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597 · Jun 2012
ThisIsWar Jun 2012
**** me.
                                                                            Down and *****,
                                                                            Lets do the deed.
                                                                                                                                                                    TAKE me here,

LOVE me there,

                                                                                               THROW me down anywhere.

Ravage me with you lips,
Take me like a man.
Tell em your orders,
                                                                                         GIVE me a command.

Romance me with candles and wine,
                                                                                         TELL me that your mine.
I want to feel your breath on my lips,
                                                                                         KNOW that you're my next kiss.

Baby, let's make sweet love,
                                I'll make you moan,
                                                          I'll LET you groan,
I'll ******* like you've never known.

You and me,
Let's do this for eternity.
539 · Aug 2012
Streaming Rays
ThisIsWar Aug 2012
So bright.
Shining through regret, pain and horror.
Shimmying between the clouds, dancing on the ground.

Yet, my curiosity is insatiable.
Looming in front and back,
Playing roulette with my days.

I love it.
I hate it.
But I can never get rid of it.
It will always be around me,
I can never outrun it.

My future stands.
Firm in it's belief that it will change my life.
Rubbing it into me that this, this is the one thing I cannot plan for certain.

My future tempts me and frightens me all at once.
What else is there to do but dive into the adventure headfirst?
ThisIsWar Jun 2012
I'm trying to keep my head above water.
I have to fight.
I don't want to go under/
I never pictured life like this.
I dropped my anchor down the wishing well,
But none of those dreams came floating up.

I felt like giving in,
The struggle was too much.
My life seemed like it was washing away.
I lost my way,
I've dragged myself to hell and back.
The scars I have to prove it.
I'm still wondering,
Is it even worth it?
526 · Jul 2012
For Jim
ThisIsWar Jul 2012
Beautiful sunsets.
So much emotion that they hold.
People just think they are beautiful.
But have you ever let it sink into your soul?

Just wait patiently, see what you find.
Even the stars are jealous,
The moon has to blacken out the sky just to shine.
Sunsets are true beauty.

Stay, let the world cave in.
Don't give up on it.
Even if the skies get a little rough.
Wait, it will give you all its warmth and love.

Let it melt away your problems and pain,
Give up everything,
And just watch the sunset.
509 · Aug 2012
ThisIsWar Aug 2012
How old is your soul?
Mine feels ancient,
Like giving up.

My soul has been through so much.
All of the pain, the shame and the despair,
It all catches up to me in my old years.

Why don't I give up?
Because I am here to live.
To experience the joys of life.

I will experience them.
No one can stop me,
I'm giving myself up to life,
To life and all its joys.
489 · Jun 2012
This Boy
ThisIsWar Jun 2012
I loved a boy once.
He was almost everything to me.
I can still remember his smile,
The way he would roll his eyes, at me.
I remember how he used to say my name.

I didn't know I loved him at that point.
Not in the way I did.
I had no clue that I had
For him.
Until the day he fell for me.

In those brief, brief minutes
That are still as clear as day,
I realized that I loved him.
People say I didn't,
They say young love, first love is nothing.
They are all liars,
They have never loved.

This boy, oh how he made me crazy.
I would often shake my head and say:
"What I do for this boy."
But I never finished that sentence.

The last part of that sentence;
It's what hurts me the most.
Because you see,
The last part of that ****** sentence,
The part that hurts me the most of all?
Here it is, listen up, you'll only get this once.
"Because I love him."

Young love is real,
Young love is underestimated.
Yes, it may not last,
But it is one of the most POWERFUL things that one can ever feel.
So never, ever say it's not real.
481 · Jun 2012
Me, Myself and I
ThisIsWar Jun 2012
On the first page of my story,
My future seemed to die.
Then my story turned out so hopeful,
I don't know why I was surprised;
When as usual,
A fallen angels wicked scheme
Took my misery to a new extreme.

On the second page,
More tempting that Eve's paradise lost,
I lost myself in teenage dreams.
I missed paying the price,
Mercy from above kept me safe.

More than physical scars I bear,
Move on I must.
To where I don't know,
Page three, it's just you and me.
ThisIsWar Jul 2012
There are nights I wish I could just fall off the face of the earth.
I have no idea what I'm here for.
I look around and see humanity and say to myself
"This, I wouldn't miss this."

I sometimes wish this would all end.
That people would just forget about me again.
Who am I?
My place on this earth wouldn't be missed.

But then I think
"Who the **** wants to die alone?"
Wants no one to care if they are gone?
Not I.
I have to much to live for.
377 · Jun 2012
Memories of a Rose
ThisIsWar Jun 2012
Let me go.
I can't survive with you always here.
I am a rose,
Pluck my petals and I am

She won't let me go,
She still grips my stem,
Even though her hands stream blood.
If you love me like you say you do,
377 · Jun 2012
Can't help it
ThisIsWar Jun 2012
I could be mean.
But somehow, I know the
Quality of Mercy.

I hate you.
I hate myself,
Because of you.

So why, if I hate you,
Do I still let you run my life and
Run ME into the ground?

For that answer I have been searching all of time.

— The End —