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Jan 2021 · 137
Reflecting back on my life
Reflecting back on my life I often wonder, Am I right where I need to be at this present moment? Am I really sure that this is what I want to do with my life? I feel that God wants me to do more with my life than just this one thing that currently happening in my life. I think that later on down the road God will show me some more signs just to be sure that I am accurate with what I am thinking in my mind right now.
Reflecting back on my life now I realize that I do not have any regrets. I would not be who I am if I didn't act so foolish and learned from the mistakes that I have made in my life. I think of them as stars that lead me to where I am today and the stars made me a better person than I was back then.
Knowing what I know now I am blessed and thankful for what God has brought my way. This has helped me realize a lot about myself and who I am.
Jan 2021 · 192
My Job as A Mother
My children are the highlight of my life and give me a reason to wake up every morning, and a reason to pray every night before I go to bed.
I always pray that I am doing my absolute best when I am reading to them and I am giving the right example to be lead.
Teaching them to be the absolute best whatever they are doing is my top priority in life as their mother,
I want them to be able to reflect on the memories when they get older, that I did my job as a mother and as a mentor and they will be able to teach and lead one another.
Jan 2021 · 110
Reflecting on our love
Wow, looking back at our relationship and how many years that we have been together,
I am thinking to myself that there is nothing that you and I can not whether.
I am about to become your dream wife,
I know that in my heart, you are where I belong for the rest of this life.
I can not wait to carry your last name,
And tell other people about how our love first became.
My heart fills with so much joy when I think of you,
I know that God meant for us to be together as one, He knew that our love is true.
I am about to get married to the love of my life in a few days. I am overjoyed and excited. This is my first time getting married and I know that this is right for me and him both. God brought me and him for a reason.
Dec 2020 · 84
Magical Moment
You and I are here in this magical moment, your eyes meeting mine, the taste of your lips as they kiss my lips, the feeling of your touch all over my body with your velvety fingertips,
Make my body tremble all over when you touch me with all your loving power that embraces me and makes all the juices within my body just drip.
The beating of our hearts beat along together as we go to the rhythm of the beat in our hearts, going slow and with so much passion in our soul,
That at the end of this magical moment we both feel as if we make each other whole.
Dec 2020 · 90
You are a shining star
What do you think of or about when you look at yourself in the mirror? Me, I see a beautiful person that God created on the inside and the outside. That is what I see in every human being on earth. God made you for who you are and He never makes mistakes on anything. He is there for you from the time you were born and there for you from then, now and forever. So never think about anything negative about yourself or put yourself down, or let anyone put you down. Because everyone on earth is a shining star and you were made to shine very bright. I just hope you have enough sense to see that. Make sure you see that for yourself and let others know about it. They need to know that they are cared about too.
Dec 2020 · 84
Good Love is Hard to Find
These days good love is hard to find, we find ourselves looking in the wrong places but we learn from it and become wiser each day. When you do find it take your time with it. There is no need to rush things. Cause no matter how long you think you have known somebody, they can change like that on you, and sometimes it is for the worse or it is for the better. Pray for the Lord to guide you trying to find someone, because He will put the right one in your life that you need.
Without God love is not going to work. It will go down the drain so fast that it will make your head spin. You got to remember that God is  love, without Him nothing is possible. Give it some time and you will be blessed with love of your life and you will be happy for the rest of your life.
Dec 2020 · 109
Love your enemies
Love your enemies as well as you love your friends and family. Cause life is too short to hold grudges and be angry. Every time that you are angry or upset, or spit out awful words, you lose 60 seconds of happiness. Obey your parents because God will give you a long fulfilled life and bless you time after time. When someone is angry at you or want to fight you, pray for them because prayer and the words of God work better than a fist or punch, kick or any harmful things. I know it may seem very hard but you will be better off in the end. The devil himself tries and tries everybody to tempt you with ungodly things. But the devil never wins. Tell other people about God show them who He is. Then you will be blessed 10 times as much and you won't be able to thank Him enough
Dec 2020 · 95
Live, Laugh, Love
Live, laugh, and love all you can because we only got one chance to live our life. We do not have long on this earth at all. So forgive yourself for the mistakes that you have made and from there on you got to make sure you make your choices wisely. Never let anyone in your life or the ones that you come across bring you down at all. Stay strong and keep your head held high. Give God a chance to make a difference in your life because He can do it. He is already doing it right now, you just don't know it yet. He is waiting to talk to you and instruct you on what to do. Give all your worries, and your troubles to Him and He will fix them. For that, He will bless you and your cup will run over with blessings.
Dec 2020 · 67
Twist and Shout
Have you ever been so happy and so excited that all you want to do is twist and shout?
Well let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, that is what love and life is supposed to be about.
When you are down and depressed and you feel like you can not go anymore, there is one and only one man that can help you out and that is our savior Jesus Christ.
Just talk to Him about all of your problems, because He knows how to handle it and when to handle the situation.
But why worry about whatever your worried about? Laugh all you can because laughter is the best medicine you will ever have. Laughter helps the mind, body, and soul.
Dec 2020 · 69
Don't know
Have you ever loved someone so much but you know if you let them go that you know you will find something better? But then again at the same time you don't know which way to turn because you really don't want to leave, it hurts a little more and more inside. I know God will lead me to someone better and I will be blessed wherever I go.
Sometimes if you really love someone you have to let them go, if it is meant to be, they will come back. Just have faith in God and He will lead you the right way. God is always on time and knows what is best for you and your future. Trust me it is always worth it in the end.
What do you think about when you look into your children's eyes? Well I know what I will be seeing, I will be seeing a reflection of me and my father. I think about how wonderful and what a peaceful feeling to have one of God's precious miracles. What a wonderful gift that He gave that I could not thank Him enough for. I know that my faith will be stronger when I raise my child, letting them know who brought them into this world. I think that is very important to know, especially when they are young. The sooner you start the better the outcome will be. They will grow up wise and smart, and they will be teaching their kids that God is important in everyday life. You will be blessed very much for that.
Dec 2020 · 64
Saved or not?
Do you really feel saved deep down in your heart? To be saved, you have to ask and you got to really want it. The Lord Almighty will save you and that will make the Lord really happy and over joyed. Up there in heaven I can see the Lord doing a little dance because you become one of His children. Like He says ask, and you shall receive. Sometimes you have to wait and sometimes the answer is no. You have to pray without ceasing and keep your faith strong. Do not ever let the devil tear you down, cause he don't belong in this circle. We see temptations everywhere but we need to pray and give thanks to the Lord. Praise Him all you can because He deserves it all day and every day.
Dec 2020 · 61
The stone was rolled away
How did you feel when you read about when the stone was rolled away? I know what I felt, I felt complete Joy and happiness when Jesus rose on the third day. Nothing can make you more happier and they is more comfort and peace in your heart. If you truly believe in Him and have faith in Him, God will see you through in your time of need. All you need to do is have a little talk with Jesus and He will see you through. Sometimes it may seem impossible, but with the Lord Almighty all things is possible. Jesus is just waiting for you to talk to Him and sometimes He waits patiently. He always has time for you no matter what. He died so that we can be forgiven of our sins. So thank you Lord for that. Because we will never know how much it cost to see our sins upon that cross. Give your burdens and troubles to Him and He will fix them in His own time, because He is always on time.
Dec 2020 · 68
Try Again
Sometimes when you fall, you just got to get up and try again. Don't ever let the devil get you down. Keep your head held high and know that God is with you always. Keep your faith strong, sometimes it may seem like they is no light at the end of the tunnel, but in the end they is always a way, God will see that you get there. Like this scripture from the bible says, " The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in Him." Nahum 1-7. Just trust in Him and He will make all of your troubles go away. Nothing is impossible without God. Do what is best for you and God's way and He will pull you through.
Dec 2020 · 87
Thank God Everyday
I thank God everyday that I open my eyes in the morning, giving me another day to breathe, for putting clothes and shoes on my body, a roof over my head, putting another life inside of me, and the knowledge I have to move forward, and blessed me with the best love  that has ever happened to me. Good friends that care and look out for me when I need them. First and most of all that is important, I thank God for my family, my mother is my best friend and always will be forever and ever. I may have had a bad past, but I have no regrets. Every time I wake up and see the one I love sitting next to me or laying next to me, I can't describe the joy I have in my heart and how happy it makes me. Him and God put a smile on my face every morning, and makes my day a lot better. Without God I would not be here.
Dec 2020 · 59
I never regret the mistakes that I have made in my life.
It taught me to be stronger, wiser, and also closer to God. To be careful with who I meet and be friends with. I now have the love of my life and great, super great friends. I never could be any more lucky than I am now. God sure knows what He was doing when He is leading me. Someone once told me," Why worry"? Give it to God because then it all works out in the end. Your mistakes are you diamonds in the sky if you think about it, because it leaves you shining. So relax take a deep breath and take it easy, do you, and live your life the way you want to.
Dec 2020 · 57
I am so happy and proud to be a mom. It is the most wonderful feeling I will ever have felt in my life. God's most precious gifts that He brings in this world. God will give me strength and the wisdom to raise the child. What makes the world go round? It is God's children of today and that will always be that way. They are so innocent and sweet. I know that it can get aggravating at times, but in the end it is always worth it. Because one day in time we as parents are going to depend on them for everything. We are going to get to the point to where we can not do anything at all. So watch what you do in front of them and what you say in front of them because they remember. Let them be little while they can, cause they do not stay little for long. Pray for them everyday and night cause they need you, no matter how old they get, they always need their mother or father.
Dec 2020 · 66
One day at a time
Take you time and live your life one day at a time, because they is no need to rush. You do better and get wiser as the days pass by. Question is why we rushing for? This is not the end yet, we don't know when the end is yet and we will never know because God doesn't want us to know. God wants us to enjoy life while we can and we better appreciate that with all of our hearts, and all of our souls. You don't know when your life can change in an instant, or it can flip and you can be a goner. So pray without ceasing, and do every little thing through God and you will see a very positive outcome.
Dec 2020 · 67
Lost People
People that are lost do not know what they are missing out on. Them sins may be good for a while but sooner or later you wind up paying for them and, sometimes we do not like the outcome of it all. Sometimes God blesses the lost and they do not even know it. They are surrounded by blessings that the Lord gives them, their families, health, roof over their head, another day to breathe, and clothes, shoes on feet. They don't know the true miracles that God can truly do for them. Just know how awesome God really is. I pray for the lost find their way to Jesus, He is the one and only that really solves all of your problems.
Dec 2020 · 99
Measure of a man
The measure of a man is not the way he looks,
but it is by his actions and what is in his heart deep down.
A real man has God in his life and does what he can to praise Him in every way,
takes care of and provides for the family. That is the measure of a man.
Dec 2020 · 58
Every time I open my eyes in the morning, and every time I close them at night,
I know the Lord had blessed me every day, every morning, and every night.
Sometimes we miss our blessings when it is right there in front of us, and we sometimes can be blinded by the light, and can be deceived by night.
You better be thankful and know that you are blessed with food on your table, clothes to wear, roof over your head, shoes on your feet, your family and friends, your health, and your ability to praise the Lord. We need to give Him all the praise we can because He deserves it forever more. We will never know how much it cost to see our sins upon the cross. He paid it all for us. So pray and praise Him all you can everyday and your cup will runneth over with the blessings.
Dec 2020 · 52
Have you ever felt like you were lost every now and then? That your head just keeps on spinning and spinning, and it seems like it just won't stop. As you lying there trying to get some relief but nothing seems to help. Well I know of one thing and the only thing that will help you find your way to where you need to be in your life, and that is God almighty and Jesus Christ our Savior. If you pray without ceasing, and have faith in Him, take a closer walk with Christ everyday, you will find your purpose in life. And Never Give Up! Always stay strong anywhere you are at. Never let no one get you down. Always give your worries and troubles to God and, He will bless you with things that you would have never thought that you would ever have. Remember the Lord Himself can work miracles and a lot of mysterious things happen that are good. Just keep your faith strong and pray, you will not be left behind.
Dec 2020 · 55
You look at your kids and they are the reflection of you. You better watch what you do in front of them,
because they listen and see everything you do in front of them.
Nothing is more precious than God's little gift that He has given you. Cherish them while they are young because they don't stay little for long. It is like when you sleep at night they are already ready to go to school when you wake up. Be there for every event, birthday, funny little moments, and the bad because remember they have faith in you and look up to you. When they get older they will love and thank you for being there for them. And they will be there for you, always, just like you been there for them.
Dec 2020 · 69
Wait Patiently
Good things in life comes to those who wait.
You never know it could be someone that you have already met, or someone waiting for you, or it could be fate.
Just remember nothing is impossible without God, and He makes it all happen. He is the reason that we find love.
And when you finally meet that special someone,
you know in your heart that they been sent from heaven's above.
That will make you feel as peaceful as a dove.
In time or sooner than you expect, God will show you your love in time and then you will know.
So live you life to the fullest and pray everyday,
remember you reap what you sow.
Dec 2020 · 68
Just think about it
This life may seem crazy at times, matter of fact it is crazy all the time.        
With all the crimes, child molesters, shoplifters, and all that crazyness. Have you ever stopped and wondered at all? They have turned their backs on God or some don't know who God is at all. We need to find it in our hearts to pray for them like we pray for the sick and our family. You never know one of your family members could be one and you would never know it. So spend quality time with your family and cherish every moment that you have with them, cause you never know when it  can be their last moment of life here on earth. Let all your family and friends, coworkers, people you meet on the street or anywhere know about the Lord Almighty.
Show them about His words, His works, and tell them that He can work miracles if you just trust in Him and believe in Him. The world has forgot what faith in God is anymore. What happened to "One Nation Under God"? We desperately need that back in the United States! Pray for everyone, everything, even America.
Dec 2020 · 54
I am so blessed with the life that I am living right now,
Sometimes I look up at the sky, and ask God, Is this really for real? Wow!
Just when I didn't expect this to happen at all,
Jesus came in for me, knew what I needed and He made that call.
I feel as if I am living in a fairytale everyday, and every night,
I just know down deep in my heart that God knows this is so right.
God knows where I stand right now and I stand tall, strong, and proud,
That down deep in my heart is singing a happy melody, nice and loud.
Dec 2020 · 109
God's Blessings
I thank God for all the blessings in my life,
even all the times through my pain and strife,
I couldn't ask for a better family, companion, or better children, God made me so lucky.
That deep down in my heart everyday and every night I am always happy like a little baby ducky.
It's through God and His son that my life is so amazingly great!
God knew that He found me my one and only perfect mate.
I know God in me is so alive,
that to live like Him I try to everyday strive.
Everyday is a closer step to God,
pretty soon you will be like two peas in a pod.
Dec 2020 · 64
I believe
In this life what did you grow up believing? I grew up believing in God, that miracles can happen to anyone. As long as you believe in His word, and live for Him, and give Him praise anything is possible through Jesus Christ.
I believe that love is something that God himself finds for yo where you expect it or not, mostly it's when you don't expect it. And it happens sooner than you know. But through all of the things that you been through in life, makes your faith in God stronger and the faith helps you wisen and strengthen your love between you and your lover.
I believe that in our children here on earth is our real faith, that is where real faith lies on them, because they have faith in us for everything we do for them. No matter what they rely on us.
I believe that when you are struggling no matter what it is, that you should pray and ask God what you should do. Just remember God does test your faith every single day of your life. If you just trust in Him, He will show you the way out. Sometimes it may seem as if you don't or can't find the right way.
I believe that you should always be there for your parents because, they were always there for you. If you do that and honor them in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and obey His commandments, He will bless you with anything that you can imagine.
I believe that in this society today, the Christians of today need to pray hard for these children in schools, and anywhere in the United States. There is so much evil and wrong doings in this world that we really need the Lord our God to help us out! So pray hard for America.
Dec 2020 · 78
What is Love
Have you ever sit and wondered what is truly what is love?
Well I will tell you my version of love,
Love is that wild and free feeling that's very warm, calming, and peaceful like you are flying like a white dove.
It is through God's love that make love all really real,
Through God alone He make two hearts become one big seal.
You are going to have your ups and downs,
but it's the spark between the two of you that can make you both feel as if you both are wearing a king and queen crown.
Dec 2020 · 63
One Chance
If you had one chance to start your life all over again, how would you start out?
I don't wish I started over at all because my life taught me to be as strong and my life taught me to be stout.
From here on out I am looking forward,
With my hands raised high and my head facing the sky toward.
I got a few words for you to think about,
Never Give Up! Because all you gonna be doing is setting there all out and ready to pout.
Always believe in God's word keep it close to your heart,
Make sure these words are stuck to the heart and never to part.
Dec 2020 · 53
You never know
I never knew that I could ever be this happy in my life,
If something ever happened to my kids or the love of my life it would cut me like a knife.
Only God knows what I have been through,
He knows that my colors are true.
So I enjoy every second, every minute, every hour, every day, and every night,
It is very important to say a prayer when you go to bed and turn out the light.
When you open your eyes in the morning, you know you go out there not knowing what to expect without warning.
So pray that the guardian angel protects you every day,
even under the sun's ray.
Dec 2020 · 55
Always cherish your family and all of your friends,
cause you can never count on tomorrow, and you need to keep this in mind we are not promised a day here on earth, so in this life we never know when we all are going to end.
Live every second, and every minute, every hour, and everyday like it's your last,
Never live on things that has happened in your past.
God will never give us something that we can't handle at all,
So live your life, happy, peaceful, and have a ball,
Sometimes it will make you feel ten feet tall.
Dec 2020 · 65
Relax your mind
Just lay back and relax your mind,
I know that sometimes it may seem like your in a bind,
but just remember, Jesus will never ever leave you or anyone else behind.
If you believe with all your heart and soul and have faith in God,
Then there is nothing getting in your way from worshipping Him, you both will be like two peas in a pod.
Always stay peaceful, content, and happy in your heart,
That way God and you will never part.
Dec 2020 · 65
I have a good companion and a good friend,
he is everything that I have ever wanted with a ribbon on it and we will be together till the very end.
When he is in my arms wrapped so close,
together I feel as if I am holding heaven,
and it feels like I have won the lottery with the lucky seven.
I woke up the happiest woman alive when he is next to me,
I see now and forever and ever that me and him were meant to be.
Dec 2020 · 68
Thank you Lord
I thank the Lord for the beautiful morning every morning,
I want to strive to be ready to go to heaven without any warning.
Whether we realize it or not, everyday is a closer step toward God,
You got to always remember that God is a very jealous God,
That He is the only one with the staff and a rod.
Every morning I wake up and I know that I am blessed,
It's such a very warm feeling and the most awesome feeling to be in His arms caressed.
Never ever doubt the Lord,
and always believe and read His word.
He is always your friend till and after the end,
Cause you never can count on tomorrow and never know what's around the bend.
Dec 2020 · 70
Thank You Lord
I thank you Lord for my family and my friends,
and I will be with them till the very end.
You will never know what is waiting around that bend till it is too late,
So I will make time for my kids, family and my friends, and my lover to make a date.
I cherish the people that I have in my life,
even the one's that has put me through pain, worry, and strife.
That taught me to stand taller and be more stronger,
And made me see that I could fight this battle longer.
No one knows what I have been through only you God.
I can't wait to see my new home where the Angel's trod.
Dec 2020 · 51
I thought that I never could be this blessed,
I now feel at peace, I am happy and put my mind at rest.
My world revolves around you,
I hope you know that you are my best friend and I will have your back through and through,
Just when I was just about to give up,
you turned me around and made me feel happy like a little pup.
My love for you is nothing without God,
because with God, we are like two peas in a pod.
So I thank God for everything you do for me,
I just knew that forever we was meant to be
Dec 2020 · 55
I knew from the start that you are my one and only,
That from that point on and forever that I would never be lonely.
I cross my heart and promise you,
you got the promise of my love and I will be forever faithfully true.
Without you I would not be okay,
that everyday my world without you would be dark and gray.
I will do my best to be the woman you always dreamed of.
I would love to hear you tell me " Thank you Lord, for sending me my angel from Heavens above."
Cause baby I feel that you are heaven sent,
And none of our chains of love and our steel bar of love can't be broken or bent.
It our love through God that is strong,
That I know nothing can go wrong!
Dec 2020 · 57
My Love
I have been searching for a man like you for so long,
I never have felt a feeling this strong.
That I knew deep down I can never ever do no wrong.
So baby, look straight into my eyes,
I hope you know and see that I will tell you no lies.
What you see right here in front of you, beside you, behind you, always and forever is 100% real.
That your love is in my heart and forever sealed.
We will walk this life together with the faith of God.
Even after this life, we will walk in Heaven together where the angels trod.
You are my whole world, my whole life,
nobody but you and the Lord can pick me up when I am suffering through pain and strife.
One day I want nothing more and I will be proud to be your wife.
Dec 2020 · 67
Godly Love
I knew it was meant to be when God led me to you,
Deep down in my heart, I know that God means for you to be my dream come true.
I would walk through fire, climb the highest mountain, blow up a wall for the kids and you.
Cause if something happened to you and the kids,
my heart could go cold, I would grieve, and be so blue.
All this time I have been searching for a man like you to come my way,
God knows that you were meant to stay.
You make me smile, happy, and make my life complete,
That's the fact that no one else could get close to or ever beat.
Forever and ever we will go through this life till this earth is done,
And forever and ever for all eternity our love will be as one.
Dec 2020 · 74
Answered prayers
I had a lot of wrong ones that have come my way,
but when I started talking to you I knew that God meant for you to come my way forever to stay.
After the wrong ones left, I prayed day and night for God to send me someone,
But God did sooner than I expected as soon as it was said and done.
Dec 2020 · 62
Strangers come by and go,
Some strangers up and low.
But this was more than a stranger,
a stranger that I have met,
that made my heart feel like a jet.
A stranger that had butterflies in my stomach,
A stranger that I love.
That stranger was you.
Dec 2020 · 56
I am just thinking about you,
not knowing what to do.
You are the one I miss,
wanting to feel your sweet kiss.
You bring me light,
even when I am asleep at night.
Just waiting on the day,
when I am with you under the sun's ray.
You mean everything to me.
I always think that we are meant to be.
You know that I am thinking of you everyday.
Dec 2020 · 72
Always on my mind
You are always on my mind,
cause I knew that you were the kind.
I think about you,
every day and night,
in the dark and in the light.
No one can make me get you out,
sometimes I sit and pout.
I always picture the memories we made,
I know now that these won't fade.
So, I am hoping that you will come home,
we will make it more like a home.
Filled with our love,
and be peaceful as a flying dove.
Dec 2020 · 69
A sweet man of mine
A sweet man of mine,
A man that always loves to dine.
A man that also wouldn't mind,
letting us get caught up in a bind.
A man with so much love,
A man that was sent from heaven's above.
A man that has a heart of gold.
A man with love that's never untold.
A man with so much trust,
Oh, it makes me want to bust!
That's the sweet man of mine!
Dec 2020 · 47
Sleep is sometimes something scary,
it also makes you feel all hairy.
That something or sometimes a deep cold deep,
that something all over you is creep.
You might dream something mean,
That can cause you to make a big scene!
You may not sleep at all,
cause you are scared that **** will call.
Memories that last a lifetime never fade,
puts a smile on my face when I look through something made.
Memories stick with you the rest of your life,
that's even shared with a husband or wife.
Sometimes change can make a difference,
also can change your appearance.
Memories are comfort to your mind,
when you feel left behind.
Memories remind you of good things,
Shows you what life of joy it brings.
Dec 2020 · 78
When I first saw you
When I first saw you I was afraid,
The voice inside my heart led my feelings astrayed.
When my eyes met your eyes,
I know that they was never no goodbyes.
That first kiss made me feel like a butterfly.
That deep down inside our love will never die.
When I first saw you I found the other part of me,
That when I first saw you,
God made sure we was meant to be.
Dec 2020 · 76
Our Love
As we are sitting on the side of the ocean, You smiled and said to me, "Honey your love was meant for me." I just looked at you and said from my heart with tears in my eyes, "Honey our love is wild and free."
In God's eyes we are of one,
Nobody knows how much our love is so so much fun.
Our love no one could ever find,
Our love is just one bind.
Our love is traditional, at peace, and unconditional.
Dec 2020 · 65
God Thank You
God thank you for what you given me in this life.
Through all the heartache, pain, and strife.
And God, I don't want nothing more than to be his wife.
If anything happened to him, it would be like I have been stabbed with a knife.
I love him till death,
for him I would give my last breath.
Love for him will never go away,
My heart is his and forever to stay.
God thank you for that blessing! He is my miracle and grace.
I couldn't live another day without his sweet face
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