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Tintswalo Apr 2016
On a bed in a shallow room I lay
Breathless and In huge dismay I ponder
Lifeless, cold in nature
I wonder to glooms of this darkness
Feet hurting on my back I remain
Cold as the sways of winter nights.
Comfortable as can be
I am at peace
At peace with this cold death state I am in
For no worry can be troublesome
No fearful thoughts can be spoken out loud
At peace with the cold death state.

A man came to my comfort zone,
With the sweetest voice words can't tell.
Touched my lifeless body to life
A fairy tale seen only in dreams
‘Little girl Arise' He said.
Little girl wake up.
Look up to the skies.
Healing is found beyond the horizon
A place only prayer meets.

Damsel arise from your infirmities.
That affirm your misery
Arise from your drunkenness.
That drains your energy
Arise from your pain
That paints your smile to sadness
Arise from your past
That punchers your spirit.
Arise from disappointment

Live beyond rejection
Don't let the frictions slow you down
Lift your heart up high
Believe in Him that never leaves nor forsakes.
The state your being depends on it.
For one day,
We shall see him in the clouds of glory
We shall arise,  arise,  arise up to the sky to and meet Him

Listen here
The blind receive their sight
And rise to tell the nation they see,
The lame walk
And rise to tell the nation they walk,
The lepers are cleansed,
And rise to tell the nation they clean
The deaf hear,
And rise to tell the world they listen
And the dead are raised to meet Him in the clouds
Damsel,  little girl,  arise.
Tintswalo Sep 2015
straight and easy is the path of righteousness
The late childhood days and the early youth make seem so easy
With passion and contentment I take it with ease
With a smile and an eager heart I join the soldiers of the cross to tell of the master of it.
Marching over was never hard .
You see this path has so many perfect derailed paths attached to it.
A perfect path of love has a path of hatred to it
A path of joy has a path of sadness to it
A path of peace has a path of war to it
And yes this is a path of righteousness but with a derailment called sin
Very tempting, absolutely charming
My eyes glaze to this path and see no point of this path of righteousness.
Great is your faithfulness O Lord
But exciting is this path
Or so it seems.
One mistake
Waiting on the path of righteousness to stare at this derailed path
You see, an idle mind is the devils play ground
The derailed path of danger
Pulling so many to its fold
Only by a simple glance.
Tintswalo Sep 2015
A place of emptiness yet so full of God's presence
A place with no character yet God's love is shown there
A place of loneliness, but gives peace
A dry place with a tree smiling its greeness, water still and grass struggling to breath.
With nothing around except for trees along the stream
A train passing now and again
With chrubs of hope that there is still life there.
This place was once devine
This place allows me to think clearly
With breeze against my skin as it gives me goose bumbs I think "what if".
What if things were different and i could see u whenever I want
What if while chilling in this emptiness we could feel the Almighty smile
What if you were mine to keep?
There is something about this place that is taking me to places unknown.
It drives me like the wheels of your car to worlds I've never been to.
I get there and enjoy being with you
A place of imagination
It goes wild as a wild hog in the wild.
I could hear our children laugh while we eat strawberries under that tree
A dog barking excitedly at their laughter
Flowers smiling at the sun for every new day
I did say that this place drives me wild like a wild hog
This place does not exist
This place opposes reality.
I love being in this place though
It makes me feel like I've still got it
It makes me feel like I'm worth it
This is a place of miracles
A place where a simple smile erases the pain off.
A place where my laugh is genuine
But then reality hits at the words "we need to go".
I then realise tht this is not my place
I then see that God is not smiling.
Written in 2012
Tintswalo Feb 2014
Poem by Mpontsi Blaquetouch Blaquetouch

u are too high for my tracks
so better find another clique
coz i'm not backing down on my flex

when I first saw u
I knew we weren't gonna be friends
coz thing is; I dnt bow
only God deserves my bow

much as I love and respect
one thing I wont do
is loose myself
while trying to find you

your approval has no weight for me
I can do without it
I don't blame you thou
I blame all of them who gave you glory beyond measure

had they told you the truth
i'm sure your head wud still be intact
now look at how big it has grown
no pillow can house it all
even a one size fit all hat, fails to cover it

I dnt blame you thou
I blame all of them, man pleasers
my prayer for you is;
remember who u are
bring out the person you are behind closed doors,
introduce that person to everyone

who knows they might even love you
love you exactly for who you are

but for now...just find another clique
coz I wont bow nor loose myself while trying to catch you
come to the people's level
then maybe we can talk
as I continue praying.
Tintswalo Dec 2013
I am not crying for Mandela the Hero
but for Mandela the Man
I am not crying for Mandela the Politician
but for Mandela the Father
not for Mandela the slave
but Mandela the free man
not for Mandela the jail bird
but for Mandela the liberator of self
not for Mandela the answer to SA's prayers
but for Mandela the doer of the deeds

*May God Comfort South Africa in this great loss
Tintswalo Dec 2013
I touched your life
Very cold and fragile
It fit right into my hands
The future generation of strength
I could feel their united heart beat
"Daddy, we wanna see you now"
"Help us do you the honor of calling you our father"
Time waits for no man
At your bent spine and feeble knees
You will run behind these fragile little one
I touched them with care
They breathe in you pronouncing hope
This cannot be the end of this generation
They scream out every time you kiss my delicate skin
"We want to be in her" they say
"We want to live in her for seven months plus three"
A full term of a mother's love
A full term of discovery
"Let us discover why you care so much about her!"
I touched those little ones with fervour
Listening to their every word
Life that wants to call you daddy
I touched it once
I heard what it said
It is waiting for you to overcome your fears
"Tie her to your knot of love already" I heard them say
"We want to live and breathe in a green world"
"She is the door to our being"
Your Life waits to call you daddy
Tintswalo Dec 2013
were the easiest thing in the world,
how satisfied would our hearts desires be? If it were a subject in school,
how many would pass the degree? Why is it said 2 be blind when it is expressed through
actions? Why is it seen through actions when we only
excercise it through speech? Why is it everlasting,when we still part our separate
ways? Why is good when most of us are too afraid 2 try? Does it really hold no bounds when requirement and
preferance are needed to convince the other? Why does it have no age if i cant be with the one i so
dearly care about because of something both u n i
can never change? Why is it said to be foolish when even the wisest and
mighty fear it? What if it were the key to heaven,how many would
walk through it? What if love were easy?

By; nduduzo k Mbele
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