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Tiri Dear Apr 2014
When we first met, she was but a seed. A mischievous **** sprouting in the grass where I lay. Her lanky leaves and long stem bothered me, and the way she never could sway the same way as the grass forced me resentful.
I poured lemon juice upon her, lathering her in the acidic liquid, wishing her to drown and in the hopes that she’d become more like the dry grass and in the hopes that she’d disappear among them.
Without effect from my malicious attempt of ridding her, my flower continued to grow. In observing this,  i refused her water. I enclosed her from the April rainfalls.
Because she was strong, and because of her faith in the spring, my flower kept growing with what little she had. In the summer, weeks past, i returned to see of what little was left of this ****. Only to find under a grass covered leather, a slouching flower with white, wilting petals still facing the sun.
I realised the beauty she’d composed and felt her consecrated seed sow within the pit of my stomach. Like a barbed hook embedded in a fish’s lip, a part of her anchored. Thorns leapt from my internal stem, oozing liquid, guilt venom.
I frantically poured sugar-water over her as she offered her berries to me.
Tiri Dear Apr 2014
Each word,
Formed slowly like a rosebud,
Falling from her mouth, and
Leaving petals upon the floor.

I struggle to catch everyone,
As they leave her mouth.
It’s just reasonable, for her to expect
Me to catch everyone.

The hardest thing to catch,
Is a petal playing in the wind.
Tiri Dear Apr 2014
He laughs,
Even when I’m not telling jokes.
But I don’t mind it.

Politely patronizing me,
He makes me feel young and
I find it...

His wise eyes upon me,
Like a father,
As if I'm your loving daughter.

He smiled at me,
As he rolled his cigarettes tenderly.

I’d always compared this,
To the way he’d treated me.
Tiri Dear Apr 2014
The stings of angry bees
My sister sings silent songs of these.

They sting her ears
when she speaks of them.
A worker-bees wrath complies as
tears of honey fall from her eyes.
Her blossoming mind wilting
while they **** my sister dry.
Wincing with pain,
                                                 going insane.

Her broken thoughts keep thinking.

They pull her hair from her head,
nails from her fingers.
Stingers rising from her bed,
that frightened movements triggered.
Turning white sheets to red.

A nest created within her head in which the queen's fed
my sister's dying thoughts.
Tiri Dear Mar 2014
Your heart ticks like a clock
Darling, that’d make your love time.
All I can hear is your sweet voice talking
As I strain to rhyme.
While you remain youthful,
Your timeless romances have aged me
Seems like it’s been years since you have
Ticked for me solely.
Fleeting seconds filled full with neck kisses,
“aged-just-right” red and your lovely self, faultlessly fictitious.
Something’s changed. Evidently so,
Tell me why it’s different darling…
Where did the time go?
Tiri Dear Mar 2014
Fashionable to the era,
A cascading armchair draped with linens
And Clara.
Tiri Dear Mar 2014
Salient eyes softly whisper
Secrets, beneath a violet veil.

My rotting masts are hiding beneath,
The flow of my windswept sail.

Wilted daisies and ****** feet,
All for the sake of the trail.

To scratch the ground to make a mark
Only to get dust caked nails.

I seem alright. I’ve got it together,
Unintended portrayal.
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