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4.0k · Nov 2013
Breathing Bravery
TJ Chiang Nov 2013
Day in an day out
I go to class
Not knowing what today would bring
Not knowing if the status quo is kept
I am tryin' to get through
Trying to breathe bravery
Trying to get out of the status quo
You pushed me
Hard and made me wanna be brave
To stand out of the crowd
To explore
Not keeping it as it always was
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
Once upon a time
In a far away land
The dreamers get rewarded
Diverting from facing reality
I'm breakin free from the norm
I had the best time of my life
Wish the time could always freeze
If I lived
In a far away land
If I lived in a land far far away
Once upon a time
In a far away landI'm breakin free from the norm
I had the best time of my lifeIf I lived
In a far away land
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
Once upon a time
In a far away land
The dreamers get rewarded
Diverting from facing reality
I'm breakin free from the norm
I had the best time of my life
Wish the time could always freeze
If I lived
In a far away land
If I lived in a land far far away
Once upon a time
In a far away landI'm breakin free from the norm
I had the best time of my lifeIf I lived
In a far away land
1.6k · Nov 2013
Bravery in Lives
TJ Chiang Nov 2013
People come into our lives for a reason
For the better and leave abruptly
Never ask why, just cause
The way it was
It was
I was weak
Before you came
I was ready to fall
But after you came
I am strong now
You made me breathe
The air
Of what coulda' been.
You trained to make me brave
The way you
The way you
You rocked my world
You rocked my world
the times we had
Though they are gone
By fast
You changed everything
You made be brave
Venture to the unknown
1.4k · Aug 2013
Hot Air Balloon!
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
I am flyin’
Above the Seas
And the Land
The people down below
Look like Peas
Just a speck
Of nothing

But aren’t be all this way?
Is it sad to know
We are only a small part of life
Time does not stop because
We want it to

I’d pay
For time to stop
Even though I know
It can’t
I just wanna spend
More time
With the people
Who I could have known

Make sure you get to know
A lot of people because you never
Who will turn out to be
A Boss.

Make sure you get to know
A lot of people because you never know
Who will turn out to be
A someone you
Could have known

Make sure you get to know
A lot of people because you never know
Who will turn out to be
1.1k · Sep 2013
Fear, War, Cease
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
Fear, Fear
Will only cease mankind's evolution
Development of technology, development of medicine will cease
We will stop, a barrier, men whimper in place
We fear of many thing, if we fear we fight
We fear of World *******, strength of others
Better than us, we fight in fear because we want to show them our facade
Our facade, that is not true, in anyway
We fear of war, people dying left and right everywhere
Yet we think war is our only choice to solve these world issues
Brute force will make other nations fear us, but we fear of them as well.
So fear, will stall men of progress
Stall men of all the adventure that peace and prosperity may offer.
So let us not fear and move on to our our next generation live!
Live longer, happier, please I beg you war, fear will only stall.
Fear, not
For we must let our children live forever and ever!
Tall, we must stand! Fear not, war is bad!
1.0k · Dec 2013
King Henry
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
You can give me all the luxuries
The world can offer
This don't impress me much
You can give me green paper
And a house with a pool too
Big deal, it ain't impress me much
How about a Lambo with a twin turbo engine?
That still doesn't stand
If you give me King Henry
Big deal, that impress me a lot.
TJ Chiang Jul 2014
If we were meant to be here
If I am James Dean, then you are Audrey Hepburn
A fairytale that only comes in a dream
If I am prince charming
If we were meant to be
Then I would James Dean
And you be Audrey Hepburn
Like a Disney Movie
I'd be prince charming
and you be my damsel in distress up on top a castle
You be my love forever
That can't be broken by Jafar
933 · Dec 2013
Chocolate Pie
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
It is rather interesting
That a savory Chocolate Pie
Could mean something big
To someone special.
Is it that life
Is like that pie
Is it true that
Big gifts come in small packages?
The miles we have gone
So far, what if there are
Many more savory Chocolate pies along the way
Something small turned into something big
Traveling millions of miles away
929 · Sep 2013
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
Everyday I am here in class
I look forward to seeing you
And I don't wanna let this class end
I'm infatuated by everything
I love everyday I'm with you
And when the sun comes up
I know it's Tuesday
Let everything fall
Fall into place
I am glad that I stayed
For another Tuesday
I know you are
I know you are the
I am infatuated by you
I arose today wishin' today was Tuesday
870 · Sep 2013
One Life to Live
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
He looked at me
That was fine
But you must pay the price
To be loved
When a world of
Injustice and happiness
Be smart and choose what means most
You've got only
One life to live
Oh, promise  yourself to be
Loved and not hated by
When a world of
Injustice and happiness
867 · Feb 2014
Glass Elevator
TJ Chiang Feb 2014
I am standing here in this glass elevator thinking
Of going up to your arms
I'd wish I could press the button now
But I got a life ahead of me to live
So I'd walk out into the sunshine
Knowing one day that glass elevator will be mine
When I am done here
When I ready to press,
When I am ready to go up in your arms
That I'd be safe in your arms tonight
But for now I gotta live my life to the fullest
I'd give you all for me for you to carry me to safety
Yeah... But for now I will live my life
Oh yeah... glass elevator
821 · Dec 2013
Trophies and All
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
He is the best, the hometown hero
He is the guy girls would die to date
He's the guy all guys wanna be
He's the trophy and all
But even the best fall down sometimes
Even the gold and glitter melts into the air
Even the best has a side of him that no- one
Wants to be beautiful disaster.
748 · Aug 2013
All But You
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
I can walk on the street
Wearin’ a pink shirt
I can soar freely
Through the air
Without care
Blows me away

I can walk home from work
Watchin’ city lights
And many flights
In the air

I can love
Many things
Books and music
I can be really

But, was waiting
For the day to come
Where I can love
Where I can walk

With you
Runin’ my heart away
Lovin’ someone
All but you

Oh, wait for
Moment where
A day where
My hearts stays still

Now I can
I know my way home
I can say
I do
649 · Aug 2013
City Lights
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
From the start
The city lights
Are passin’ me by
Not know when to go
I am confused
I should run away

I wanna go back
To the old times
Why did I pack?

I hate to not be with you
City lights taunt me
I hate this place
Let me be
I don’t know
Know how to live with you

I miss the old time
We had everything
Where did that go
Taunted by the cars, the people
It’s a crime

I want to be with you again
Green light, go straight on Main Street
I got to go
Turn back
I wanna turn back
To hold you now

I wanna go back
To the old times
When we had everything
Turn back
I wanna turn back
To hold you now
632 · Sep 2013
Stranger on the Bus
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
If you saw a man on a bus
Sittin' alone
What if you were him
You were him
What would you do
To help
Cause I know
Everyone deserves
A chance to live
Even a stranger too
What if
Like the man you're alone
Ridin' on this bus
A stranger tryin' to get lost
Thinking it would cost
Nothing, cause nobody wants you
Away like trash
You are not alone
We are all strangers
On a bus trying to get home
614 · Aug 2013
Dear Student,
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
Dear student,
I forgot to ask
How is it goin'?
How's life treating you?
I saw you for two times a week
Remember, Wednesday and Saturday
For a whole summer
Yet, I never asked you
How is it goin'?
How's life treating you?
Now summer is over
We left class
If you come across this
Wonderful piece of lit
How's it goin'?
592 · Aug 2013
Walking on Warm Lakes
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
I am walking
In the lakes
I know its warm
I also know it shakes
That I feel I’m just docking
The shore

But now I have to leave
But before I do
I wanna
Walk in
Warm lakes again

I try not to think
I wouldn’t blink
Just try to walk the lakes
One more time
Before I leave
The warm lakes

I’m still here
I’m still here
I’m still here
In the warm lakes

I am walking
In the lakes
I know its warm
I also know it shakes

That I feel I’m just docking
The shore
Just try to walk the lakes
One more time

Just try to walk the lakes
One more time
574 · Jan 2014
TJ Chiang Jan 2014
Its frozen on the ground
In the dead of night
You are standing here on the ground, hopeless and homeless
You still persevere till the end
Till you can no longer stand
You never give up and let God decide your
Fate so let it go, let it go
He knows what is best, what you don't think is possible, to greater heights
Let it go he will guide you through
It's a new dawn, and a new day
So never give up and let it go
let God decide your
Fate so let it go, let it go
He knows what is best, what you don't think is possible
522 · Oct 2013
Chasing Dreams
TJ Chiang Oct 2013
Am I chasing for something
In vain?
Am I chasin'
For something
That is not there
In the first place
Maybe a mirage?
Am I down
Am I in a dream?
Fadin' away from
Versus fiction?
Am I chasin' for something
that ain't there
A 2D picture
Would anybody care if I get lost?
In my dream
Chasin' something in vain
In vain
A Dream maybe?
500 · Dec 2013
Happy Everyday
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
I wish to be happy everyday
However, I must face reality and humanity
Everybody has to go through a tough and unpleasant path and face hardship
We must learn that if we hope to succeed we must realize that the unpleasant path is unavoidable
In the end we must accept there are failures and consequently successes
496 · Aug 2013
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
Lookin' at the moon and a star
As life pass me by so fast
I wish I can relive my past
All the dreams and realizations
Now its too late
Knowing that a bar
Is keeping me from going back
All I can do is go pack
My stuff
Wishin' I had more time
To know your name
The past is no to far
So I won't be sad
Grew up way too fast
Wishing to know your name
Lookin' at a star wishin'
it to give me more time
to know who u are
your name
Please tell me your name
I wanna know you more
Fastin' my seat belt to go away
Far away
But I wish I knew you more
Out to bay
to know you more
Its now my past
495 · Sep 2013
Don't Drag
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
Oh, I can stay
In bed
But I know
I can't
I gotta live
live fast
I hate to
That we are not
King's of this World
I gotta get up
So don't drag me
Down, I won't
Let you
Don't try
I gotta live today
I am proud to live today
Here and now
I gotta live here today
So don't try to bring me down!
With you and your stupidity
492 · Mar 2014
Get Work Done
TJ Chiang Mar 2014
Can't be dismissed
Gotta stand by my principles
Nothing will stop me
Gotta stand by my principle
Can avoid 'em
Get work done
No matter what the road goes
It may divert away from the path
But gotta stand by 'em
it's not a myth
Nothing will stand against me
To get work done
Work done
It will do me good
Gotta stand by my principles
Inspired by Robert Palmer's song Simply Irresistible
491 · Feb 2014
TJ Chiang Feb 2014
wanna close my eyes, wish upon the stars that all the misery in this world would disappear. The homelessness and hopelessness would end. I close my eyes wishing that I can make a difference to end the misery, a change. I wanna help, really do. I stand up for what I believe. I wanna believe that I am superman in a red cape saving the day with a happily ever after. Saving a damsel in distress. I wanna be your superman with a red cape.

But on earth there are two worlds. Disney fairytales and real life. My dreams are fairytales I believe in, but real life is what we are actually living in.
So I am told, son, you can't live in make believe all day long. It is impossible to close your eyes and save the day with your power. It is impossible to save everyone. You can, however use your power to save the few you can, to make the lives of the few better. Don't be discouraged. You can, you can make a difference with a few. The few you helped.
478 · Sep 2013
The Welcome Mat
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
When I see you
Every day
There is no
Greater than this
When I come to this place
A home where I am
Whatever happens to me
I will
I will
Know this place
When the welcome mat
And the door also is open
459 · Sep 2013
Mal, Bien
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
Je suis tres bien
Je suis mal
je ne sais pas
tu es tres mal ou tres bien?
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
For love
They say
You must pay
The price
You must be willing to die
That may not be the case
Once you find
A place
You will be happy
A fairytale
A once upon a time
Life is supposed to be a happily ever after
A garden of eden
A paradise
Where you will be together
Please leave this place of hate
And go to that place
Somewhere out there
I know love exists
Within you
428 · Aug 2013
I'm Drowning
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
I’m Drowning

I’m drowning
All I’m thinking
Is how to hold my breath
How to stay awake
My body’s eh ache
I’m sinking
Without you

I’m moving on
You are moving on
Why can’t
We just stay for a moment?
For our enjoyment

Stop time
Can’t we let time
Pass us by
It is a crime
For time
To continue
For our enjoyment

Please, stop time
To erase all wrong I did
Looking higher
For you and me
To be together

I’m sinking
Without you
Stop time
Can’t we let time
Pass us by
It is a crime

Time pass we by
I’m drowning
All I’m thinking
Is how to hold my breath
How to stay awake
425 · Nov 2013
Losing is The Hardest
TJ Chiang Nov 2013
Losing is the most
Hardest thing
I have encountered
You realize you are a fool
Only when you
Know what you got
All you get
Till you get nothing
Nothing, Nothing
Nothing at all
Only know when you are here
When you are Losin'
All you got
That is the most
Hardest thing you
You only know
You are a fool
Know that it's the time
You got
Is over
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
I know
I want  it where it snows
A beautiful scenery where
We can hold hands and taste the snow
Fallin' from the sky
Love is like the Evergreens
Even in the snow they stay green
Love never dies
I hope we are something great and something worth
Living for
Let us be us
410 · Aug 2014
TJ Chiang Aug 2014
I am running toward the future
Running away
Running at high speeds
What if I stay and  
I (3X) stay
I am moving to fast missing the moments
I stay
404 · Nov 2013
TJ Chiang Nov 2013
Come to me
Let light up this place
Bright lights all the way
Lets dance all the way
To heaven
Till the end of time
Yet what is time
But a measurement we all hate
Come to me when all ends
And perhaps
Start again
A new beginning
Come to me
Let light up this place
Bright lights all the way
To heaven
Till the end of time
398 · Aug 2013
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
I look at the stars
Wishin' I'm with you
While I'm in the fog
Walkin through a bog
Can't find solid ground
Heart is pounding
Racing to get to you
Before we are gone
I wanna get to you
Spendin' every moment
While we have it
Before we are gone
Hold on
before we are gone
I wanna see you again
And when the moment comes
I want to last forever
We can leave everything behind
Forget our worries
Just to be with you
Before we are gone
Hold on
before we are gone
I wanna see you again
397 · Dec 2013
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
Can any one of you
By worrying
Add a single hour to your life?
So go and run
Go run and live your life
I am watching the silence
on your faces after
Worry, worry
Like a cat waiting for its food to arrive
Worry, if it will
Lead you to happiness then go on and worry
But, it just ain't true
Go stop worrying
Live life and the Lord will make everything all fine
It will fit like the rubik's cube
So even if you tear me down all you want
I ain't worrying because I know it will all fit like
The rubik's cube
Even if you sew me shut I will not worry
397 · Aug 2013
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
Life is fairy tale
Without a happy ending
So why hate?

Why make somebody pale?
God gave us a due date
So why hate?

I know you think it is wrong
Keep it to yourself
Making someone feel like a waste
Is distaste

Why make somebody pale?
God gave us a due date
So why hate?

When hated
Don’t hate back
Life is fairy tale
Without a happy ending
So why hate?

It's sad that it goes by so fast,
If you embrace every moment
So why hate?
Don’t hate

The day may come
So don’t hate

You can't change the past...
The best thing you can do is improve the future
Don’t hate

Life is fairy tale
Without a happy ending
So why hate?

So why hate
Don’t hate…
TJ Chiang Oct 2013
I wanna write my
Heart out
I wanna write my
Heart out
I wanna feel
I wanna write
I wanna
My heart out
All day I have seen you
I never
Have sought to write
I wanna
Write about
I wanna
write about you
My heart out
Till dawn
I loved you and always will
Every day I wanna
358 · Aug 2013
All Things
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
I believe that all things
Will come to an end
Can't redo
But if I could
Would I?
Though most people would think
Me horrid
I would
I would
I wanna know
The people I passed
Along the way
Just a face
Out many
I would
There is no doubt
These plain faces have a story
To tell
I would
Wish I
Could stop and
Know them
More cause
I know
I know
These plain faces have a story
To tell
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
As I lay down
I dream about a town
Where we can be together
There will be sunshine
And the sea splashes in our face
Where we can walk on the shoreline
Feeling the effects of the wind
Blows in our hair
There is no way to describe this town
Where we can be GLAAD  to fall in love
348 · Dec 2013
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
Perhaps love is
Not just the best thing
But the only thing
We have
In this cold cold world
Where it seems love is absent
Its you and me versus
The world
Open your heart and
Love will shine through us
When it seems cold outside
We have in this cold cold world
Simmer like the sun
Love the only thing
Isn't it sad that time defines our lives
Time dominates our lives
Time will tell if we let love shine through us.
344 · Nov 2013
In Writing
TJ Chiang Nov 2013
Its been real
Had a good run
But now its over
I am here
Writing this
For all those words unspoken
All those words
I wanted to tell
For all those people
Who I passed
Its too short
For all those words unsaid
I am Writing this
All because those words unspoken
All I wanted was to know your name
All I wanted was to know you more
So stay awhile
Would you?
334 · Dec 2013
Your Way
TJ Chiang Dec 2013
Life may not always go your way
Life may not be
In the fast land
Or a race track
Hills, and bumpy winds
May get into
Your way
Stick to your goals
They don't know
They don't know
They never really knew
Who knew so many bumps
High winds blowing you off track
Who is to say that will stop you
They are
They are not you
Try and it will turn out your way
329 · Nov 2013
Time Come to Me
TJ Chiang Nov 2013
Why does everyone
That I know
Goes away
Never stays
I wanna know your name
Why don't ya
Stay awhile
Time come to me
I'll stop it
Everyone good
I know goes away
Why don't you stay
Stay awhile
Isn't it sad
Everyone I know
Goes away
Time come to me
I'll stop it
I will keep thinking of
This sad day
315 · Aug 2013
TJ Chiang Aug 2013
Another way away
I don’t
Wanna Leave
I must
I must
But, I don’t know

How to live
From what I knew
The people
Outside my home
Its where belong
If I
Leave the place
I once

I miss this

Another way away
I don’t
Wanna Leave
I must
I must
But, I don’t know

The people
Outside my home
Its where belong

Another way away
I don’t
Wanna Leave
I must
I must
Its where I belong
307 · Sep 2013
Sometimes The Lord
TJ Chiang Sep 2013
Some I think
Will I be taken care of
When I get older
Will I be remembered
I want to be sure of this
I know I will be
taken care of
for sure
He knows what was best for me
And wants me to have a great time being
Where he placed me.
He can take care of me
Where I belong
He has a plan
It will all work out.

— The End —