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Oct 2011 · 418
I'm Back
Thomas James Oct 2011
I’ve been gone for awhile,
It’s time to settle back in,
Into this world of peotry,
Where I found myself within.

—Thomas James Written on October 06, 2011
Oct 2011 · 477
Charles City Class of 2011
Thomas James Oct 2011
We are new to this place,
We don’t know what to do,
But we all know that as time goes,
We’ll understand the truth.

We have went through a journey,
A journey that will forever last,
Something we will all share,
Through our future, present and past.

Now we take on the World,
For what it has to offer,
It’s just that this time,
We wont be looknig out for each other.

Our essences on each other lives,
Will not be forgotten,
Instead it will be cherished,
And forever heartened.

So good luck to everyone,
For whatever you may do,
It’s our time to show this world,
A thing or two.

—Thomas James Written on October 06, 2011
Oct 2011 · 490
To K
Thomas James Oct 2011
Just one of the ways to describe you,
Don’t get me wrong,
I’m just telling the truth.

You can also be funny or cute,
Or maybe even nice,
Well that’s just how I see it,
Don’t blame me, I’m just a guy.

Let’s not get off topic,
Im here to write about a girl,
A girl who’s fierce and joyful,
Someone who can rock anyone’s world.

The first time I met you,
I knew you were going to be a problem,
You just kept on talking and talking,
And sounded like you had your own anthem.

Not only were you a problem,
You were once trouble too,
Now she became best friends with this other girl,
Double trouble, now were doomed!

But later I knew something has changed,
You grew up a little and became more mature,
That made me happy,
You were growing up to something pure.

I’m just happy to be a part of it,
Seeing you grow,
It gives me joy inside,
To be someone you know.

Well this poem is to you,
Miss “I love soccer and friends,”
And “Just ask to know more about me,”
I hate you, but you’re friends with Jordyn.

—Thomas James Written on October 08, 2011
Oct 2011 · 323
The Sun and The Moon
Thomas James Oct 2011
Isn’t she beautiful?
Just look at how she glows,
But yet she’s lonely,
If only he knows.

When he is up,
She’s always away,
When he is down,
She brightens our day.

But there has been times,
When he would visit her,
Even for a few minutes,
They were together.

—Thomas James Written on October 09, 2011
Oct 2011 · 749
Thomas James Oct 2011
These are the moments,
When I truly pray,
Please God,
Hear everything I have to say.

Bless this family,
And this little girl,
She has affected all our lives,
And became part of our world.

She is strong,
She is brave,
But with your guiding light,
We will know she is safe.

—Thomas James Written on October 10, 2011
For Gracie Opp <3 and the Opp Family. My prayers are with all of you.
Oct 2011 · 3.7k
Thomas James Oct 2011
Sometimes I can’t sleep,

Because I’m tired and sore,

So I write poems,

Because I’m bored.

—Thomas James Written on September 1, 2011
Oct 2011 · 557
Thomas James Oct 2011
It may have started with a simple “Hello,”
Or maybe even a piece of gum.
But I knew you were someone special,
I just didn’t know there was more to come.

You were loud and cruel,
Oh wait, I mean kind and sweet.
Like a bag of candies,
You were quite a treat.

It was fun seeing you play,
The sport I truly love.
Soccer that is,
Not like anything else can come above.

As time went on,
And years have passed.
You grew into something great,
Something I hope that will last.

You became Jordyn,
And like you said, “I am me.”
“And honey,”
“That’s something you’ll never be.”

—Thomas James Written on August 16, 2011
Oct 2011 · 539
My Oh My
Thomas James Oct 2011
You tried to **** me,

Even tried to sell me down the street,

You put poison on my food,

And now you think everything’s all good?

You would never be part of my life,

You proclaimed me as a ******* and wished me to die,

Now look at me,

Living life to the fullest, as happy as I can be.

—Thomas James Written on August 29, 2011
Oct 2011 · 349
Thomas James Oct 2011
There you go again,

Walking away,

Leaving me behind,

With nothing to say.

—Thomas James Written on October 09, 2011
Oct 2011 · 390
Seeing you
Thomas James Oct 2011
Seeing you smile,
Makes my world go crazy and wild.

Seeing you laugh,
Makes me want more cause I just can’t have enough.

Seeing you talk,
Makes time stop like there’s no ticking clock.

Seeing you walk away,
Makes me think that I want you to be mine someday.

—Thomas James Written on August 7, 2011
Oct 2011 · 2.1k
Thomas James Oct 2011
I am bored,
With nothing to do,
So that is why,
I’m writing to you,
This lovely poem,
For you to enjoy,
To have forever,
Like a simple toy.
I don’t mind,
Do whatever you like,
For all I care,
Attach it to a bike,
And send it out to the world,
To a place unknown,
Or write it on a ball,
Then leave it alone.
These words mean nothing,
Unless spoken aloud,
So they can drift up like smoke,
And tickle the clouds,
For they remain by themselves,
Up high in the sky,
Cause science knows how,
But no one knows why.
Don’t leave this unread,
Better yet when your done,
Write it down and send it back,
So we can have some fun.
While sitting by the fire,
Sipping cocoa or tea,
Imagining things,
Ha! things that can’t be.
Like sea monsters, flying horses
And goblins under my bed,
In all sorts of colors,
All of it in my silly head.

As I have said,
All these are in my head.

So… As I lay bored,
With nothing to do,
Whoa! I just noticed,
I have just shared my wildest thoughts with you.

—Thomas James Written on April 3, 2010
Oct 2011 · 2.0k
This thing called love
Thomas James Oct 2011
It started with a wish,

A wish of a kiss,

A kiss from the heart,

From the heart it starts.

It starts this love,

This love from above,

From above we can see,

We can see our destiny,

Our destiny of being together,

Being together always and forever.

—Thomas James Written on February 21, 2011
Oct 2011 · 383
Thomas James Oct 2011
Even though you and I are worlds apart,
I miss you in the deepest part of my heart.

8033 miles separate you and I,
Thinking of that makes me want to cry.

I loved every moment I spent with you,
You were that girl I really knew.

A girl who I met and changed my world,
Someone who made my head spin and twirl.

I’m here in the USA,
Saying to you have a great day.

—Thomas James Written on April 16, 2005
Thomas James Oct 2011
Legs ready,
Body steady,
Mind is set,
One Goal: Put the ball on the net.

Quick pass and go,
Keeping the ball low,
Going for the long cross,
Taking a little pause.

Finding the perfect spot,
Putting in everything you've got,
You have one chance,
To live this moment in a trance.

The shot goes slow,
Because you know,
If this shot goes in,
You are for sure going to win.

Scared to look,
Maybe too much inside hook,
Crossed fingers,
Time slowly lingers.

As seconds countdown,
The audience with a roaring sound,
You know how it ended,
That shot can’t be defended.

—Thomas James Written on April 13, 2010
Edited August 22, 2020

— The End —