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Tiana Reese Aug 2016
I'll give you ****** satisfaction the way no one ever has,
And I'll break you down mentally, scarring you pretty bad.
I'll leave you heart broken, I'll be your biggest regret,
And i'll tell you I love you then act like we never met.
I'll promise you a future, kids, and that you'll be my wife,
And without a second though I'll walk right out of your life.
I'll laugh at the pain that I put you through,
And how you said there wasn't no changing me when really there was no changing you.
You'll stay up late thinking of the memories and how you miss it,
I'll stay up late drinking away the thoughts and forgetting that you existed.
And when I get through with the bottle I'll see your face at the bottom,
Then I'll smash it on the concrete and walk away with no problem.
Tiana Reese Jun 2017
Him: So you expect me to believe that you're just dawgs for certain. Those "X"s in his text are what? Harmless flirting? He's calling to hear your voice like there times a day, but you don't realize what he's trying to say, is that what you're trying to tell me?  

Her: You're trying to tell me that "X"s in a text can be the reason why you'll becomes an ex, and the next man could call me like 12 times a day, but that wouldn't take what we've got away. You see it's easy to say when you're looking from the outside and it's his choice to remain an onlooker in the outline;  that's him green with envy staying in the clean and friendly sidelines.

Him: Lines were crossed when we got so heated we'd break up via text and you'd open up to the next man. See the reason I felt burned to the third degree is to me you were closed off like a ****** scene, and he got to see emotions that were blurred to me. Now, personally, I'm not trying to see you caged up or cuffed like a prison sentence, I just can't be sure of his intentions. And the way that he reacts when my name is mentioned, gives me reason to believe, maintaining this friendship ain't as easy as it seems.

Her: As it seems you're seeing someone solely and sincerely as a friend with no second thoughts, as to something that I'm trying to sell, but I never would've bought. You see at first it was a problem with us, but like a game we'd play when we're child, I'm beginning to think and it's beginning to sink in that it's a problem with trust, but of course...

Both: I could never tell him/her

Him: So we usually just dance around the topic of her "best friend"

Her: Why do you always have to say best friend like that? You need to explain what your beef is. You seem to hate on him religiously, but afraid for having a reason like you know him, know he's decent, never need drama, know he's peaceful, know his people. Know that our friendship will never descend. Know that it ends as just friends, HE KNOWS IM WITH YOU. In fact no one is as sure as he is. And this, this is becoming tedious. You're becoming hard to please because of a problem I'm assuming is routed deeply in your insecurities.

Him: Insecurities aren't something I suffer from. To you it seems as I'm fretting and focusing on the worst case possible, but did you forget how we started off in the first place? It's only a matter of time before one of you cross the lines and that comment isn't a statement on his appeal. You're beautiful in every sense and I'm sure he's noticed. Do you really think that in your mind that he'd turn you down if you put it on him? For real? You'll invite him over one day "just to chill" because you broke up with your man and want to heal. You'll want to heal with him why, because his arms are comforting? Still, one thing can lead to the next and you'll really think he'll run towards the hills? If he tried I know you'll say no, but you're only friends until you say so. That's why my vexation is saturated on my face, I mean you're best friends with a man who's trying to take MY PLACE.

Her: Your place? Seriously?

Him: Yes.

Her: Your faith in us seems to turn into fear in us. Now you've  made it clear that the trust you claim to have in me isn't in me nor is it near me. Yet you "trust me" to believe you trust me enough to be around him .

Him: I can't believe you're going to act like you don't see where I'm coming from and blame me for this problem. Why are you coming at me? That's brazen. You must've forgotten we started out as friends then that changed drastically; the concept of your friendship with him is exactly the same.

Her: You use this same argument every time and I tell you every time you're not right for that.

Him: How am I not right? Tell me! Ha, you remember that one time you went over his house?

Her: Yes, to chill.

Him: Probably to tell him everything you're mad about.

Her: Him who?

Him: Don't play. Everything you told him I've never heard before come out your mouth not even once.

Her: Oh really?

Him: With me all you ever seem to do is scream and shout then you'll go to him and express yourself.

Her: Is that not the definition of a friend?

Him: What? A friend you stay on the phone with until 3 in the morning?

Her: To discuss things that at that time I didn't know how to get to you.

Him: Well you should've made it known you felt that way. Bet you'll still plan on talking to him every day thus forward about us.

Her: There's noting that I wouldn't say when I'm around you.

Him: I'm not finished talking... why is he the one you always turn to? Huh? Why does he have information on everything that concerns you? Huh? Though we fuss and fight and I'm the one who burns, you seem to fail that this should be sorted out externally not internally. Instead of talking we just seem to scream and shout every time. You'll cut me off to call him to open and and shut me out. How do you expect me to be cool with that?

Her: Cool with what? Open your eyes and take a look around your the one who's making this hard yo. Taking lies and turning them into lines to block your eyes believing them. When we leave, we leave as friends, and friends is where it ends and nothing more.

Him: Don't give me that.

Her: Okay so yes we laugh, and yes we joke, but you get annoyed at every little thing we do. We're just like shoe strings from the same shoe that form a tight knot.

Him: Ha a tight knot?

Her: You're my everything he's not and more. And right now, right now you're tripping. This is nothing, but a friendship to me and it's fun. How can you get on me because I enjoy my best friends company? He understands me like a best friend should. He listens to me like a best friend should. You're literally tripping this is an innocent friendship.

Him: How is this any different from the way we started?

Her: The difference is HE ISN'T YOU...


Her: DON'T...

Him: This isn't going anywhere so let's just drop it before we both say things we'll both end up regret.
Tiana Reese Oct 2016
Put your hand in mine now and forever
Darling here I stand, standing before you
Deep inside I always knew it was you, you and me
Two hearts drawn together bound by destiny
Every road leads to your door
Every step I take now and forever more
Oh, sweet love

— The End —