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Crying sobbing sad
Then like a switch moods brighten
Thriving gleeful glad
Life is what we make of it just like family
Family isn't always the one we're born with
It can be those we hold dear to our heart
Yet not an ounce of blood is shared between us
They may not feed nurture or shelter us
But the laughs memories and bond we create both sustains and shelters us from many things
But not everyone is lucky or confident enough to find that family and to those that haven't I say keep trying because nothing in life is more important than family wether it be by birth or by choice
We all have dreams and aspire
Many lack the fire of passion
I am one of many
Many starryeyed children and adults alike
Some want to race dirt bikes
Others want to touch the stars
But so many of us are told we will never get far
And bit by bit beaten bruised broken our dream
Becomes just that..a dream and that's how many many stay like a time capsule never to be opened as we sell our selves to make ends meet However
It doesn't have to be like that
Dreams are so much more than just dreams they are the building blocks the foundation of the future they help give life meaning and keep our hearts and souls warm at night they are life's biggest and best accomplishments they are the only thing that keeps me going
That's what dreams are
Thomas Freeman Sep 2021
Dear hope
Why  do you always feel just out of reach
Further than the stars above
Yet closer
Closer than I am to me  
The distant light you give
Is Warmer than than any flame
It’s Bitter and cold all at the same
Dear hope
Where were you in the past
When i thought any day may be my last
When i was busy trying to shatter myself just like glass
Never building myself up
like a blind man i could never see
All the things i could eventually be  
Dear hope
Why must we do this
You press my buttons like i'm nothing short of a broken machine
As if im to be thrown away and scrapped
As if i can’t even be recycled into something new
Something better
Dear hope
Today i was reading the paper When i got the news
You had passed on
For hours i couldn’t believe you were gone
Hours passed and i couldn’t speak
For hours I layed there feeling too weak
Too weak to move or hell even to think
But yet my mind was racing
Straight down the track it went
headed straight for a crash
Dear hope
It’s been three weeks since the crash
And when i awoke i was surrounded
But despite everything around me
Despite everything that had happened
I found myself drawn to a familiar glow
I couldn’t believe my eyes
And  couldn’t help but cry
Because in that glow you were there
Radiating your brilliant heat
Shining brighter than the stars that you were once so far from
That’s when you spoke
You told me you had only left so that you could find me
The me who was had lost all senses
The me that could neither see, hear ,nor feel you
It was at this time you grabbed my arm
And promised to shield me from my own self harm
But before I could utter a word
You were gone
Yet somehow i knew you were still there
I only wish i could of said one small thing
Dear hope
Thank you
Thomas Freeman May 2020
I...I have no idea
Where. Where do I start
Or rather how do I start
The words used to just flow
Now they just wont go
I used to have so many ideas
But now it feels like my thoughts are being suppressed like the Korea's
I used to be able to write on the fly
Now I can hardly write even if I try
The one thing I felt I was good at
But now I feel like a baseball player with a broken bat
I guess maybe this just isn't my thing
Thomas Freeman May 2020
No one person
Most of the things that make you
Thomas Freeman May 2020
Feeling like we don't belong and never will
Always wishing we could feel love
Many times pain is caused by us
I...I honestly feel worthless
Living day by day hurting myself so not to
   hurt them
Y....y does it always feel like this
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