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Tianah Fisher Apr 2013
A paper with ink that every student hates to do
It’s so annoying when you cant get it
because the teacher didn’t explain to you how to do it so you don’t get it,
but the smart girl in your class said every one gets it,
so the teacher shuts up, but on the inside you want to turn around and scream
“No ones as smart as you!”
but you don’t because you don’t want to be a bother,
but as you sit in your bed you think what the frig
I should have asked,
but in stead of doing my homework I go on something called Facebook
where everyone writes about other people and there problems there having
that no one in the world seriously cares about
so you scroll till you see a fight that is pretty pointless,
but you still get the popcorn and read everything they said
because its better then doing any thing else,
but you see that girl that deals with anorexia
and start to think why does she do that to herself she’s skinny,
I know the mirror can be cruel sometimes,
but she’s beautiful,
she may look unhealthy
and in science instead of looking at the skeleton you look at her
because you can see every bone in her body
because the words people say affected her,
she was healthy,
but people think you need to be **** perfect to be friends or just for them to like you, so she carries this thing that eats her on the inside in pain
with the words that are whispering in the halls,
but then she has that one friend that doesn’t help
she’s to busy wishing for selfish things and too blind to see her friend is dying in front of her,
but instead of saving her she’s wishing for everything
like that new car
and losing weight
and her hair to be longer
and what outfit she’s going to wear tomorrow to impress that guy she has a crush on
and the girl thats been neglected by everyone and everything next to her in the mirror hearing her rant on and on about this she’s wishing I want to be like her,
I want someone to love me like that,
I want friends she always says
I want and I bet it’s the girl in the back of the classroom,
that shy one that sits alone at lunch time
looking around hoping someone will come sit with her
and want to be friends
but it doesn’t happen because everyones too selfish in there own worries and problem to notice their fellow classmates could be crying out for help in front of you but you don’t care because your stuff is to important to help someone else.
1.1k · Apr 2013
Tianah Fisher Apr 2013
I stand here 23 chromosomes of a woman because my father isn't man enough to stay by the egg.
I’m built of 205 bones all covered in sorrow because to me I wasn’t good enough for you,
but my mother says it takes a real man to be a father and you,
you’re not a man.
You’re a coward that I have accepted into my life too many times that now you’re nothing but a  ***** donor.
I was your baby girl your flesh and blood till you threw that away for some stupid ***.
I rock your absence from the day you said I wasn’t yours .
Now I see you more like a back stabber.
You said you loved me,
but why would you put your hands on someone you said you loved.
I’m scared with the cuts you put on me and memories that I have nightmares from. You were supposed to be my hero,
my only man in my life,
my first true love,
but instead you’re nothing to me,
I hate you,
I hate your name
I hate that I’m related to you.
You’re an embarrassment, a disgrace! You can never get me back to being your baby girl
I hate you
I hope you rot in jail
and thanks to your stupid selfish ways I have a new man in my life.
He loves me unconditionally. He’s the man you couldn’t be.
He’s the one that held my hand through anything
and helped me ride my first bike without the training wheels. 
All the precious moments and memories that you missed, he made up for.
For that I call him dad.
He’s more a man than you could ever be.
I thank you for not being in my life, Dad.
You have me a chance to know what having a real man and dad feels like.
He replaced you faster than you could say
I’m sorry.

— The End —