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733 · Jul 2018
summer haikus
Tom Spencer Jul 2018
buzzard shadow
in a two lane

in the dust of a
tractor's wake -
a churning cloud
of egrets

Tom Spencer © 2018
693 · Mar 2019
eager for dawn
Tom Spencer Mar 2019
spring morning,
still dark -
mockingbird song
eager for dawn

Tom Spencer © 2019
672 · Mar 2019
Tom Spencer Mar 2019
before the stars
first flared

the ephemeral

the rising into
and slipping

out of being
is all that has ever been

an effervescent verging
pulsing on the cusp

between what was
and what will be

that place where we

what is briefly
and beautifully real

but now
we have learned

how to package
even this

and conforming

existence itself
into a virtual

and vacuous

a transaction
based on distraction

fleeting glances
gauged for profit

worth something
to someone

a stalker browsing

for sleep-walkers
with available eyes

Tom Spencer © 2019
671 · Nov 2018
empty nests
Tom Spencer Nov 2018
caught in a web
of bare branches
- a flock of empty nests

Tom Spencer © 2018
665 · Nov 2018
alley cats
Tom Spencer Nov 2018
morning rain
spatters the porch

the alley cats
have eaten their fill

and linger
as they rub cheeks

one another

a swirling eddy
of contentment

they drift
closer to my side

but warily
still half wild

in a few minutes
they will slip away

like rain
on a summer day

Tom Spencer © 2018
633 · Jan 2019
Tom Spencer Jan 2019
deep into winter
the last viburnum leaf

tumbles unbound
and nestles

amongst its scattered

the sleeping prophets
of soil and spring

each a paling dream
gently yielding

to the ceaseless
rhythm of abundance

Tom Spencer © 2019
531 · Sep 2018
Two Crows (autumn)
Tom Spencer Sep 2018
early autumn
a stiff north breeze

sweeps away
the oppressive heat

two crows
are nestled down

in the swaying leaves
below my window

beak touching beak
a brief inkling

of intimacy
before they rise

one after the other
strapping black wings

then sailing

two exultant caws
cast into the wind

Tom Spencer © 2018
521 · Mar 2019
cedar waxwings (2)
Tom Spencer Mar 2019
this morning
small flocks of
cedar wax wings
dashed into
and out of the fog
black flecks
in a misty orb

this afternoon
yellow bellies
twisting through
a cloudless sky
they seemed
like schools
of glittering fish
streaming after prey

Tom Spencer © 2019
514 · Feb 2018
Tom Spencer Feb 2018
false dawn
street light
a globe of mist
leaves drip
owl trills
my breath

Tom Spencer © 2018
507 · Apr 2019
Tom Spencer Apr 2019
dangling from the

crescent moon
and morning star

luminous jewels

above a blinking
stream of brake lights

into the dawn

Tom Spencer © 2019
491 · Feb 2019
winter passage
Tom Spencer Feb 2019
slow stepping
through tall grass

the deer
navigates the meadow

by blazing starlight
head high, ears alert

stopping from time to time
to snort and stomp

sensing the unseen presence
holding its breath

a shiver amongst the shadows
of this leafless grove

Tom Spencer © 2019
484 · May 2018
Tom Spencer May 2018
the dripping ferns -
frog song

Tom Spencer © 2018
463 · Jun 2019
because I looked
Tom Spencer Jun 2019
because I looked
I saw the hummingbird return

to the same bare branch
on-top of the sunlit tree

and noted its zealous
round trips to the feeder

on the porch
and because I listened

to the katydids calling
only half understanding

their urgency
but certain of it

this otherwise quiet evening
signifying nothing in particular

reminds me of everything
in particular

Tom Spencer © 2019
435 · Sep 2018
contrail slash
Tom Spencer Sep 2018
contrail slash
glows above the clouds
one moment kite string thin
next blurred by the wind

Tom Spencer © 2018
426 · Jul 2019
after the rain
Tom Spencer Jul 2019
thinning clouds
drift eastward

fading light clings
to the trailing mist

in the sudden calm
beads of water

slip from the leaves
and are welcomed

by the thirsting earth
hibiscus flowers droop

ferns shimmer
distant thunder sounds

from the top of a tree
a mockingbird

celebrates this brief respite
from the summer heat

a neighbor steps out
and joins me for a moment

we fall silent
and drink our fill

Tom Spencer © 2019
412 · Feb 2018
Tom Spencer Feb 2018
***** mist
hiss of tires
wiper blades reveal
a jet black grackle
landing lightly
on the overpass rail

Tom Spencer © 2018
401 · Feb 2019
highway roses
Tom Spencer Feb 2019
a bright morning
after a week of cold rain

roses bloom along
the highway overpass

no, it is just the blankets
of the homeless

hung out in the sun
to dry

Tom Spencer © 2019
355 · Apr 2019
Tom Spencer Apr 2019
holding my breath

as the crow floats down

before landing
wing tips fluttering

talons extended

for the top
of the powerline pole

Tom Spencer © 2019
354 · Sep 2019
Tom Spencer Sep 2019
leaden night
heavy, humid

clinging to a weeping
window pane

the spring peeper
greets its kin

with metallic

and ballooning

Tom Spencer © 2019
346 · Apr 2018
Tom Spencer Apr 2018
Bats dart in and out
of the gathering light
I glance up at the moon
so clear against the sky
- forgetting my task
the watering can
stretches my arm

Tom Spencer © 2018
345 · Feb 2019
seeing and being seen
Tom Spencer Feb 2019
riding the top-most
branch of the tree

as it bows to the wind
the crow dips down

and then
thrusts its beak upwards

the black wedge

it calls out
and ***** its head

listening -
off in the distance

beyond the glass
unheard by me

it detects a response
and glances over its shoulder

meeting my gaze
for a moment

each other looking
seeing and being seen

and then it
launches into the breeze

leaving me sailing
in a black eye’s bead

Tom Spencer © 2019
344 · Dec 2018
a flurry of gold
Tom Spencer Dec 2018
a flurry of gold leaves
sails past

whirling into
and then out of

the sunlight streaming
between the buildings

everyone is in a hurry
eyes fixed on phones

headsets on
no one talking

only wind sound
and the dry scrape

and tumble of autumn
skittering down the curb

Tom Spencer © 2018
343 · Aug 2018
summer haiku
Tom Spencer Aug 2018
garden hum
yellow bell flowers
rung by bees

Tom Spencer © 2018
338 · Feb 2018
Tom Spencer Feb 2018
fence row
on the wire
and in the stubble
buzzards hunch
in a circle

Tom Spencer © 2018
333 · May 2019
Tom Spencer May 2019
infinitely vast

soft spring sky
calmer than a waveless sea

swallows arc
with scythe-like wings

distant flecks

the beyond

Tom Spencer © 2019
330 · Mar 2019
Tom Spencer Mar 2019
the sky is clearing
from east to west
by the dawn
silver clouds
stream by
for a moment
the whole city glows
for a moment
even the grackles
fall silent

Tom Spencer © 2019
318 · Mar 2018
Tom Spencer Mar 2018
crow's back
metallic sheen
strapping wings
scale the breeze
feather tips flutter
caw calling swagger
spring caw spring

Tom Spencer © 2018
316 · Aug 2019
first car down the road
Tom Spencer Aug 2019
first car down the road
on a summer morning

scissortails and mockingbirds
scatter from the powerlines

rabbits bound ahead
and then dodge into the grasses

luxuriant and wild
grape vines

cloak the barbed wire
and smother the hackberries

cumulus clouds
still tinted pink and gold

rise lazily above
the freshly mown fields

with their stubble
and neatly rolled bales of hay

tires hum
leaves rustle in my wake

the heat has already
begun to pool

in shimmering illusions
that dissolve

on the blacktop ahead

Tom Spencer © 2019
303 · Oct 2018
and then more rain
Tom Spencer Oct 2018
day after gloomy day
black and gray clouds

smudge and smear the sky
rain followed by mist

and then more rain
the streams are choked

with mud and debris
autumn grasses bow down

in sodden ranks
water drips from trees and eaves

just a few weeks ago
the earth was cracking

confused by the change
redbuds are blooming

and amid the tangle
of mottled leaves and

slick black branches  
plum blossoms are opening

I lean in trying to detect
the lush fragrance

but the sky opens up again
and I splash back through the garden

my clothes are soaked through
spring will have to wait

Tom Spencer © 2018
277 · Jul 2019
the well of dreams
Tom Spencer Jul 2019
leaves shiver
windows rattle

but no rain falls
waking to the

unsettled edges
of a skirting storm

I find myself
drawn once again

a visitor to this place
this precipice

very briefly
brimming full

of possibility
and promise

but instead
like an autumn leaf

I answer
the gentle summons

and drift back into
the well of dreams

Tom Spencer © 2019
268 · Jun 2018
Tom Spencer Jun 2018
after the rain
scattered petals
plum blossom path

Tom Spencer © 2018
267 · Apr 2019
Tom Spencer Apr 2019
after weeks of drought
waking up to thunder

and torrents of rain
flashes illuminate the darkness

silhouetting the trees
hail stones pound the roof

and shred the new leaves
lights flicker, windows rattle

as I peer out of the door
none of this compares

to the storm in my heart
your last words to me -

"I guess it is the two of us now"
yet, you are far away

and I am left thirsting
alone and uncertain

Tom Spencer © 2019
264 · Aug 2019
two silhouettes (Austin)
Tom Spencer Aug 2019
two silhouettes
on the overpass

one head down
looking at her phone

the other waving
a plastic wand

trailing soap bubbles
in the morning light

Tom Spencer © 2019
183 · Jun 2018
Tom Spencer Jun 2018
hot summer morning
fleeting sheen
of her bare shoulder
when the clouds part

Tom Spencer © 2018
177 · Mar 2018
Tom Spencer Mar 2018
plum trees in bloom -
yesterday floating clouds
today wind blown snow

Tom Spencer © 2018
143 · Mar 2018
My Father's Arms
Tom Spencer Mar 2018
at the breakfast table
with my father

the brittle bruised skin
of his arms

branded ninety years
by the sun

worn hands folded
as he watches the news

nearly deaf
to the engineered fumes

turning - his flickering
eyes fasten on mine

who does he see

the fevered child
in a burning bed

the graying mirror
the daydreaming kid

returning the gaze
of a closedmouth man

who works and worked
and still pulls his weight

who holds me still
in his awkward

142 · Feb 2018
Tom Spencer Feb 2018
a swirl of leaves -
shriveled fingers
clutching wind

Tom Spencer © 2018

— The End —