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Feb 2014 · 508
Fallen Angels
Thomas Lundberg Feb 2014
Our exterior will always be deceiving
The feathers that round our bodies
And bulk our muscles defend us
From the world that wouldn’t mind laughing
At a four pound “killing” machine

They would enjoy seeing the strength drain away
All joy in still solitude forsaken by deadly silence
And our own ****** mastery becomes wrapped
In the live mummifications of our failures
Screaming truth to the saying
Life is best taken with a grain of salt.
I wrote this poem based on an image of a dove that was completely mummified by a limestone based salt that was running off a nearby volcano into a lake. It was incredibly haunting and I couldn't just leave the site I found it on without jotting a few thoughts down about it.
Thomas Lundberg Oct 2013
I imagine some star hates me
as I dream of you
in constant suffering
I pray returns each night
our bodies
only ever then intermingling
With each other
as I sleep awake
only able to watch
you moving to me
succumbing to your own ecstacy
a vision taking control of my own mind
letting the tide in
for the first time in three years
the moon's brilliant light since that time
brings me slow, blind movement
as I hold you against me
but my heart is still yet immune
with a calm tone
as if you are the moon
regaining energy
that I have released out of her
in my cowardice
but she will not be satisfied this day
or night
as I am reminded
of the tinted darkness
that guides me back
into the light of waking agony.
Apr 2013 · 2.9k
On A Two Dollar Bill
Thomas Lundberg Apr 2013
It’s really a feeble attempt to make something between one and five work in our daily lives. They have gone from an intriguing idea and amount of worth to a silly little gift grandparents hand out freely on Valentine’s Day along with a card worth more than the contents. They've never set foot in any wallet of mine; they simply always made their way back behind my socks. The valuable of least worth I owned was never spent strictly based on rarity. These days you are a mistake just like all the other rarer coins like that three-legged buffalo nickel only I could maybe pay a bit of college tuition with one of those. You can bring in about four Lira though; enough to get a big bowl of any kind of noodles and sauce they have down at that restaurant in Istanbul near the Grand Bazaar. That night I stopped a little closer to my hotel and spent my last four on a beer with my meal. We kept walking and saw that young boy shivering as always against the cold vents that produced less heat than my freezer back home. No change jingled in my pockets because I had eaten my fill. A thousand suns heated my back without that jacket but the warmth was bitter like stolen Turkish Delights. I couldn't tell if he was going to drape that jacket around his tiny body or have it stolen by one of the bigger kids. We still spoke though. I know that was the day I discovered the language of the universe.
Thomas Lundberg Feb 2013
You want a recipe to stop the rain altogether? The ingredients are plenty simple; all you really need is a beautiful girl. Now this might take a little while as you have to meet this girl and just fall head over heels for her. You have to be absolutely positively hopelessly lost in love with her; so in love with her in fact, that it hurts just to be around her because you’re not with her but it’s even more painful not seeing her because you can’t imagine that kind of life without her. There’s nothing wrong with it and eventually you’ll find her. There’s step number one.
Your next ingredient is the next rainy day you have a chance to get. The key is to make sure it’s a really good one, an absolutely perfect downpour that mixes all the fantastic beauty of a thunderstorm and just enough rain to get pretty **** close to a flash flood. You bring her to a park or even the middle of a hardly used street somewhere. This is where you put it all together. Take her in your arms and dance with her; it doesn't matter how good you are and it doesn't matter what kind of music you threw on in your car, the point is that you just dance with her. Then you stop, draw her close, and kiss her; I promise you, the rain’s going to stop altogether.
I did this for a five minute writing exercise so I will most likely add to it and tune it up eventually but I thought that I should get it out there. I'll keep you all posted!
Feb 2013 · 634
Sonnet #2
Thomas Lundberg Feb 2013
Oh what such loss in joy developed here?
For you, maiden fair, I must give such pause
As to delay the drought of every tear.
May strength in words and worship in my clause
Prolong the beauty of such righteous muse
May the cosmos weep, for this violent loss
Of such that is what they cannot refuse
And so this term of sadness must emboss-
The gentleness now rakes my heart so raw
That I must steal away from dimming light
My strength alone cannot keep closed the maw
Mine own retreat can’t keep her in my sight
Athena’s own daughter of wisdom may
Have found new meaning for her eyes of grey.
Feb 2013 · 394
What I Meant to Say Is
Thomas Lundberg Feb 2013
Leave me
I will never say
I love you
I know
I could live without you
There is no way
You are the one
It doesn't look like much but it's meant to be read down and then back up.
Thomas Lundberg Feb 2013
Silence Speaks to us
Whispers Creep across our beings
And dance through the pain of melancholy
That we have named
It can strike a blow in our memories
And still land softly
In the weakness of our hearts
Holding it ever closer
It makes our heart and mind lie together
With passion
Forcing its way out and
Conceiving the very justice of emotions
That only moments
Of balance amongst chaos
Can hold together
It screams insecurities,
Pounding at the doors of madness
Consciousness begs to escape be it by way of sleep or death
But we have escaped far too long
And our prison debt is far overdue
It must be paid in full before
The true silence
Welcomes us into its
Open arms
But it repeatedly coaxes on with siren song
Promising peace and refuge


Silence gently places the fortifications of tranquility
upon our back as we lie on our stomachs
trying to shake off the weight of the world.

Through the very din of silence,
listen carefully
and pick out the comforting words of voices
voices long lost in the chasm of a memory we still have no control over
This silence may yet succumb to you
Open up to you
As you have been exposed for long enough
Then those screams
Those howls
Those shouts
Will recede to
Love songs and crackling fires
And it will be silent
Jan 2013 · 766
Thomas Lundberg Jan 2013
Against the white barracks that aren’t quite gray
Stands the image tribute to future me
Of black and green and brown he fades away
Behind the drizzly rain still as a tree
Gravel clinking against the metal frame
As tires rip them off towards the silhouette
The clouds across the sky all look the same
No breaks or pores of thickness will it let
The eldest turns his head without a word
Mourning to his right too easily heard
As the decibels increase past absurd
The music becomes all the eldest heard
Amid the mess he watches with the song
The turn signal was clicking all along
First attempt at a sonnet from a while ago. No love here really as my family waved goodbye to my father.
Jan 2013 · 348
Thomas Lundberg Jan 2013
The night was
Our curtain

As I moved for
The kiss

With the rain as
Our walls

And the thunder
Our passion

                                                        ­                   The instant then passed by
                                                              ­                  Like the lightning so
                                                              ­                             Mute

                                                           ­              And the storm must carry on
                                                              ­                  But for now it bears
                                                           ­                                  fruit
I wrote this over two years after the event occurred. I picture a much different girl and different setting now.

— The End —