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Nov 2014 · 732
The past
Lolly Tii Nov 2014
It happened in the past
II thank God we made it
Every minute was great until we gave in

Thank God ii met you

Leaving was like power be drained
Left pullid
Your name ingraved in my heart
Becoming a fossil
As my eyes turn tears to crystal
They shine so bright like diamonds
But don't worry
What happened is a mystery

Thank God ii met you
Nov 2014 · 590
II am
Lolly Tii Nov 2014
Delightful he said to me
II did not understand
Beautiful he yet repeated
II thought of what's been created
Attractive he sang
Happy you are ii said
Elegant he said ii am
Fearful ii thought he is
Worthless ii said ii am
Sufficient he said to me
Nov 2014 · 716
Lolly Tii Nov 2014
Hello ii tried to say
But Fella ii said instead
Looking at you while you pass
Gave me chills thru my skin
A lot came to my mind
But an error ii did not want to achieve so a song ii had to sing
And a Hello you said to me

— The End —