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Mar 2014 · 394
I am the Moon
Thomas L Mar 2014
Look at the moon. How it reflects my glory!
Look at the exposed sky and hear the whimpering wind.
See how the yard where I once played
is now subdued by the work of my hand.
Feel my mercy towards my pet.
Look at how the collar names him as mine.
What other name could he call himself, but the one I chose?

Look at the moon. How it reflects! My glory?
The collared pet
through unwavering love dictates my hand to let him out.
The yard that I subdued—wild.
I see the sky—
Free. The wind—
A cheerful passerby.

Look at the moon. How it reflects!
Indeed. So am I the moon.
Mar 2014 · 446
What is a Space?
Thomas L Mar 2014
A separation of fragments
And a joiner of phrases
A brief pause for the white background to scream.

My thoughts are written in black
While my mind races in the white.
Look at the sky.
Were I to record my thoughts on the night -
they would disappear
And my mind would shine like each star.
Let my thoughts vanish, my mind go free
And fill the rest with nothing
But space.
Mar 2014 · 399
Petals of Gold
Thomas L Mar 2014
When two come together they plant
their own seed.
Blissfully growing until disturbed by storm;
The sky is not longed for until the clouds come
But the sapling grows in rain and shine
and rejoices in the sun's kisses after the storm.
Though wind can uproot the plant,
The sapling drives its roots downward
to unknown security
and begins to bud,
But it won't blossom until it is
the right time
And only the bud knows when it is time.

The sapling hugs its bud through the storms,
Dances under the blue skies,
and then
one day,
The bud blossoms,
And the plant smiles
And the couple shines as this flower for all to see.
The glittering vanities of man can not
Taint this shine
And it stares in awe at this rare beauty,
Given to man but not made by man,
The petals of gold.

— The End —