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Dec 2014 · 683
Tife Ibinaiye Dec 2014
It gives you suffering
It gives you peace
It gives you pain
And it takes your life


Never let go of friendship

There is no way to live, no place to go
The heart is lonely,
I might lose my way
Trust me
I might not know it all
But I do know better than letting go of friendship
This is not mine originally... its from an india movie "cocktail"
Oct 2014 · 352
Tife Ibinaiye Oct 2014
The second smallest unit of habitation
The group of people that determine what you really are
The only string that can bring you to your knees or high as an eagle

The only set of people you don’t get to pick
Oh Family!!!
They get to make you feel like a shine
They also sometime make you feel down.
They are the best anyone could ask for.
Sep 2014 · 350
I'll Be Here....
Tife Ibinaiye Sep 2014
The pain of love is only meant for those who have loved.
The joy of making up is meant only for those who have broken up
So, I who have loved you knows the scream of riot in your hearts
And I am willing to put up with it and someday
make it stop.
May 2014 · 1.4k
Tife Ibinaiye May 2014
There are many bonds other than friendship
Bonds we don't understand
Bonds we don't need to understand
Bonds that are nameless

Bonds that are just meant to be experienced
Bonds that don't have boundries or limits
Bonds that bind the heart together

Bonds of passion
Bonds of love
We can't always explain how we feel
Apr 2014 · 522
Tife Ibinaiye Apr 2014
Every human around me
That knew of our US
Keeps wondering and saying to me
"What is so spectacular about him"?

I look into my heart and say
If only you knew the height of love we
Got to or the tears we shared
Our eye contacts among crowds
Or the awkard kisses at unexpected times.

I wake up to the fact that
You just Went with the flow
And never got attached as I did
It was all a game to you.
Mar 2014 · 4.4k
Tife Ibinaiye Mar 2014
A new day arrived again today, there are new desires again.
There is a renewed love in the remote corners of the heart.
Hidden desires, many of them in many hearts.
What happened and why?

The heart seems to be as quite as a shrine.
May the blessings shower on us again
May the blessings give a sign again
May the blessings make this heaven again

Look at how lonesome I seem without you today
Just like a moment. Lost in the sea of time
Come. And. Reconcile.
Come and cheer me up

I won't be able to live in such sadness
The memories Ask me every single moment...
... Why are there tears in your eyes?
Feb 2014 · 418
Tife Ibinaiye Feb 2014
Letting go of you was difficult
A little time passed
And I felt I was freed from
The chained that tied my heart to yours

Wrong wrong wrong
Time has not been able to do the trick
Neither have. I been able to free my heart
From this ******* of love

Where do I go?
How do I solve this hurting problem
How do I convience my heart that
Its really over?

Feb 2014 · 391
Friendship (1)
Tife Ibinaiye Feb 2014
This ship has been the Best
But with the passage of time
Its turning Sour

Oh! How could this be
Was it due to my ignorance
Or your Pride?

All along I thought our
Smiles, Anger and Argument
Meant a lot to you
Like it did wit me

Guess it was all a mirage
And yes,I would pretend
We Never happened
Feb 2014 · 506
Time To Rap It up...
Tife Ibinaiye Feb 2014
The walls here seem
Strange and Chocking
Your fragrance lingers on

And the angle of the walls
Ministers nothing but the memory of you
Just you

Night falls, Day breaks
My Soul aches for you
My heart longs for you

But I know its time to let go

— The End —