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 Oct 2013 Tim Rosborough
Lara M
'you've felt it, haven't you? those feelings that seem to get so big in your chest, like something is so beautiful it aches.' - Heather Anastasiu

'you have a place in my heart no one else ever could have.' - F. Scott Fitzgerald

'i knew he didn't love me, but i adored him anyway.' - Patti Smith

'i like people with depth, i like people with emotion, i like people with a strong mind, an interesting mind, a twisted mind, and also people that can make me smile.' - Abbey Lee Kershaw

'most days i wish i never met you because then i could sleep at night and i wouldn't have to walk around with the knowledge there was someone like you out there.' - Good Will Hunting

'i have a million things to talk to you about. all i want in this world is you. i want to see you and talk. i want the two of us to begin everything from the beginning.' -Haruki Murakami

'i love you in that crazy, stupid, i want to rip your throat out and kiss you at the same time love.
that love where it's so overwhelming i hate you for making me feel so vulnerable.
that love that takes over your mind and i end up thinking about you so much i drive myself into complete and utter insanity.
that love which where i put my heart on my sleeve, took everything you could throw at me and still loved you with the little pieces you left.
the love that i'll tell my kids about, the 'what if' kind of love, the one i'll never forget.
the love of my life.
that's the way i love you.' - Chippylou

'i am holding your name
underneath my tongue
in case you ask me
to make my favorite
sound.' - Stolenwine

'i need to rip your
name off my tongue;
it no longer taste
sweet. - a.w.k.jones

'i keep thinking you already know. i keep thinking i've sent you letters that were only ever written in my mind.' - Iain Thomas

'i guess what scares me the most is knowing that at any moment, you could rip my heart out of my chest, tear it into pieces, throw it on the ground and stomp all over it. and that i'd just pick it up and hand it back to you.'

'i romanticized you
to the point where
the knives you pressed
into my skin
began to look
like cupid's arrows.'

'i'll never be busy enough to not miss you.' - m.k

'i never really liked
my name
until i found out
what it tastes like
when you sigh it
into my

'i have tried to let you go and i cannot. i cannot stop thinking of you. i cannot stop dreaming about you.' - Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus

'your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.' - Hafiz, Persian poet, "Your Mother and My Mother"

'she hated that she was still so desperate for a glimpse of him, but it had been this way for years.' - Julia Quinn
so is my front porch for your burnt cigarettes,
remnants of sunday nights and heart to hearts
and moments of desperate uncertainty. every
inhale brings another reason to react, to question
and comment and bicker and fester in all the lost
insecurities that you ponder. when tomorrow comes,
and next week, you will still be smoking the royals
in my car, the turks invading your lungs in some fiery
defiance of reality. i will continue bearing the teas
and the coffees and the insensitivities that crush us
continually, and then build it all up again so i can promise
you that it will all be alright. because in the end,
nothing is the same and nothing is real. while everything
is expanding and disappearing into the distant horizon
of spacial expectations, we are building walls to capture
everything we hope to be, to touch the remaining fragments
of what we strive to never become.

— The End —