A little slice of the pie
I try to consume but I
throw it up every time.
Bulimic the scenic
route I take.
No mistake I meant to regurgitate.
Choking down lies, smiling like it taste great.
Get another helping of the American pie plate.
Washed down
with whiskey, strong and brown
like the strong and brown brothers
that scalped heads and used skins for covers.
Good morning, America!
Ignore the hysteria.
Pay attention to the sensations
on the surface area
Cap'n crunch
is more important Captains getting crunched
in a 13 year war we started off a hunch.
If you pay attention to the news
notice they ignore the trues
like the flammable water coming from your hose
or the fact you can't afford your children's clothes
We're buying apps and devices for $1200,maybe,
instead of $20 to buy a real ukelele
You see, we pay companies
to do things
because we're conditioned to be
to lazy when DIY was the real American dream.
© June 27th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.