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2.5k · Sep 2010
Definite Insanity
Timothy Trantham Sep 2010
Insanity:* *doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Insanity:
doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing
the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the
same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same
thing over and over again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same thing
over and over again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same thing over
and over again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over
again and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
different results. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different
results. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
This is how I learned the definition of insanity..... maybe. 'whistles'
1.5k · Sep 2010
Timothy Trantham Sep 2010
my mind is so logical
when its thinking illogically
that it is just soooo logical
that the illogical
thoughts become logical
therefor even the craziest
of thoughts are sane
even in this insane
mind because it just makes sense
it is so logical.
was a fun trip.
1.4k · Jun 2010
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
Assumption of knowing
Knowing only worry
Worrying about nothing
Nothing but regret
Regretful so apologized
Apologized for what was

What was is arguments
Arguments were annoyance
Annoyance made absent
Absence lead to distress
Distress brought sorrow
Sorrow kept silent
Silence lead no where
No where only had dreams
Dreams brought back

Back to where it began
Began with a loved one
Loved one who understands
Understands what love is
Love has no regrets
Regrets not needed
Needed are caring hands

Caring hands accept
Accept who one is
One is only human
Humans make mistakes
Mistakes can be forgiven
Forgiven and forgotten
Forgotten mistakes end
1.2k · Sep 2010
Timothy Trantham Sep 2010
Meek are not weak
But mild and humble,
Those who are meek
Have a wild spirit,
Those who are meek
Have strong will powers,
Those who are meek
Have themselves in control,
There is no egotism
In someone who is meek.
774 · Oct 2010
Light of the Eyes
Timothy Trantham Oct 2010
The* eyes are the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the core and *judges.
eyes are the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the core and
are the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the core
the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the
light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to
of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us
which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes
gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are,
us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we
sight, watches over us all, sees us for who
watches over us all, sees us for
over us all, sees us
us all, sees
us all, sees
over us all, sees us
watches over us all, sees us for
sight, watches over us all, sees us for who
us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we
gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are,
which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes
of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us
light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to
the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the
are the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the core
eyes are the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the core and
The eyes are the light of which gives us sight, watches over us all, sees us for who we are, exposes us to the core and **judges.
717 · Jul 2010
Lonely Perch
Timothy Trantham Jul 2010
The city is asleep
Midnight shrouds all
Owl comes out
Sits on his perch
Alone in the dark

Cooing a sad melody
For feelings past
Love once grand
Long since perished
Past grips tight

The days slowly pass
Owl's dreams crushed
Love not to be found
Was his love that gave out
Pure beauty she was

T'was only her he loved
Not one other close
To him his heart is her's
Last to ever belong to

For she was
His life,
Lover, passion,
Found himself
Anew inspired by her

Here he falls apart
Alone in the dark
This broken hearted
Owl sings,"
will she ever return, will my heart be renewed?
Coo, know not what to do, hopes battered and busied.

Never to know her
To always be incomplete
know only of her
Love's twisted
Embrace to be
Renewed nevermore."
Inspired by hopeless love for someone dear to me that will never pass...
686 · Jun 2010
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
When day becomes night
At dusk they are found
A solemn traveler
Loss everything but life
For no compassion was shown
Words and words alone

Type that never dies
A single wish on mind
Random strangers
Sentence them guilty
Down a pit they shove

After all the heartache
A life of troubles
Sentence only death
Is there no other way?
Down the path the man goes

Think if love was shown
Of the possibilities
A weary man could have
Topic isn't enough alone
For someone who needs to help
Show some effort and care

Then the lonely can be
Let free from darkness
The solemn still have cares
Fun can break any despair
Begin with learning to share
was at a loss for words
644 · Sep 2010
My Dearest
Timothy Trantham Sep 2010
When you are near
My very soul trembles,
But when you worry
My only concern is of you.

Your presence
Puts my mind at ease,
And a single word from you
Inspires dreams,

When we meet
My heart begins to race,
When you vanish
My tears fall in your place.

While you are gone
And I am alone
I look forward
To our next embrace.
632 · Aug 2010
Stars Apart
Timothy Trantham Aug 2010
In the night sky
we danced
we played
confessed our love
kissed and embraced

our love once shown bright
is all but a memory
faded by the morning mist

we parted ways
you have the heavens
I crashed to earth
and burned
and burned
and burned
to dust

what we shared
our love
the fun
the dance
you forgot
you forgot...

forever looking into heaven
always to be your fallen star
564 · Jun 2010
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
Through the endless void
Streak cosmic rays
Across the vast abyss
Striking creating
Destroying reforming
Altering manipulating

Forever changing
Forever breathing
Forever giving birth
Giving light
Giving hope
Giving life
Creating motion
Creating emotion
Creating an universe
Where all can live
Where all can experience
Where all can share

Here is the debate
Is the source alive?
Is the source endless?
Is the source aware?
Have we been created?
Have we been giving choice?
Or do we simply exist?
Does it really matter?

Of this
We are assured
We are alive
We can love
We can share
We can choose
We can change
We can experience
We are aware
We crave peace
Why give into despair?
561 · Jun 2010
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
The evening star soon falters,
Night flowers lay in wait,
Trust not the depth of dark waters,
Invaders nature will eradicate,

The living end still comes,
Echos heard within the pristine wall,
A grave pact was made within the slums,
In one night all shall fall,
Not a few,
Not some,
Or many,
But a few,
Many and all,

The plague rats gather,
At night nothing is safe to say,
The marrow gnawers may rather,
But the swarmyard is the only way,

The coffers are full,
Death's storehouse is now empty,
But don't be a fool,

The assassin lay ready,
The crypts are no longer Hallowed,
Keep yourself steady,
You do not want to get swallowed,

If you make it out alive,
The debtors' knell you will pay,
Without them you would not survive,
Don't forget thank the spirit for another day
552 · Jun 2010
On The Secret Side
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
Hidden behind secret walls,
Within truth it falls,
Omission puts to question,
Hidden answers at discretion,
By dream problems solved,
Secrets paths involved,

Hidden are motives,
Behind are good intentions,
Masks what we perceive,
Hidden through negative actions,
In good faith we believe,
Lies aren't always to deceive,

No truth can satisfy,
Need to keep hope alive,
To understand reason for lies,
Question only the alibis,
Motives often for good,
Only methods can be *******,
Know not all end has should,

This may lead to question,
Is there a good enough answer?
Just know this is not from aggression,
Life of lies is like a dancer,

We hold onto truth as if gold,
All the gold cannot protect us,
Have truths kept harm from a lover?
Secrets could give some cover,
We know truth we must say,
Hide truth only if no other way,

If you lose your secrets,
You lose a part of who you are,
Love must exist without regrets,
Someone has to stay on par,

You can maintain honesty,
Must have a heart of compassion,
Accept others out of courtesy,
Who is wrong when acting of care?
They show passion through efforts,
Are they wrong to not be bare?
Fully in truth brings virtue and despair,

Lies told in a way to please,
Omissions protect many secrets,
Masks give courage and ease,
Secrets are precious when few know,
And everything is good and bad,
All things are needed to grow.
Inspired by Jessie Birchler's "Honest Living"
531 · Jun 2010
Lost in Translation
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
Everything will work out well,
Never is hope completely lost,
Broken hearts will eventually mend,
The soul knows someday all will change,
Trust can always be placed in others,
A hand you offer to lend towards others,
Communication is what you want improved,
Darkness is never eternal,
Rain makes it so turmoil can be soothed,
Someday the light will appear,
Somebody that will always be dear,
Those who are close may question actions,
Those who are not give only discretion,
Freedom is earned as well as taken for self,
Confusion will always present,
Deceit within to keep self sane,
Hiding secrets is quite pleasant,
Desires may never be truly met,
Pain will sometimes relent,
Dreams are ever fleeting not matter efforts to contain,

Everything around you is shifting,
Never will it all be still or hope be the answer,
Broken heart will keep on beating while time ticks away,
The soul may have been brave but was shattered,
Trust can always be misguided and broken,
A hand you may offer but instead you only offend,
Communication will become garbled and none may understand,
Darkness will never seek to make amends,
Rain may be soothing but may turmoil never truly end,
Someday a light will appear but to burn away the night,
Somebody who is always dear turns you away is your only fright,
Those who are close ask questions only to get pushed aside,
Those who are not are given answers but only tell you that you pry,
Freedoms are stripped away by yourself when you only cry,
Confusion is your cage,
Deceit is a the lock that will not age,
Hiding in a corner looking for anything to give release,
Desires at least give some relief,
Pain continues to strip everything away,
Dreams seem to be the only escape.
475 · Jun 2010
A Heart of Change.
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
Memories of a past life,
Remorse of all wrongs done,
Wish to forget them and move on,
The loved one has forgotten,
But feelings have not withdrawn,
Have they been forgiven,
Or were the wrongs disregarded,

Long to be close again,
Want to make up for the past,
For all that was wrong,
For all the years lost,
But seems like the love,
All of that has gone,

Left with memories,
Left with remorse,
Left with desires,
Left without a course,

Wish to lose it all,
Want to change nature itself,
If not just for one,
That is not self,

The one that was dear,
To start life anew,
Change anything to be near,
If only to be considered true,

Would give up all,
For a fresh start,
A new life,
A different way of thought,
To give up all strife,
To avoid doing things for naught,

Will it be possible,
Only one will know,
Has anything changed,
If it is for show,
The one is not here,
Nor are they anywhere close,
But the one that knows is very dear,
Hope that they are not oppose
Way of dealing with remorse
466 · Jun 2010
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
What am I?
Who am I?
Why are you?
How are you?
Will you not be at my side?

Don't know where I am,
Don't know where I go,
What is for only show?
Seeking you is all I know,

Tell me the truth,
I will tell no lie,
Am I like you?
Or am I the lie?

Where have you gone?
Why do you hide?
The secrets are truth,
Common knowledge the lie,

What am I to you?
Who am I to you?
What are you to me?
Who are you too?
Why is it we lie?
How do we exist?
Why is it we hide?
How do we resist?

Questions without answers,
Answers hidden within truth,
Everything we know,
Everything we say,
Is it all a ruse?

You hold my hand and tell me a lie,
I hold yours to say don't leave my side,
Even if its not true,
Even if its all lies,
Even if with the secrets,
Even while wondering why,

Never knowing the complete truth,
Forever hidden from sight,
I will always be happy,
As long you are nearby.

— The End —