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Timmy Johnston Jul 2013
They say three months is too soon
That it isn't enough time
That it's impossible.

I say you've never seen her in the morning, just as she's waking.
You've never seen her fighting to stay awake in the middle of the night
or heard the sudden rumble of her snoring.

I say you've never seen her eyes when she's worried because you're running a fever of 104
but refuse to go to the hospital.
Or seen them light up when you improvised an edible meal for once.

I say you've never tasted her tears
Or heard her laugh
Or kissed her scars.

I say you've never thought about a life without her
only to realize you couldn't.

Timmy Johnston Jun 2013
He's special, they said.
I could taste the greed dripping from their teeth.
He's gifted, they said.
Their lust, suffocating.
He's talented, they said.
Hands on my shoulders, pushing and pulling.

You're special, she said.
Her pride comforting me.
You're gifted, she said.
Her love protecting me.
You're talented, she said.
Her arms around me, gentle and firm.

Timmy Johnston May 2013
Though the land begs the waves to stay
washed gently upon its shores

The moon beckons the sea away
and carries you from me forever more.

Timmy Johnston May 2013
For so long now
you've sat idly by as
the wind blew whispers through the leaves
beckoning you to once again
let the life in your veins flow
from the tips of your fingers
and onto the page.

Timmy Johnston May 2013
I never know how far I'm supposed to
run to satisfy you
to placate you
to silence you.

I never know how hard I'm supposed to
sweat to drown out your words
and keep the venom from pouring through
the cracks in my heart too wide to

I never know if I can bleed you out of
my system through the broken skin
of my calluses torn off by my own

Timmy Johnston May 2013
Prayers like wishes danced from my lips
as I hoped for confidence in my bones
and strength from my lungs that would
carry my voice to the lands of dreams
and fairy tales.

My heart was fixed on Heaven and I waited for Your reply.

I heard nothing.
You said nothing.

You simply stole the words from my throat
and dragged the beat from my pulse.

A lonely echo falling between the walls of my chest.
Timmy Johnston May 2013
I swam towards where the sea met the sun
and asked if they would share
what they dream about when
the moon takes the sky.
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