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Nov 2015 · 502
The Beauty Equation
Tiana and Eva Nov 2015
It seems unsolvable
An equation
With no answer
They tell me to add pounds
But they add more doubt
Subtract self-hate
But all I do
Is lose myself in the problem
Beauty standards?
I’m on the bottom

I’m a fraction
Denominated by ideals of
Numerated by my
Own demons
Like pi
I’m irrational
However I am not infinite
Only temporary

Average me out
Calorie count
Weight in pounds
Calculate the BMI
Can’t be ignorable
Trying to find a semblance
Of self control

Factor it out
Solve for x
What piece
Of the puzzle
Did they forget
When they wrote my

Keep subtracting
I’m shrinking
Prime number
Divide me
By my own weight
Half of a person
Less than the other
Negative exponent
In a positive

Graph it out
Linear equation
You don’t need
A computer
To see the
Decrease in
More like 2 dimensions
Paper thin with
Pencil markings

Multiple choice?
More like multiple guess
Balance the scale
Life is a short answer question
Sum it up
In a few words
It’s the beauty equation
Oct 2015 · 168
Tiana and Eva Oct 2015
Her emotions changed like the leaves in the fall: trees bleeding orange and red and gold until falling gracefully to the ground.
Oct 2015 · 167
Tiana and Eva Oct 2015
I’m ignored
a body ahead
a body behind
as she crosses the street
on the strip of solitude
the sun
around which
the metropolis buzzes

I’m tired
always moving
going somewhere
going nowhere
following her movements
like a blind man follows death
I am not of colour
but rather a darker shade
of cracked cement

I’m hiding
the lights are off
I have no dimension
I have but senses
I am a witness
but do I witness a monster?
or do I witness a human?

I’m dreaming
my oxygen the sun
sinks below
the ever turning earth
a world of colours painted
I am alone in my thoughts
does she go to sleep
like I do?

I’m dying
she’s fading
days are shorter
the darkness
taking me farther
from the light
would she move so quickly
had she known
what I witnessed?
I wouldn’t know
for I am not present
I feed and live
of the sun

I am more than
the metal links that chained me
they break easily
I walk forward
I feel
I breathe
no longer held captive
by a brighter being

I am my own freedom
a voice
a truth
no longer bound
by the light of day
or the illusion of presence
the illusion of living
freedom from
the silence that stole me
a colourful sunset
my fear of the darkness
no longer
I am

— The End —