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Timothy Fuller Apr 2016
So it's been 3 months here,
I still don't have all my gear.
But through all our lovin',
I've put a bun in Alice's oven.
We don't know how long ago,
Just that she is late on her flow.
We did a pregnancy test,
And the news came back the best.
So we tried 2 more,
Each time my jaw hit the floor.
All I know now is she is my one,
And it's time to start the fun.
So as poetfreak dies,
And everyone cries,
I let out tears of joy,
With a smile most coy.
Repost from Poetfreak
Timothy Fuller Jan 2016
Each morning like a rainbow,
Even with the sun still down.
Her face always a glow,
With a smile; never a frown.

She presses in real close,
Right here under my arm.
Her lips like a rose,
Waking me with no alarm.

Nothing ever felt like this,
Free from anger and rage,
Just a perfect heavenly bliss,
Ending this mornings page
707 · Dec 2015
Death of the Old Me
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
As we dance in the moonlight,
The stars all twinkle at the sight.
Your wings they unfold,
And shimmer like gold.

You with your angel’s way,
Make my heart swoon and sway.
Taming the demon inside me,
Who for so long wished to be free.

The longer we two lovers dance,
I start to know he has no chance.
Even now his eyelids grow heavy,
trapping him behind love’s levee.

No longer able to find a grip,
Into darkness he shall slip.
The end of all my evil,
His tomb; unescapable.

Fill me Alice with your light,
Turn me from this demon blight,
Into something near angelic,
A black winged angel; prophetic.
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
This time in Wonderland,
We make love upon the sand.
Slowly your lips I kiss,
Not a single time I miss.

Our hand they interlock,
As birds above begin to flock.
You moan and scream,
I barely believe this is a dream.

Your thighs they wrap,
As you sit in my lap.
You begin to writhe,
To you I pay my tithe.

I feel your heart bound,
As we lay on the ground.
Your lips taste so sweet,
As mine they do greet.

I give you my all,
And my name you call.
Just as you reach a ******,
The dream turns to flashbacks.
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
Here in Wonderland once more,
Let me hint at whats in store,
We will talk to all our friends,
And tie up some of the loose ends.
If you wondering who is my Alice?
Go see Sarah in the palace.
I am The Hatter; mad for sure,
This rhyming thing is mine and pure.
So lets go back to before,
The Red Queen is no more.

My Alice here by my side,
On Gryphon’s wings we ride.
Going to the hills up high,
There is no better way to fly.
Looking down we see March Hare,
Bouncing around everywhere.
To and fro we watch him go,
Seeing what he has to show.
He stumbles across Mock Turtle,
Then he jumps him like a hurdle.
His toe did slip and hit his skull.
Leaving him; his senses dull.

As we reach the hilly top,
Looking down we saw the drop,
The curving ground,
We saw all around.
Cheshire cat there was waiting,
Mockingbirds his tail was baiting.
Showing his trademark grin,
He danced around Alice’s shin.
On twilight skies he did float,
His latest conquest he did gloat.
Taking candy from a goat,
Showing us his stomach bloat.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee,
Stand before us now, you see.
Still they **** upon their thumb,
Dee’s in the mouth of Tweedledum.
They offer us some milk and tea,
My Alice asked, “Is it free?”
“In wonderland all is a gift,”
I state, “Just like Gryphon and his lift,
For here you see all possessions shift.”
She says, “I just didn’t want to grift.”

At the bottom of the hill we see a spot of rust,
I turn to my Alice and tell her what I must.
“This is just a solemn grave,
The last house of the Knave.
Red Queen did this yes my dear.
Pay me no mind as I shed this tear,
For this little crime,
When it was his time,
I could not speak,
My tongue was in my cheek.
I know it was so bleak,
It cost him his life, right at the peak.”

So here my new friends,
This is where it ends.
This tale was spun,
And it was fun.
Let me know in your script,
If you want more tale flipped.
Give this Hatter characters you enjoyed,
And you will see them here employed.
Tried a different rhyming scheme for this one than I normally use...
428 · Dec 2015
How The Hatter Went Mad
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
This is my tale you see,
The one all about me.
I never used to be insane,
I was actually quite plain.

Too many times my heart was broken,
I never was very outspoken.
I used to sit inside my mind,
"True love," I thought “I’ll never find.”

So I went for a walk,
To myself I did talk.
As I walked around,
I saw something on the ground.

It was a hat you see,
I placed it on my head; It fit perfectly.
So I continued my jaunt,
My hat people did taunt.

So I went up a hill,
Under a shade tree I did chill.
There I saw a hole,
To big to be dug by a mole.

So I climbed inside,
I began to slide.
When I landed I asked where did I stand,
A voice said, “This is Wonderland.”

I did not know who,
A cat appeared out of the blue.
I started to scream,
But he said, “I’m on your team.”

After I calmed down,
He asked, “Why do you frown?”
“Its my life you see,”
I said, “All my loved ones flee.”

The cat and I did walk,
And still we did talk.
We came upon a palace,
Its look was one of malice.

The gates were barred,
The floor was tarred.
But still we crossed the threshold,
Then by a card I was told,

“This is the home of the Queen of Hearts,
Turn away if you have the smarts.”
Still I made haste to the throne,
Wishing to pick a bone.

She sat in her red robe,
Me her eyes did probe.
They picked right through my brain,
This is what drove me insane.

I forgot who I was,
I woke up looking at the cats jaws.
His smile was no more,
He asked, “Who is your amour?”

Love I had forgot,
With torment my mind was wrought.
I closed my eyes and tried to think,
But I couldn’t find the link.

To love I was blinded,
No longer my heart I minded.
This is how I found I was mad,
But I couldn’t help be glad.

My heart no longer pained,
But I was now featherbrained.
My thoughts did race,
And disappeared without a trace.

That is when I found March Hare,
He and I were quite the pair.
Between us we had half a mind,
Neither one true love could find.

He had also seen the Queen,
Who wiped his mind clean.
We sat to drink tea,
He missed the cup with glee.

Years passed by,
I learned magic quite sly.
I saw White Rabbit walking,
To him I started talking.

He mentioned a girl in Wonderland,
Little did I know it all was planned.
Right from this new start,
I felt feeling back in my heart.

Later that day my eyes got a treat,
I saw Alice; oh so sweet.
My heart skipped a beat,
That was some feat.

Never before had I felt like this,
My madness had turned to bliss.
398 · Dec 2015
21 Questions For My Alice
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
Will you love me,
Today and tomorrow?
Will you never let me be?
Never let me feel sorrow?

Let me hold you close?
Let me call you dear?
Can I give a red rose?
Wipe away every tear?

Let me bake you a ****?
Even some cake too?
Give you all my heart?
Take you to a zoo?

Think of me alone?
Be my love true?
Save me from a heart of stone?
Keep me from turning blue?

Let me put one in the oven?
Buy a wedding ring?
Every night give me lovin’?
And always want to sing?

Will you always be my Alice,
And let me be your Hatter?
Let love build our palace,
Where we can hold each other?
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
As I dream in Wonderland,
The walls around me they expand.
Drifting away into naught,
Headed towards the love I sought.

Traveling down the rabbit hole,
Spiraling fast; losing control.
When I land; Im on a roof,
Standing there like a goof.

Then I hear a familiar voice,
Telling me, “You have a choice.
Jump and fall like a feather,
Or come to me and be together.”

Naturally I do exclaim,
“Who’s there? Do proclaim.”
“Hello, my Hatter”, she says,
“Must you look at me these ways?

Don’t you know my sound?
Now put your feet here on the ground.”
As I go and take the leap,
I wake up from my sleep.

My Alice is still right there,
I run my fingers though her hair.
I don’t want to wake her; not like this,
But still I feel the need for a kiss.

I tuck her in; oh so tight,
Arms around her for the night.
As we lay under the covers,
Alice and Hatter forever lovers.
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
She tells me she likes Wonderland,
I tell her, “Just take my hand,
I will lead you through this forgotten dream,
Just remember; things aren’t what they seem.”

First we come to Tweedledee and Tweedledum,
She laughed, “One ******* on each thumb.”
Next we see the caterpillar,
Slowly his words they slur,

Asking me where I met with her.
All of a sudden there comes a purr,
Enter the Cheshire cat,
Swooping in like a turned up bat.

Grinning there from ear to ear,
Whispering for no one to hear.
Now four friends we have met,
How much do you want to bet,

The next one is the brown March Hare?
Cheshire says “He is not there.”
I gently lift my cap,
Giving it a light tap-tap,

Suddenly we’re up to five.
Just as we all start to jive,
We see White Rabbit racing by.
“Oh me, oh my”, we hear him cry.

Now that silly rabbit we do stalk,
Giving us little chance to talk.
Suddenly we hear a rustling noise,
We’re ambushed by the Red Queen’s boys.

They take us to her royal palace,
Queen O’ Heart’s sits there; her look of malice.
I take her hand in mine,
Fingers wrapping like a vine.

“Together we can beat this Queen of Heart’s,
Using just our wile and smarts,
For you see,
I’m mad as any hatter could ever be.”

I take off my hat and give it a whirl,
Magically my plan begins to unfurl.
Like a tornado I got it to spin,
It ****** the Red Queen right on in.

She huffed, she puffed, and she started to shout,
But my hat decided to shoot her right out.
She was launched to the stars,
Past Jupiter and Mars.

Leaving Wonderland to her,
And me, her Mad Hatter, sir.
356 · Dec 2015
How I'm Thinking Right Now
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
Here I sit in my mind,
Thoughts beginning to grind.
I love her so much,
I tell her that I feel such.

I write of my feelings,
My notorious dealings.
Still she says, “I love you.”
I feel every word is true.

So why do I worry?
Because I finally found glory.
I don’t want to let her go,
Or my madness will show.

She keeps me in my mind,
Thinking true love I did find.
I don’t jump off at the mouth,
It keeps things from going south.

I just want to hold her close,
And kiss her nose.
When she calls me her “Hatter.”
I feel like nothing else will matter.
Timothy Fuller Dec 2015
We go back to the main story,
This one is about how the Hatter found glory.
How he found his mind,
To love was no longer blind.

All the rhymes lead to this,
His moment for heavenly bliss.
We left off with a most heartfelt tale,
This one will be up to scale:

As Alice stood there by the grave,
I the Mad Hatter did something brave.
I asked Alice, “Will you be my girlfriend,
I promise you my love will never bend.

I may seem mad; out of my mind,
But a wiser man is hard to find.
I’ve told you a million times I love you
Now just give me a chance to prove it true.”

She took my hand and looked me in the eye,
She looked like she was about to cry.
Her voice was shaking as she said, “Yes.”
And a tear rolled down her dress.

My heart skipped a beat,
My face felt a heat.
Blood pumped through veins,
My emotions had the reigns.

I could no longer contain,
Or even try to explain,
All these wonderful feelings.
Oh, what are these things?

Cheshire Cat appeared with his smile,
And said, “Didn’t think I’d see that for awhile.
You two were meant to be,
This I could always see.

It was just a matter of time,
And you telling her each rhyme,
Till you would win her heart,
Now with your love make art.”

He disappeared in a dash,
Like a cloud of soot and ash.
Leaving just Alice and I,
And Caterpillar turned butterfly.

As he flew around,
He made a gleeful sound.
His wings his instrument,
Every other sound a grunt.

It was the chord of an angel,
It made Alice feel bashful.
I put my hand on her chin,
And pulled her close in.

As our lips finally did lock,
Madness cleared with each tock.
I finally knew bliss,
From just this one kiss.
There were originally 2 versions of this but this is the only one I have to share luckily.
181 · Feb 2022
Wonderland Divorce
Timothy Fuller Feb 2022
Although it may be dark here,
It’s better than being with you,
No more madness or fear,
But you haven’t a clue.

I’m getting better now,
Getting help from friends,
All I know is wow,
There are better ends.

People at my back,
Helping hold me up,
Taking up so much slack,
They took your place? Yup!

I barely notice you left here,
My heart has already wept,
But not for you dear,
For my son I leapt.

Down a new rabbit hole,
One of brighter things,
That light up my soul,
In a world that sings.

Alice you broke me down,
But I got back up,
Know I will not frown,
I got new friends? Yup!
165 · May 2022
Poor Sam
Timothy Fuller May 2022
It’s just who I am,
“Hi my name is Sam.”

Sam is a simple guy you see,
All his trauma happened at 3,
No mom, no dad, they both left him be
All alone since the age of 3.

Dad died of depression,
A hopeless regression,
He wrote a confession,
2 shots in succession.

Mom a harlot, ****, a *****,
Always wanting something more,
Down the barrel of a .44,
Heaven did right that little score.
No my name isn’t Sam… my mom and dad are both alive… just felt like writing
144 · Mar 2021
Tales of the young Hatter.
Timothy Fuller Mar 2021
Four long years have gone by,
Many a day for which I did cry.
Lots of things have come and gone,
But my life continues at dawn.

Now I sit here in Wonderland,
Having done all I planned.
Marry Alice make her my wife,
Into this world we brought life.

A mini-Hatter in every way,
He grows more quirky every day.
With all of his looks and my grace,
In Wonderland he’s known every place.

But no cat will suit the young Hatter,
He wanted something even fatter.
A chick-a-fox with feathers of cream,
Together they make a hell a team.

Many adventures they go on,
Once going up to Krispy-Bon.
A mountainous cape of donuts and cake,
Before it crumbled in the great cheesequake.
Still a work in progress but it’s a return to writing after 4 years...
Timothy Fuller Mar 2022
Wonderland is dead.
It was shot in the head.
Not by the Red Queen,
though her smile did glean.

No, it's Alice's fault,
she brought my life to a halt,
she sent me madd again,
put me out in the rain.

No more White Rabbit; no Hare,
no Tweedle to dare.
Just me and my mind,
no filler to bind.

Instead I wonder afar,
into a new tales; bizarre.
Ones with turtles and dragons,
and pints and flagons.

Tales as old as time,
and some that even rhyme.
Tales of princes in court,
and all of that sort.

Worlds richer than Wonderland,
and all we had planned.
Worlds wrapped in gold,
where I'm made to feel bold.

Thank you Alice my dear,
for setting my mind clear.
Maddness is to me,
what to you would be glee.

Please don't think this the end,
the next tale is around the bend,
The Hatter lives on you see,
He lives on in me.

We will write new poems for you all,
some short... some tall,
some long winded or short,
some an essayed retort.

Please don't follow or like,
on your keyboards don't strike,
just read as I post,
HelloPoetry thanks for the host.
I know I spelt Madd and Maddness wrong. It is on purpose.

— The End —