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Hoa Luu Aug 2020
my life is not a metaphor #nosuffer
my life is not opposite #nosuphor
my life is not Delayed #nano
my life is my life #Q
Hoa Luu Aug 2020
cold - shifted
#[blue - shifted] red - shifted
#blue - delayed
They pushed so hard; I red - shifted forward push.
Now they stop; and I feel the blue - shifted backwards, chill delay.
Hoa Luu Aug 2020
All these things they created are mere CONCEPTS: money, stocks, boards of executives, laws, courts, government, enforcement authorities, and militaries. Who's to say major companies and corporations "realistically" need to follow what their board tells them.

It is merely a concept to be "terminated" by the board of executives when the majority of the company's workers don't believe statements from LIARS!
Hoa Luu Aug 2020
hello poetry is ******* JOKE!
bought into the greed,
bought by the MAFIA,
supporters of innocent murders
supporters of ****,
Who knew that literates are also maniacal mongrels mauled by material monopolies?
What a ******* JOKE!

Then they have the common INdecency
to ask for donations?
What a ******* JOKE!
Hoa Luu Aug 2020
can be tools:

Like, knives gorging rouge rivers
from, dormantly gentle innocents
choosing trigging monstrous temptuous actions.
"**** them."

Like, fluffy floating cuddly clouds
on, a empathetic lazy afternoon breeze
uplifting encouraging believing hoping loving.
"the Feels."

Like, a portal expanding at relating
to, exposing a tender timid soul
honestly sincerely vulnerably truly heartfully.
"Love you."

Words are not 'what' but 'how'.
Words becomes trustable reliable valuable
Wondering around targeting, supporting, or connecting.
Hoa Luu Jul 2020
lonely sad water
flowing, hauling
burning rotten flesh chunks

Hoa Luu Jul 2020
as darkness grips
its fateful fingers
around my soul,

my heart implodes,
twists, revolves, devours
till nothing remains.

a chasm of its former self:
an obscure absence,
a dimensional abyss:
an empty void,
a black hole.

lingering and enduring
struggling to exist
a final breath,

— The End —