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  Sep 2014 Shirley
Taylor Rose Baryak
This one's for the ones who go without the most important woman in their life every single day.
The ones who don't get that kiss on their boo boo.
This is for the momma's girls and boys.
The ones who couldn't accept their dad's affection for the life of them.
This goes out to every broken heart no matter how old you are.
This is for the ones who know their friends with mom's wouldn't understand their feelings.
The ones who have to listen to their friends complain about their mom's when all they want is a mom to complain to.
To those who don't have their mom to teach them how to love or be loved for that matter.
This is for those who go every day with the thought that one day they'll have to tell their little girl or boy they don't have a grandmother but they know she would've loved them.
For the ones whose hearts break at the thought of her not being at their wedding.
For all the ones who know that yearning that only comes from wanting your mom back.
Those who have watched their mom disintegrate mentally and physically.
To those who just want to yell and scream when they go to a school outing and see a teenager tell their mom that she's embarrassing them when all she wants to do is give them a hug before she leaves.
The one's who can stifle their cry about losing their job or not succeeding their dreams but one thought of their mom and they lose it.
The ones who understand that it's okay to cry out loud sometimes.
I dedicate this to every person that has ever lost the most remarkable and inspiring woman in their life.
This one's for the mom-less.
Shirley Sep 2014
to you, I was nothing but a fragment
to me, you were the whole book
wow, that ******* hurts
I would send you paragraphs, while you sent me a couple of words, ****.

— The End —