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325 · Apr 2014
Cold Coffee
The biggest cup of the coldest coffee untouched, is what remains after the night that was to be so eventful

One of my longest days was only a couple minutes. Then as the appointed time passed, days returned to minutes, minutes to seconds and seconds to moments as the slowed world realizing its error corrected it violently, carrying reality with it.

And reality crashed, into those who danced to the tune so elegantly played by the slowed world, like waves into a sand castle, like hurricane force winds into a tree that stood a little too high, like a speeding truck into a small car caught on the wrong side of the road a second too long.

It showed no mercy

“Big” was what the night should have been
“cup” was what I trapped myself in with only one way out, irresponsible for the out pour
“cold” was what the contents were not
“coffee” was what I did not need  because it was going to happen at the time I anticipated it to…..

But here I am, hours later, awaken to and alone with this Big Cup of Cold Coffee……….

And I drink it!…..

Not because I need it,
Not because I spent my money on it,
Not because I feel obligated to do it,

But because it represents something I have never done before

“Big” was my idea and execution
“Cup” was what I put it in with only one way out
“cold” was how it somehow found another way out
“coffee” was the strong but sweet knowledge of my boldness and courage in doing something I have never done

You were the reason I took up my pen to write, but you are not the reason I can put it down smiling.

An unexpected experience from a Big Cup of Cold Coffee
219 · Jul 2014
Words For The One
I wait for you absent doubt that you will show up.

However, no matter how badly I want it, you won’t appear in my time nor
I in your time, but we will unite when it is finally our time.

We both have adjustments to make before our pieces will fit together

Until then, my mind interprets my heart’s vernacular but the words remain unspoken.

They are saved words never to be verbalized, yet they will be heard clearly from my actions, heard clearly by glancing through my eyes and heard clearly in my touch when our time comes.

What words do I save??

I will confuse you and excite you with my touch, because when I touch you anywhere, you will feel it everywhere.

What words do I save??

I will kiss you so passionately and so gently that you will have to grow extra hairs just so they too can stand up and salute the general who is sharing a mastery of his craft.

What words do I save??

I am not your friend. I am that guy who will grip you weak and support you as your legs fail while I manifest of your sexuality.

What words do I save??

Like the Belcher’s Sea Snake, my kiss will be the most paralyzing venom that will ever enter your system.

What words do I save??

I want my mere existence to break the glass box that houses your understanding. If it does not, I don’t deserve you yet.

What words do I save??

Keeping you and I apart will be life’s biggest regret.

— The End —