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thurrsday Nov 2012
im the girl your not supposed to be friends with
the bad influence, the introducer, the girl not to be messed with
ill take you down all the wrong roads, and to all the places you dont wanna go
ill let you see all there is to me, the bad, good, and mysterious
but i cant really be serious?
i like many things, and have some bad habits
i fall into holes chasing those rabbits
but in the end its your choice to follow me
cause deep down everyone wants to know how life is
if your completely free
your parents hate me cause i showed you a new way
but all i wanted to do was play
i didnt make you follow, you did that one on your own
and now you feel all alone
sitting on the streets, figuring out your defeat
you wonder why i did this to you?
i made it look so fun, happy and free
they feel sorry for you, and could probably **** me
but noone stops to think who did this to me?
i wasnt born like this
i was torn and broke and molded to this
i started out like you too
in the end i just didnt wanna be alone like this
i didnt wanna be left or used or even kissed
for all who say ignorance is bliss
i think forgiveness can still fix this
thurrsday Nov 2012
on nights like this when i know i wont sleep
fearing the dreams i can not defeat
ill lay here and think of the secrets i must keep

youll keep me awake all day and night
reminding me every minute of our vicious fight
youve taken something from me that cant be returned
i can only hope that my lesson has been learned

cause if i had to do that all again
im pretty sure id break, not just bend
if i knew who you were, id say it'd be your end

your lucky i dont
cause my brother, hed'd slit your throat
but since i couldnt see, your able to run free
but its ok cause you dont even know me?

laying here thinking how i let that happen
thinking you would be a friendly captain
taking me home on a see of *****
i only wish i knew you were you

so heres another night i know i wont sleep
scared to dream about the secrets i must keep
thurrsday Nov 2012
yesterday i realized you have no respect for me
not anymore and probably never before
you drug me around to play you stupid games
not knowing my heart will never be the same

i was new to this game
hardly a beginner
i should have known i couldnt possibly be the winner

but i think instead of crying
im gonna thank you
for all the terrible, nasty things you did
cause really you helped me get ahead

i know now to never trust
anything involving lust
and that people are not who they say they are

so as i sit here at the bar
with my fake id in hand
ill just chill and listen to this band
something i havent got to do in so long
cause you could never come too

so thanks for the bruises and tears
all the sleepless nights of being right beside you
ill just sit and drink some beer
and for never stopping when i was way to ****** up
even tho ''it didnt matter cause we were together"

but im glad i can say this is all finally done
and guess what ***** i think ive won :)
cause i like being happy way more that being sad
i can only hope that makes you mad
but goodbye thanks and *******
i like beer a lot more than you
thurrsday Nov 2012
i gave you a visit today
i just wanted to play
its to bad you know
ill chase you where ever you go
rolling down the hill of snow
around the poles
right into your holes
i know i shouldnt
but you make so i couldnt possibly say no
that lovely burn in my nose
seems to be the only time my mind grows
so i visit another friend
she makes my world colorful
and tells me im beautiful and wonderful
she can make flowers sing and trees smile
she burns the skies yellow and you can see for miles
then along comes molly
dancing crazy in her bare feet
as we talk i start to find the beat
and then im gone
trapped in the music
i get lost and think im gonna lose it
she breaks her hold and i feel like gold
were now back in our group
as we stumble like confused troops
back to where all of this started
then i realize how long its been since we last parted
my giant balloon head friend
you make the world flip upside down
and spin the wrong way
but your one of my favorites i must say
as i look across the room you start to run
did i do something or is this just for fun
im full of fear and wonder
its ok tho youll protect my soul
so by the end of the night
ill end up following you down this rabbit hole

— The End —