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I remember it like it was yesterday.          She was my all.                                         She was my everything.                            My Pillar of strength!                               The person I'd talk to when I was down. The person who'd openly remove my frown.                                                    One girl who instantly changed my life!                            
She was there when I was insecure.         When I was timid and felt very poor.      From when I was confident and secure.  To when I was ignorant and un-sure.      
She completed me and made me feel whole.                                                   I was electricity,and she was coal.           I was David,and she was Victoria Beckham.                                               We had that instant. connection!              Like Jackie Chan and Action.                          

The two of us together were inseparable.                                          We had that Ross and Rachel kinda love.                                                      It felt like it was something far from above.....                                                   Until finally...Reality struck.                    
She suddenly started to change.           From her attitude.                                 Down to her swagger.                            She was just totally different

And she had the nerve to tell me that it was just a stage in her development....     But as I looked her,I could see there was no longer any sentiment....               She was doing her best to please the crowd.                                                    And she had the nerve to tell me that she was tryna "Make me proud".              
Then one night everything disintegrated.                                         At her party I found her kissing my best friend....who knew it would take a year for my heart to mend....                    
And then the next morning,I woke up and she was gone!                                There was no one.                                  Just me and my pillow!                          Just me waking up and hearing people say,"You reap what u sow"

— The End —