memories and bond we create both sustains and shelters us from many things
But not everyone is lucky or confident enough to find that family and to those that haven't I say keep trying because nothing in life is more important than family wether it be by birth or by choice
Thomas Freeman Jun 2024
We all have dreams and aspire
Many lack the fire of passion
I am one of many
Many starryeyed children and adults alike
Some want to race dirt bikes
Others want to touch the stars
But so many of us are told we will never get far
And bit by bit beaten bruised broken our dream
Becomes just that..a dream and that's how many many stay like a time capsule never to be opened as we sell our selves to make ends meet However
It doesn't have to be like that
Dreams are so much more than just dreams they are the building blocks the foundation of the future they help give life meaning and keep our hearts and souls warm at night they are life's biggest and best accomplishments they are the only thing that keeps me going
That's what dreams are
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