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Third Mate Third Nov 2014
is this craft
that chose you,
not defined by millimeters,
precision absolute,
curvatures, so eye pleasing
they demonstrate
no tolerance
for tolerance
of the

the skill of words,
too, cut so fine,
find the
extraordinary within,
refine, refine, refine,
shave away the trite,
the reused, discard,
instant recognition,

cut new cuts,
thy spirit tolling,
thy soul trolling
is thy
toolings earth sourced
from and of the
ever better,
ever closer,
always newer

make thy own designs,
faithfully execute
the new born original,
by elevating,
with the tools
in you, provide us,
by illuminating

no thing machined,
can ever be as fine
as the originality
that requires
soft spoken definition
in new ways,
heart and hand
guild crafted

when God designed the Connecticut
autumnal leaves,
overriding the summers's single green, good
but not miraculous, insufficient,
when contrasted with the
shades of red, yellow,
purple, black, orange, pink,
magenta, blue and brown
of newly fallen
words and worlds

in the season of change

write me a tool
so elegant, so complex,
so refined and yet so simple,
that its point will force no choice,
but engrave gasps of pleasure upon
my faltering eyes,
my slowing heart,
my exhausted limbs,
and make me
live again
through your
finest creativity

heat heat heat
burn to look beyond
For Joe
Third Mate Third Aug 2014
A lot of people think they can write or paint or draw or sing or make movies or what-have-you, but having an artistic temperament doth not make one an artist.

Even the great writers of our time have tried and failed and failed some more. Vladimir Nabokov received a harsh rejection letter from Knopf upon submitting ******, which would later go on to sell fifty million copies. Sylvia Plath’s first rejection letter for The Bell Jar read, “There certainly isn’t enough genuine talent for us to take notice.” Gertrude Stein received a cruel rejection letter that mocked her style. Marcel Proust’s Swann’s Way earned him a sprawling rejection letter regarding the reasons he should simply give up writing all together. Tim Burton’s first illustrated book, The Giant Zlig, got the thumbs down from Walt Disney Productions, and even Jack Kerouac’s perennial On the Road received a particularly blunt rejection letter that simply read, “I don’t dig this one at all.”

So even if you’re an utterly fantastic writer who will be remembered for decades forthcoming, you’ll still most likely receive a large dollop of criticism, rejection, and perhaps even mockery before you get there. Having been through it all these great writers offer some writing tips without pulling punches. After all, if a publishing house is going to tear into your manuscript you might as well be prepared.

1. The first draft of everything is ****. -Ernest Hemingway
2. Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ***. -David Ogilvy
3. If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy. – Dorothy Parker
4. Notice how many of the Olympic athletes effusively thanked their mothers for their success? “She drove me to my practice at four in the morning,” etc. Writing is not figure skating or skiing. Your mother will not make you a writer. My advice to any young person who wants to write is: leave home. -Paul Theroux
5. I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide. — Harper Lee
6. You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. ― Jack London
7. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. — George Orwell
8. There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. ― W. Somerset Maugham
9. If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time — or the tools — to write. Simple as that. – Stephen King
10. Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong. – Neil Gaiman
11. Imagine that you are dying. If you had a terminal disease would you finish this book? Why not? The thing that annoys this 10-weeks-to-live self is the thing that is wrong with the book. So change it. Stop arguing with yourself. Change it. See? Easy. And no one had to die. – Anne Enright
12. If writing seems hard, it’s because it is hard. It’s one of the hardest things people do. – William Zinsser
13. Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you’ve been to college. – Kurt Vonnegut
14. Prose is architecture, not interior decoration. – Ernest Hemingway
15. Write drunk, edit sober. – Ernest Hemingway
16. Get through a draft as quickly as possible. Hard to know the shape of the thing until you have a draft. Literally, when I wrote the last page of my first draft of Lincoln’s Melancholy I thought, Oh, ****, now I get the shape of this. But I had wasted years, literally years, writing and re-writing the first third to first half. The old writer’s rule applies: Have the courage to write badly. – Joshua Wolf Shenk
17. Substitute ‘****’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. – Mark Twain
18. Start telling the stories that only you can tell, because there’ll always be better writers than you and there’ll always be smarter writers than you. There will always be people who are much better at doing this or doing that — but you are the only you. ― Neil Gaiman
19. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. – Oscar Wilde
20. You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. ― Ray Bradbury
21. Don’t take anyone’s writing advice too seriously. – Lev Grossman
image – christine zenino
Taken from the Internet
2.1k · May 2014
A Man Peeing
Third Mate Third May 2014
T'is a man's natural bias to ***
as a **** sapiens erectus,
positioned standing up
celebrating the evolutionary advancement
of his genealogy, his ancestors' first
ah ha moment

but as time went on,
and much time did he possess,
in the course of a single life
full of multiple urinations,
to think upon this

deduced that a man peeing,
but a metaphor
for the unpredictably of life

to the right,
to the left,
but never straight ahead,
such is life denatured,
when you think the path is clear,
you *** on yourself unintentionally
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
We will grieve not, rather find
                        Strength in what remains behind;
                        In the primal sympathy
                        Which having been, must ever be.
                                                                ­                 William Wordsworth

stunning and stunned,
perhaps even life momentarily,
            stunted  angry but enraging confusion

this notion, stirs a commotion,
primal sympathy, spawns poem

not a broken totem
not a stolen token
hand writ, inked in pen,
no golems in a modem
to assist

this just pure human spoken
an omen giving,
notice total,
this is one true ether,
or either it is not!

this primal essential assertion
a conditional propositional
that it is natural for man
to be deep sympathetic to his kind,
for which having been,
must ever be*

in Syria, snipers shoot children for sport,
in Nigeria, young girls to slavery sold,
the list, matter of many facts, well known,
needs not embellishment or addition,
the history books teach the children well

so vaunted primal atmosphere,
in these places,
are you absent, non-existent?

when primal was pre-creation,
spelled first as primeval,
in the era before the appearance of ratiocination
of life on earth
Prime and Evil,
was a combustible fuel of necessity survival

primeval became primordial,
man essayed to improve,
aging onwards himself to enlightenment

yet rooted in this prime number of humankind
is a cellular tissue that springs to life
in those who allow it, residence of the remnants,
original origin of the evil that can subsume
and assume

do not allow it

I can tell you I
will not lay quiet

for the murderers of children,
I have primeval hatred

the rage of primal sympathy denied
unleashed ten times greater

be wary when the best of us rises up

the snipers and the enslavers will die
by their own weapons

June 12, 2014 7:10 p.m. ET
Children in Aleppo cannot escape their nightmares. Snipers maim and **** them in the street. Airstrikes crush them at school and at home.

Indiscriminate missiles strikes and shelling by Syrian government forces have demolished entire city blocks, killing and wounding thousands of civilians. One surgeon with the Aleppo City Medical Council performed 11 amputations on a single day in December—nothing new, except that field hospitals were seeing more of these injuries, even with infants.

Life in these field hospitals is chaotic and unforgiving. Some days, so many victims flood through the hospital door that they have to be placed side by side on the same bed. When there is no more room on the beds, they are placed on the floor. With all the operating rooms full, surgeons have to operate on the injured lying on stretchers in the hallway.

In one day, we treated three children shot in the abdomen by snipers. All of them were saved in underground operating rooms. We could not save the boy shot in the head.

We tried, unsuccessfully, to resuscitate another boy. I later learned that he had previously been declared dead at another hospital. His father brought his son to ours hoping that maybe the other doctors were wrong or a miracle could be performed.

Enlarge Image

A Syrian woman comforts her children after their house in the Sahour nieghbourhood of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo was bombed in May. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
I met a local shopkeeper who lost his home to a barrel bomb. The day I met him, a ****** shot his 8-year-old daughter in the belly in front of his shop as he stood a few feet away. Both her bladder and ****** were ruptured. She survived, but it's unlikely she'll be able to bear children.

One child I operated on had been rescued after a bomb landed near his school. The explosion blasted his forearm open. He lost all the skin on the front of his wrist and hand. His muscles were shredded, and his nerves were obliterated—an injury that will scar and disable him for life even if his hand survives.

Another child never regained consciousness after he was rescued from the rubble from an airstrike. He eventually died from his injuries in our intensive-care unit. No one knew who he was, and no one came to claim him. His body was wrapped in a white shroud, and he was taken to be buried.

On April 30, 47 people—mainly schoolchildren—were killed in an airstrike on the Ein Jalout school. Students there had gathered for an exhibition of their artwork depicting the impact of war in Aleppo.

Ein Jalout had also been bombed in August. On that day, the school had organized a charity event to donate clothes for the poor. The explosion killed and injured scores of people—mostly women and children who were volunteering. I treated one boy who had the bone fragments of his best friend embedded all over his skin. His last memory of the explosion was seeing his friend disintegrate.

No chemical weapons were involved in these attacks. Such massacres-by-other-means have become so much a part of the daily routine in Aleppo and elsewhere in Syria that they barely make headlines. Despite U.N. Security Council Resolution 2139 in February calling on all parties to cease attacks on civilians and to allow easier access for humanitarian aid, such attacks have escalated, and aid blockades have persisted.

More than 150,000 people have been killed in Syria. More than 10 million Syrians are in need of aid—about five million of them are children, according to Unicef. The flood of refugees threatens to overwhelm host countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. After four years of conflict, no peace or cease-fire is being credibly negotiated. No resolution is being palpably enforced.

Syrian children are growing up scarred, homeless and uneducated—their families torn apart, their futures crushed. These children must not be abandoned. Aid groups and U.N. agencies can only offer humanitarian relief and medical care. Much of it goes to refugees who have managed to escape Syria. Very few of those providing aid dare to cross the border and venture to so-called hard-to-reach areas.

I cannot tell world leaders what will solve the conflict in Syria, but I ask why sustained campaigns of destruction and starvation are allowed to continue. I can only offer what I've witnessed and ask the international community not to forget about the Syrian people.

Dr. Attar is an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He volunteered in field hospitals with the Syrian-American Medical Society in Aleppo, Syria, in August 2013 and April 2014.
1.7k · Jan 2015
The $1.99 Poetry App
Third Mate Third Jan 2015
for pennies, an app
to do the heavy lifting,
rhymes, pentameter,
all the quatrains ya ever needed

strained fever, emotions rampant,
insufficient and unnecessary conditions
for poverty poetry evocation,
even autocorrects insipid
really bad tiresome love poems,
après endless generation (degeneration?)

who needs you

you think
no such animal

you be write

for the art of life
cannot be mechanized

wrote a poem,
a wistful sad lament
on mothers losing children,
a prayer, a yelling, a condemnation,
the app was,
on this subject
un étranger
of silence
in all languages

you can buy love
but you cannot buy pain

too costly and
3D printers
give you plastic, disingenuous
wholly unsatisfactory

for a lousy $1.99
I'll write you customized,
supply the situation,
a few descriptive phrases,
60 minutes later,
et voila!

am you app,
am your scrivener,
don't do roses or violets
but yes to
rhythm and blues

will take
but no credit cards

you may take my words
as you own,
take my credit,
but I won't take yours...

I am app human,
bring me your lush, winsome,
plain vanilla, tutti frutti,
all acceptable,
for where the real stuff
comes from

I have only mined
the surface,
the veins beneath
richness for the asking
meet where the broad rivers both
empty and fill the oceans,
takers and givers,
swapping fluids constant,
loyal ******, from the sky, robbing,
selling what isn't theirs to the soil,

for this is the human condition,
the foaming eddys where
life becomes words becomes life
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
Blood Orange Marmalade and Wild Blossom Honey
(a love song)

summer treats, sure,
but not of what we come to sing

this a love story sung,
all about
a Sunday afternoon BBQ...

she knows I don't sleep,
cause I'm never there
when she awakens,
her worry~not~words don't soothe, sorry,
when ears are clogged
by fright and worry

so she does what
a woman does,
cooks me a meal
to soothe the
intemperate noises buried in the soil,
haunting this old soul
now on the downlo downward curve,
who wonders how
he got himself
into another
Laurel and Hardy^
fine mess...

so she will slide me into happy,
BBQ sliders will stop
the blood flow to a brain
that has not rested once all year,

she shops old fashion style,
wild blossom honey from Germany,
blood orange marmalade from where
I don't know,
to sweeten the barbie sauce,
her living loving way
(I add my salt tears right about here)

if this is not a love song,
then what is?

my ooh's exceeded by only my aah's,
music for her hearing,
far better than my poetry forlorn,
demonstrate my pleasure
bite by bite, giving her,
my love's loves delights

for she cooks love
and I write love poems
that won't be sung,
but nonetheless,
will be our shared repast
and banish temporarily all the
subterfuge gloom on a
blue green summer Sunday afternoon

if this is not a love song,
then what is?
1.6k · Jun 2014
Notification: You!
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
You: it is 2:10 am
Me:  Eastern Standard Mystical Time, yup...
You: why are you up, writing?
Me: the drugs wore off
You: *** the drugs?
Say it ain't so, kiddo?

Me: yup, I did engage
with some strong stuff
ce soir, the woman too,
and she is drowning in her dreams.
Easy and cheap,
scored some us some................
Asian Fusion
Thai Food, Indonesian small plates...

You: idiot!
Me: just answering your question
You: so where is this poem, shaman?
Me: You!
You: Me?
Me: yup.
You are my early morning poem,
which I have entitled Notification: You!


I am deeply unsure.

Am I notifying you,
or am I notifying myself?

Lost command of my
native language,
the emotions too strong,
Blue Java
the color of my word blood,
strong swirling,
uncontaminated by cow's milk,
but by cows jumping over the moon,
who have come to give me gifts of

Hey ****** ******,
The Cat and the fiddle,
The Cow jumped over the moon.
The little Dog laughed,
To see such sport,
And the Dish ran away with the Spoon

Perfectly clear to me.
I am the Spoon,
You are the Dish.

(Shaman, Shaman, hey man,
you still sound drugged,
we urgent need some clarifications!)

When I wake up,
uncertain about a slew,
a portmanteau
of important life~things,
(Example: when should I
Capitalize a word,
a life, a me, a You?)

there are strangers,
Strangers still,
yet strangers no more,
sending me uncoded messages
intended to decode me,
they are called,

and they
Explode me.

capsules of comments
that encapsulate me,
emasculate my speaking abilities,
reduced to rolling in the gutter,
guttural cries to emit and utter,
man, I got friends I never met,
and that's ok
we just notify each other
thinking of you
and no more words necessary

life is groovy...
1.5k · Oct 2014
Cosplay Human
Third Mate Third Oct 2014
Cosplay Human

the art or practice of wearing costumes to portray characters from fiction, especially from manga, animation, and science fiction; a skit featuring these costumed characters
this cosplay of human we so oft effect,
movie projection of shaped variations,
semi-firm but mostly pliant,
bone not-so-hard-as-we-believe,
draped in skins of tissue pre-perforated,
we are forms that can last a century,
yet shrivel back to fetus in days,
for lack of simple water...

think human and know simultaneous,
billions of earth persona and
billions of cells in each
by  for  of -
the people,

each masked, each outfitted
in uniforms of differentiating gaps
more alike, all unique,
masses of differences of constructs same,
this cosplay is a preeminent miracle...

all of us
nakedly similar,
all naturally defiant of time,
all defeated by time, naturally...

this skit we play routinely,
costumed in a manner similar,
yet different, to distinguish ourselves,
and mark as group members
pretending to
vive la différence!

what import all this, pretty words
that tell us what we know instinctively?

just this...

I see you
perhaps you see me

changing my costume
not by choice,
still do not wear a

my cells my words,
no cosplay,
my humanity on parade,
my file open to inspection

dare you visit the beginning,
when passion drove me,
the early version,
when I was not circumspect,
and my poems
were passion plays,
verifiable truths
and cosplay was not
part of my vocabulary
1.5k · Jan 2015
count thy words
Third Mate Third Jan 2015
count thy words
like you count your breathes -

the estimable statisticians
can estimate
the proximate number
of breaths
our lives will take,
the inventory of words,
we shall on average aggregate

we breathe recklessly,
never stopping
to slow down the rate
with which we tirelessly
consume ourselves

think of the
mess of words,
a brain store,
like a breath,
use it and then
purposeful lose it,
once employed,
so write often,
even longingly,
as in,
write long,
write hard,
every word expelled,
a treasure,
returned to
brother poets
for their
consumption and reutilization,
the monoxide,
of a shared oxide

when thy stock of
words in trade,
almost all used up,
must write only
short little sweet nothings

in happy desperation,
alliterative allegations,
nonsensical noises,
aiming to pleases
summation of essential humanness

remain few breaths,
issue rhythmic sounds,
colorful grunting noises,

one last intelligible poem
that cannot ever be read
1.5k · Jun 2014
Follow no one, not me
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
lead only,
read only,
craft yourself a better poet,
after you have crafted yourself
a better being

leaders are dragged to the fore

selected and elected,
pushed and pulled

be wary of those who shout
and boast
Follow Me,
for they think not of you,
they think only of the me in us,
their glory in your gore

do not follow me,
I shall not follow you.

let us each lead by example
and upon the shoulders
of our fellows will we be lifted
spontaneously combined, but not combusted

then, especially then,
go quietly inside yourself amidst the haste

for fellowship endures,
but fame fleeting,
and the adorers will soon flee
to the next prince of promises,
and when to the ground you slide,
slipped from their tilting shoulders,
be unsurprised
Third Mate Third Oct 2014
you cannot miss me,
mathematical impossibility,
there is no null and void
parts of me reside,
in many places,
most far away,
inside you,
surely one of them,
that is so close,
so d e e p,
never lose or miss me,
for all you need do is
read and breathe
all~ally my poems,
the stain of me,
unerasable irascible immaterial
a permanent maker inked
Oct 18 2014
For SB
Third Mate Third Aug 2014
the titles
lay about,
filed in no order,
some a mere notion,
some a finished few,
most a line or two


ask fervently for
birth, commencement,
not understanding
that finished,
need not mean ripened,
ready for release, consumption

some indeed,
awful layabouts
in no hurry
to complete their
appointed rounds,
or make their
unique composed sounds
spoke out loud

content to be,
but already
wanting the entitlements
of being
just a title entitled,
yet even without shape,
content to be
poem teenagers, I guess,
they want it all

all awaiting wondering

they understand how humans are born
but see no parallel to gestation literate

they see
infiltration, fertilization, conception,
automated, tracked and formulaic

the process similar,
but the exact moment of birth
knows no schedule,
some burst, some dormant,
aging beyond aged,
struggling to believe that
those who wait also serve

if you were to sit beside
this troubled man,
whose clouds need poking by,
your fresh fingers
could rocket them into
partum warmth fluid bathed,
then they would belong
to you
for you
were the trigger,
that fired them into existence
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
you cannot wish love into existence (or how it came to be)*

came and was asked,
make us a star.

smiled and whispered to the
mother night belly black and
and their star,
unequivocal was given

came and was asked, for a cooling fooling breeze.

smiled and whispered to the clouds,
rush past us faster and shed us thy ease
and so refreshed,
gave up hands high grace salutes

came and was asked, why be alone,

whisper for her
to love you

smiled and whispered
this I cannot
nor would I want to do

came and was asked,

why be alone,
whisper for you
to love her

smiled and whispered
this I cannot
nor would I want to do

whisper what you will
but love
is a wondering and a wonderment eternal

a perpetuity of never knowing,
perfect surety is not love

it is a why without an answer,
a question's question imperfection

why you love today,
maybe a continent different
why you used to, or first to,
and tomorrow's raison d'être
as yet undreamt, unrealized,

you can whisper many things into being,
but beings in love are motions special,
and entitled to a category special

admixture of reason and lust,
hunger and thirst,
needy to be needed
needy to be giving,
the balance whacked,
constant change its formulae
called vagaries, chemical imbalances,

should I whisper,
call out for love,
making it so,
there would be no why,
without the why,
what worth this be

so when you do whisper

I love you,*
admit it is a question
and an answer simultaneous,
it is a whisper of certain uncertainty
1.3k · Nov 2014
What time is it by you?
Third Mate Third Nov 2014
What time is it by you?

such a complicated question,
you know
what I mean,

are you brushing your teeth,
hello or goidbye,
weeping into your pillow,
sun borning hopeful,
writing poems
a handful will brush by,
leaving your wet insides
even more dry

dinner or breakfast,
day gone erased,
another wasted,
clock marked as
just started
and the
task of filling hours
an unwanted curse,
an incalculable calculus,
but insoluble
for there is no
no in,
in your life,
in the numerology of
your clock marking

time to rise
to church go
time to take
the woman out
for one more
silent dinner,
inject or flush,
bar dive,
TV mindless,
to high, to low,
to pick
right left or center,
to ***** or bandage,
to turn in,
or come of age

is it time to bed return
because you have just AM awoken,
and every any other place else is hell

no time to pay the bills,
no money, why bother,
time to worry,
why that is the only equation constant,
only the worry changes,
never the time

time to reconnoiter
a good book,
to tune the body up,
afternoon blues,
red eye time,
even verbal,

D time?
deep dark
*****, all *****
shower bathe,
slough off the dead cells,
clean clothes clean start,
even at midnight

what time is it by you?

time to clean mop your life,
walk in new places,
walk to the roof,
just for the view

so many answers....

this I know
it is time for an answer,
1.3k · Jul 2014
Full Moon Woman Life
Third Mate Third Jul 2014
dedicated to all of the women~poets here I love not-so-secretly*

early to bed, early to rise,
stunned to sleep by a superhero trio,
sunset extraordinaire, food and drink,
but, nonetheless  I am awakened
by a poem birthing,
water breaking,
now in full labor, burning borning,
inside a man's womb

full wattage, thus empowered,
the moonlight
nudges me awake at 300am
with something real
halfway between a slap and a tonguing kiss
of pure white ****** light

This night sun has an entourage
clouds in attendance,
attend-dance, exactly,
so many fawning, that the bright light
upon the water, normally a claro path,
tonight, but, just, a moon spot
smudged by the shapes of
cloud interlopers intervening
tween me and she...
(nature is female,
everybody knows that!)

yet, the night sun is so overwhelming bright
that everything is perfect outlined

edged sharp in relief,
the stand of six,
our bedroom guardians,
six oaks strong,
are quiet, at-attention still,
their leafy dress uniforms
perfectly pressed,
as I am too,
at full attention

now I understand why soldiers
award themselves oak leaf clusters
as medals of decoration, bravery

poor man's mind weak with admiration,
plots alternative W courses,
a. Walk on water as invited
b. Wake her with your tongue,
in order to put her back to sleep,
                                       (with your tongue)
c. Write a poem with eye light
d. W-all of the above

unable to decide,
no, that's wrong,
incapable of decide,
I do the bravest act,
self-decorate myself with a
white badge of courage,
go back to sleep,
thinking I should not
drink so much wine on weekends,
but write of love and desire,
moons in July not June,
like the inner kid
wants to

and I look at the title this poem gave itself,

Full Moon Woman Life

wondering where the commas should be placed,
then realize it is all
one word
July 12, 2014
on a tiny isle, moonlight loving, moonlight bathed,
thinking of the women I love,
and love me back with their finery,
their vested bestus,
their words....
1.2k · Jul 2014
Higher Standards
Third Mate Third Jul 2014
for my friend, Betterdays, who has never written
a poem that did not seek, reach, or teach, even
when she thinks she knows not, the lesson plan below

wisdom arrives daily,
Even after you need all ten
fingers to count your
decades and generations

was it but last year
that a single gull cawing,
a solitary iris saluting the sundial,
a moment of watching her,
arms flung hither, encased in drowsy drops,
a mother and her child strolling,
she patrolling, and they, child world exploring,
only continents discovering,
a grandchild's freely given first kiss

would prompt a write as if a shotgun shell
had arrived not overnight, but instant implosion,
in a chest that could not contain emotion,
only seep, none to keep, skin to shed,
and of course,
tears of, what should I call them,
tears of more than life, tears of essence,
real tears come from invisibly indivisibly real places,
wiping me clean

and so I oathed, I swore,
the Supreme Court and the Village Clerk
jointly administered this vow,
my hand upon my heart,
where the words come from,

what ere you pro-prose,
what ere delights,
or havocs thy temperaments,
if to be,
duly noted, dispatched and possibly
let it be only thine best,
to the higher standard,
hold thyself close and closer still,
be happy to admit failure,
for that is excellence attained,
and when you are satisfied,
then we will be
but not mere satisfied too,
enthralled to you
for in they words,
you raise the sea level of this world's humanity,
higher and higher*

so, thank you
and thank yourself
this line drawn,
only at or above it,
the goods ones breathe...
the oxygen of poetry
July 20th 7:48am
for her, and all of you, who bequeath inspiration and pleasure when my
eyes bloodshot, lips cracked, mind disturbed, or the worst,
incapable of meeting the higher standard y'all deserve...
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
Dan Fogelberg – Leader Of The Band Lyrics

An only child alone and wild, a cabinet maker's son
His hands were meant for different work
And his heart was known to none
He left his home and went his lone and solitary way
And he gave to me a gift I know I never can repay

A quiet man of music denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once, but his music wouldn't wait
He earned his love through discipline, a thundering velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls took me years to understand

The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band

My brother's lives were different for they heard another call
One went to Chicago and the other to St Paul
And I'm in Colorado when I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chose and come to know so well

I thank you for the music and your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom when it came my time to go
I thank you for the kindness and the times when you got tough
And papa, I don't think I said I love you near enough

The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band
I am a living legacy to the leader of the band

Songwriters: Fogelberg, Dan
Leader Of The Band lyrics © EMI Music Publishing
► 4:19► 4:19
Third Mate Third Sep 2014
"Most men lead lives
of quiet desperation
and go to the grave
with the song still in them.”

Henry David Thoreau

*this fearsome cursed thought,
rises fresh daily from
under death's precursor,
when sleep crusted eyelids broken

illusions none,
escapes zero,
go to my grave
with no lew'd selfie
foolish proclaiming
I was the greatest,
tho but an itinerant bit, an Internet curio

this so very quiet man,
sings his way every day,
with these worn tools,
dull, yet shiny from loving overuse,
the very things you
are currently grasping,
his words

as you do as well...

each poem,
oil poured annotating
a new poem king anointed,
a psalmist on the lyre composing
of still waters to lie beside,
of valleys where he shall final rest

delusions none,
my bones and words will in dust meld,
ashes, couplets, dried essences,
a scents that is
this beings, his Eau de Cologne alone,
tints and hints of yellowed pixels,
tired bone and the worn flesh of
maybe's too plentiful,
coulda's, shoulda's,
if only

so in quiet desperation,
and human spirit ignited by lighter fluid burning,
write, and write yet thrice more,
that a leaden life be happy soiled,
each singing a freedom breaching birth,
a glorious failure, yet endeavour'd
to let his unique tune be heard

to my grave down, down,
but one contentment proudly, black-bold-etched,
amidst the forest of daily desperations,
protested he, with tunes herein shared,
marked by no copyright,
other than his name plain,
satisfied that his singing was
loudly heard until his voice,
could be, would be,
stilled only by Father Time
Sept. 13, 2014
1.1k · May 2015
Seven Sneezes, Seven Kisses
Third Mate Third May 2015
as is our wont, she cooks, I clean.

a division of labor, that reflects
skills levels celebrating
les différences vivent!

sink-bent, over the grill pans,
with water thundering,
soap liquid armies/battles concocting
(secret, shh!)
nonetheless overhears her
chilling in bed,
veg TV watching
thunderous interrupted by
what he knows
will be minimum six or
seven sneezes

which is her wont.

one/two won't ever do,
she a veritable sneezing machine gun,
ever alert, the scrubbing man
becomes a danseur fluid,
performing a triple tours en l'aire
from kitchen to bed in three bounds

with swift and mighty leaps to new heights,
he makes his way to her side,
having plucked tissues,
from a nearby, overhanging branch
upon his way.

seven sneezes immobilize,
kinda like being tasered,
snowball-in-the-face stunners,
requires her man to be a her-o-dancer
to be a savior, gift bearing
of relief-aid to her side.

he returns to the kitchen work,
you cannot half wash dishes,
it's an all or none thing,
it's a man self back slap/clap of the hands
when satisfaction of job completed visible.

satisfaction of just rewards
should always be given
to heroes,
one and all

so when he slips in beside her,
greeted with seven kisses
for seven sneezes

and this children
is no love poem,
but one of daily stories of
lives well lived in love,
where the mundane,
where the ordinary,
traded up into precious extraordinary
are ever on poems of life,
and ok,

now slap/clap for jobs well done....
1.1k · Oct 2014
God's Cure-mudgeon
Third Mate Third Oct 2014
the less money I make,
the more I give away...

need to get cured,
need me some cure,
to keep my money in
my Persian silk sow purse,
so when enfeebled,
can pay a nurse to
wipe my drooling chin

need me some
curmudgeon herbs
to get rid of this
happy insanity

cure this ****** mudge,
from giving away his green fudge,

so when doing his
sleepy-eyed sums,
the tallying up,
the counting down
did he qualify,
as a good ole one,
his conscience
busy unconsciously,
anudging, adjudging,
to see if the boyo can
sleep better this night.

So when he meets
the maker,
He won't say
hey faker,
but fakir,
magic maker,
dervish swayer

*"you my kind of poet,
let's make us some
smiling mischievous trouble,
give away whatever it takes,
love potions number nine,
winning lottery tickets
for everyone,
you and me,
scheming schematic
crazy man poet and god,
to make it happy-en."
Bus poem 10-10-14

decided after rereading, this one belongs to
Mr. Harlon Rivers
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
summer incisions on a crystalline day*
(it sorrows me to end a poem this way)

every leaf, every tree,
edged silhouetted sharp
against the pale blue cadet uniform color of a
portrait background framing sky,
this museum piece painting,
unsigned, unguarded, uninsured,
yet, surely the worlds most valuable

the sun's early morn golden glint reflection,
somehow pools in the palm of the each chlorophyll green flat goblet,
this necklace of carat gold cavatine melodies
gets me happy drunk on an aurora of
the green n' blue seasonal summer's glories,
upon the skin-stamped a caramel hallmark,
what we wait for all year long,
all the earth's colors crystalline pure,
my senses say it's as it was
on the first day of creation

this is not the first day of summer 2014,
yet, it should be so remarked,
for summer visions so perfect crystalline
are summer incisions,
allowing entry of interferon hopes of we irregular,
imperfected assorted human shapes,
the marvel of a free-for-all serenity,
nature's sweet permanent kindness to
wayfaring temporal humans

corporeal that I am, my being flooded
by all of this and a grateful satisfaction,
but my mind knows that as real as all this,
is as well, the not well, the ashen pallor inside,
the burnt tongue words that circulate
in my bloodstream, the status of my
reality, where my job, survival, is a
Monday day to one day thing, and where the luxury of being
summer incised
is a sometime thing

and it sorrows me to end this poem this way
but I come from another place this day

and the computer asks
save this poem?
and I answer,
no, save me, save my family,
even if it must rain every day for the rest of my
sunsetting life

and it sorrows me to end this poem this way
but I come from another place this day
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
The Art Teacher

for the one whose initials mean morning

"teaching art isn't about teaching art. it's just about letting people be - letting them be them, showing them it's ok. i don't know...that's why i like it. everyone is so scared...i like to try to show them they don't have to be afraid."


writ by one woman,
an art teacher
whose young life story
is a chain refrain,

put it on me,
put it down right on me

her see
is her sea
of nowadays nothing but troubles,
ocean thirteen fathoms deep

what hasn't gone wrong,
just wasn't worth
being put on the list

we all need someone to lean on,
so here I am,
leaning on her,


her prize,
a strength so profound
when depths plummeted,
she curses the dark deservedly
then writes me
another poem and
her sinking ship
never goes under,
despite life's repeated
offensive attempts
to play her,
down after down

you see she gets it,
not quite rightly,
is an artwork,
needy for a frame suitable,
and I,

am in a museum gallery
admiring her,
for she is great
and from great
her art grows greater,
her persona painting
simpler and straighter

so here I am thinking
student minoring in art,
think she is an art,
a teacher majoring
in teaching how to be

so here I am laughing,
my pandora gremlin
does it again,
playing games,
first "Lean On Me"

and then
"Let It Be"

so let her be,
so she can teach
the art of letting us
musta paid extra for this pandora
service that reads hearts and minds
for as this concludes,
it "plays"me for,
Tom Petty is singing me a lullabye,
"I Won't Back Down"
961 · Jun 2014
The Comb of Cain
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
tho summertime,
he lets his hair grow long

when he wakes,
mirror just laughs,
a volcanic holy hell headed revealed,
forehead flopping, ear covering,
an unruly mess,
as a secondary metaphor,
holy insufficient

and a man does what a man can do

turns both old fashioned porcelains,
medium luke gusher eruptor is cupped,
with a two handed utensil,
a couple of scoopings
he turn faded blonde grey,
wet jet black for awhile enough

and a man does what a man can do

with less than a handful of brush strokes,
straight back they lie,
and suppressed for awhile,
but he doesn't think
"boy it's good to be a man"


he study's the mirror's new reaction,
when his Cain forehead mark,
is now readily seen,
most gasp or look away,
poor mirror is fixed
and thus,
transfixed, frozen

what he thinks is this:

let the world see,
know, who I am,
and how I am marked
my holy hell is continuous,
unforgivable, deserved"
(he made her abort their baby)

but the mirror,
a simpatico old friend,
thinks the splashes will hide
his fresh tears,
but the man knows better,
yet, loves his mirror friend,
truthful image reflected,
even more for it
952 · Aug 2014
how to make poetry real
Third Mate Third Aug 2014
you take a chance
and you say man
here my digits,
now shared,
here is my Rx,
call me as needed

weeks months later
a phone rings
at 2:30am

and one poet says it's me,
I am the living soul
of words you have appreciated

and the other says,
I'm glad you called brother,
how did you know I'd be awake?

and he laughs and says
I read your stuff,
you write best tween
midnite and dawn,
so the probabilities were favorable
that I would find you awake and capable

and you walk and talk and roam
roads and oaths that black and write
screen letters
can't full convey,
till one says **** man look at the time
and both laugh,
knowing a poem
had just been writ in
true voices

and that kids,
is the chance some make,
when first your words you take
and the poetry you proffer
is product of genuine flesh,
beyond mere in vitro digitally fertilized
A true story

Note! I am not encouraging you to give out personal information, telephone numbers to anyone, especially young people!  This is a social networking site and clearly open to be very careful...because I can share with other adults I trust after many communications, my contact info does not mean you should do so without the greatest of care...
937 · Jun 2014
Follow for Follow?
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
For Joshua Haines

Thanks for the invite kid,
but I am bulky enough
and don't need your weight
to carry

**** good writer
you are,
not a concede,
not an aiming to please,
"just the facts, ma'am"

not even twenty one
commander of the ship from
a mooring slipped,
a poetic trip well-begun


     *Follow for Follow?

no babe,
passing dude,
passed that point
of no purposed-return,
trading points and
placing my self worth
on a scale of followers,
or ranted counts of page views

I  may read you
cause write quite nicely,
but I don't inflate
nobody's ego,
for their own fake sake

counting false gods
got my people forty years
of desert wandering,
after 400 years of penal servitude,
so I have done my hard time,
for that exact crime

That felt good!

you must of got me confused
with another whew

I was young once
till very recently,
even tho I am
four decades plus
you senior

so here is my story,

don't swap spit or follows,

or likes for show,
those who have my heart,
have my words freely

my audience is the sun,
my numerology glorious,
the blades of green beneath
my rabbits happy bunny dancing,
for every verse pleasured

those I count on,
ask not,
for they like me for the who in my poetry,
knowing fullness and well,
mine is theirs,
no need to trade favors

I will read your words,
but not for you,
but for them,
the best part
of the best of you

Let us together,
think about that...
and if ever there were a blade upon to fall,
this notion is both sharp,
and the map to freedom

good luck to us both...
931 · May 2014
death by a thousand cuts
Third Mate Third May 2014
the third mate last,
lashed to the helm,
a punishment, a lashing
for having
read and let
the taste of words unkempt,
hash my essence,
thus pelted,
excised, my flesh,
unto a wearied
death by a thousand cuts

my artistic force bleeds,
I am realistic,
there is no
superman savior,
there is only
life after death,
where dear god,
last wishing, it is a world of
silence perfected

I know I promised no more
on this shopworn, discounted topic,
but I read and I weep
my essence seeps, pores pouring,
tried the ancient cure of ignoring,
but anguished curiosity begs
for bliss
just try once more,
knowing that ignorance
can never be blissful

confounded, words indelible,
the poems tattooed trite,
with an unheard last sigh,
what makes them think
every stray dog of a thought
deserves sharing

tender each with word
with such selected caring,
arguing back and forth,
and always losing
and always winning
the argument over the
Final Selection,
the process holocausts me,
I am not a survivor anymore,
just an over killed victim

to tattered ribbons sliced,
no seamstress can resurrect what once was,
endlessly they celebrate their flesh's cutting,
they cannot know their words,
alpha beta me to where,
the ink is drained and flushed,
and withered fingers lose their moist urgent,
discomfited composure


all the words I know are a plague
upon my shotgun house,
I am bleeding, but that does not mean
my poetic permission lives,
it only means my blue blood
surrenders it oxygen upon contact
with an atmosphere of trite
and I swear to you it hurts to much to

hurts more than breathing

do not write to me of your pain,
write instead with painstaking care
and let me read thy crafted composition
and say this,

*thus I am staked to you,
penetrated in ways ,
that each cut of thine,
ready welcomed
for it is sublime,
a human humidifier,
putting back the moisture lost
by tears shed over wastrel poems
926 · Aug 2014
The quick and the still
Third Mate Third Aug 2014
this time different,
the crafting, the words knitted,
care taken, no quips or easy rhymes,
metaphors few, but the stitching is yet
rhythmic, disciplined,
beholden to its construct
spoke of the more and the ever less,
and the alpha seas restorative,
the ****** quick and the ever still

the beating of jumpsuit orange fabric, wind-whipped,
musical homage to the terrifying
silence of a battlefield,
your utility belt,
body parts and soul silences,
a composition of what was
and what will now never be

you were there
you are there

no denying the voyeured carnage
of a human self destructing,
or being destructed in a way
**turned you on,
worse, temptingly familiar

the horror meets you, it recognizes, locates
its place within that is stored close by,
where you keep it just close enough to surface
for quick retrieval

you postulate, pose, clap hands to heads,
make groanings awful, rethinking fearful pictures

I don't believe in free will
I don't believe in free
I don't believe in will

there is good and there is no good
there is the quick and the still
the still comes fast and stays longer,
the quick lasts longer, the obvious now
always seconds of too long,
all implausibly undenied and factually reversed

I hang myself crudely,
my throat slit quick,
and the still images that follows
everlasting and unerasable,
no matter how quickly,
how often temples hard squeezed

I see the images,
the quick and the still
they won't let go of me

text me that you know,
exactly what I mean,
know what I know
Third Mate Third Mar 2015
It Must Be Done Lovingly -
this  title comes easy,
leaps from screen,
jumps in between
my eyes,
where poems electric start,
starting line tween the
head and heart circuitry,
followed by a
thundering silence
of say what...

the notion, face smacks
a five fingered lighting bolt,
feeling the meaning, the ******,
but the body, the text, not,
the explication, the purpose singular,
not so much

it's gonna make me work,
this entitled commandment
"it must be done lovingly,"
sure, words from heaven sent,
what does it mean precisely
it doesn't come with liner notes,
just empty sleeves,
no compact disc,
to explain it well
to your ill-written soul

brain pulsating images, lyrics, tunes,
mr. memories working overtime,
but no catalogue,
thematically a disaster,
blue lined paper
crawling with scrawlings,
notes from a blues guitar,
jumbled bojangling riffs discordant

boy's locker room,
towel whipped
gonna give up,
exactly what
is the it
that must be done so,
with loving attention

crap cutting, beat the bush,
you know what's driving,
snap, crackle and pop,
it is arriving
with mega doses of
insatiable pain

you don't love her anymore

you knowing,
that she needs
the knowing,
deserves the certitude
of the bad news,
but cowardly lion
don't got
no idea
how to tell her

so the words
on the page
with badass emotional clarity,
a guiding light,
do it lovingly

makes no perfect sense,
but it's sensible
and almost perfect

mr. memories speaks up
at last,
in a sad voice,
the old times flash,
drawing for you pictures,
lending strength,
and whatever else you gonna need,
from history and
tell her her lovingly,
you don't love her anymore

surrender your flag,
hand over your weapons,
you were good at loving her,
some long time ago,

don't say it with stale raisin bread reasons,
soiled explanations,
just hold her in a way,
the way you used to
that has grown dusty rusty
from lack of use

that will  explain everything,
by doing it
905 · Jun 2014
There is no correct way
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
for Maria

you want to ask,
knowing in advance,
the answer is a scream
even if it is silent traveling,
on a frequency transversing,
that humans cannot discern

so strange is it,
that the imposition
of the interrogatory
is the almost harder part
of the two dance partners,
question and answer

a simple
"how are you"
is simply inadequate
in every respect,
it is almost,

for there is no how or are
and for sure, there is no
you anymore

how could there be,
when pieces of your flesh
by hot combs inquisitioner pierced,
levying cuts impervious to
medicinal magic

how was your weekend,
beyond absurd,
what matters the day of the week,
when the unrepairable ailment of thy soul
has a permanence that makes
calendars superfluous

but on certain days,
certain worse than others,
because they freshly dress
the still red scars,
fresh bright pained painted with
unrepressable, unsurpassable memory agonistes
of seeds and wine

so you ask dumb,
you ask blind,
waiting for a
shotgun blast reply,
hoping you will be
the forgiving kind,
but prefacing the inanity with
a forgiveness plea confession,
"I don't know how to ask"

and you reply
"there is no correct way,
there is no correct answer"

and neither the interrogator
or the interrogee is content,
the Yankee boy and the Southern gal,
unless it is to scream,
till the air in the lungs depleted,
and when replenished,
having screamed to the heart's content,
the heart impaired,
cannot ever be contented

your own insane humanity prompts
to ask again, no matter,
for the only correct thing
is the asking~caring,
even though advance notice
has been given,

**there is no correct answer
882 · Mar 2015
Third Mate Third Mar 2015
she makes my coffee
she makes me think
she makes me
that two words become
one exclamation,
that is precisely

7:52 am
875 · Jul 2014
This odd fellow
Third Mate Third Jul 2014
This odd fellow took
a long drink at night,
rock n' roll long forgot,
hard driving,
reacquainting unused,
years ago seeded,
elements of a
young man's remembering soul,
Hotel California living life,
live before his eyes,
demonstrated, recalled and
on a double slide guitar,
so each note of distinction
new and familiar,
au courant from decades
then, now and when-forever

the odd fellow
listens happy high,
drinking the music's
rich woven countenance
to the thrumming bouquet
of a pale white coloration
a Sauvignon Blanc
newly arrived from New Zealand,
just because,
this odd fellow
liked the name,

just like the music

and the
odd fellow is
young and old
at the same time,
tipsy and sober,
fresh and forlorn,
days wasted past,
days made for memories to last,
feet move timed
to the beat,
his heart resonance timed
to the beat,
the odd fellow is thinking
nothing could be more natural
to recall the supernatural past
and the future natural best to come,

with wine, his woman and
those rock n' roll songs
Written after listening to Don Felder this week at the City Winery, who opened with a Hotel California....and drinking Supernatural....
833 · Jun 2014
Be wary of cute puppies
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
all bite at first,
but some do not lose the taste for it,
and they become the haters,
needy to be put down,
or at vey least,
restrained and retrained

but I doubt most can

I am not a hater, just a doubter
Third Mate Third May 2014
early morning, the hoses out,
washing away the fluids,
the ****, the *****,
hallmark low points of the prior night's,
bons moments de roulement,
rolling, burning, down into the sewers

dark coffee, beignets,
white powdered sugar,
a cleanser of both
dirtied bodies and souls,
makeup~coverup of human excesses

this morn, the sun,
aidez-moi with an assist
of a canon and a gigue,
a string ensemble (parfait!),
three violins and a continuo,
a quartet in the quarter,
blossoming Johann, budding now
in my ears and
my purification process
de bourbon
is now

the Nth new day has begun,
the Nth purification has begun,

but my first in the French Quarter

7:35 am
May 23rd, 2014
New Orleans
810 · Jun 2014
Two Islands, Two Islanders
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
One has a population of 1,700,00

The other 2,000 locals,
swelling to 10,000
come the summer people,
the likes of him,
and noisy day trippers,
neither like

both born and bred on their respective islands

he locks his car always,
when and where ever
where ever is

she leaves her keys
in the ignition
especially when
she leaves
the car running
on the street,
when doing quick errands

both are life long islanders,
that from time to time come
avisiting each other's home plate

at night,
he just locks the doors
but once,
no deadbolt,
a sign he is cool
on her countrified territory

her house door has a lock,
but no one knows the
key's exact whereabouts
going on,
as long as she can remember,
which is most of
her twenty years total

he lives in a tall apartment building
on a finger shape island that probably has
10,000 tourists arriving daily

she from an irregular shaped isle,
twenty five miles as the osprey flies,
and they do,
hers, nestled tween two forks,
and ferry's connecting you to the
"off island" till about 1:00am running,
after that, well, find a beach...

she, in a house,
behind the
where the
most expensive gas on the island
for sale to touring folk
on the island's main gig highway

that store where
only the localest of locals
come in for
to buy their beer,
and the lost tourist,
looking for free directions
pays for them with expensive gasoline

he has one job

she has three

when not waitressing at Sweet Tomato,
she's planting flowers for the landscapers,
or working the counter at said store

she was prom queen

he did not go to his prom some 45 years ago

Two islands, two people,
one ancient, even borderline old,
one a student studying
modern farm management,
with the future openness of youth,
who won't take down college loans,
the other,
edging closer to his distinct extinction

but they talk for hours,
and he tips her more
than the cost of his meal
and the bottle of Pinot Grigio,
which loosened his tongue,
on a Friday eve
having traveled almost
four ungourmet hours,
to get to the island
he borrows from her,
in the summer time

and two days later,
one is encapsulating
the memory of the meet,
on an island of poetry

and he thinks he will go back
to conversation continue,
but that first meet
well, no repeat,
so he leaves
it's taste

for you to share
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
in the quiet construction of man
different parts,
assembled, evolutionary designed,
even mostly, interchangeable,
you know their names,
the alphabet of our bodies

none of them any good,
separated, divided,
only in combination,
can the ineffable factor,
or whatever you,
to call it,
sneak in and embolden it
with glorious humanity

which comes unique to each,
though they call it common,
since we are of one plan,
no better than each other,
yet each of us a distinct district

this mismatched 
compare and contrasting miracle,
is where
my waking thoughts,
my ineffable factor,
take this body,
this quiet construction,
the shell of him,
observes the "sovereign sun"
coming from under the water
in its preeminence,
to give new names to newborns,
day, world and more
the "sovereign sun". I read this phrase yesterday in one of your poems, but can't recall thanks and my apology...
Third Mate Third May 2014
runnerman from responsibility
over the seas swim undone,
walk on water pretend saint,
don't deny culpability,
no using can't, weighted, ain't,

but never say
words failed me

liar on fire, name names,
name yourself
before the board of inquiry
first among sinners,
ain't you weakly proud, yet,
don't deny responsibility,

but never say
words failed me

pathway thru the kingdom of men
to reach the ways of heaven,
looking for excuses, indifferent,
look for reasons, insufficient,
looking for travel guides
guaranteeing a good time had
bye, bye all

but never say
words failed me

your body may fly away,
or just deteriorate,
so many choices to
drown yourself in sin,
paper, rock, scissors,
or just a handy mirror

but never say
words failed me

words alone,
true words,
words only,
of others,
your own,
can save you

when you are about to
fail yourself
752 · Jun 2014
heard you the first time
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
a book listener,
earbud'd, her literary tastes
sensately incessant,
to head-hear me speak,
iPad down, iPhone paused,
a 10~30 second ritual
while I grrrrin and bear it

a precious jeweled day,
sun providing a great moderation,
76 degrees Fahrenheit,
a steady breeze, 10~15 mph,
a human cooler
she blanket cosseted,
me relieved,
just a memory now,
a sworn oath to do a three mile morning
hike in the nature reserve

overcome with gratitude for that,
and a perfection blessing of a day,
in normal voice, I let the guard take a weekend day off,
pronouncing I love you vey much
at this very moment of poetry inscribing...

so she stops, unbuds, buttons pushed,
and says what dud, duh,
what was it that you said?

nothing unimportant, says me
(why spoil her twice, thinking)

No I insist!

so I repeat my grace laudatory

and she says, I
just wanted to hear it

and i wonder what else she hears
when I am being disregarded....

I guess this,
a love poem
of sorts,
though confused,
cause I been used,
well and proper
and quite like it,
I think....a little devilry
a spice to a relationship repast,
don't you worry,
I'll get her back
but where, when, how...

Third Mate Third Jul 2014
fifty years young and she asks no one
how will she compete?

she is tail and blonde and thin and all that


single and
pretty at fifty,
slender, athletic,
currently unemployed
knowledgeable sports fan,
courtesy of her dad and no brothers

is not good enough

none of it, cuts it
when, in summertime
she only sees
youths coupling and rosy
older men with
young babies rosy
every place,
every restaurant
we take her

(the 19 year old tan,
almost bare
dumber and meaner than dumb
all look up,
inspect our arrival,
yes, in need of seating,,
we are three
and stupid youthful smiles,
yes, three, smirking, I get it...)

she slips it
out loud,
@ our "dinner for three,"
loud and yet inaudible
because we all want it to be
invisible unheard

a private thought,
part gasp,
part cri du couer,
wail plain and female plaintive,
can't compete, can't compete

cannot respond with a fatherly
there, there,
for that would be ridiculous,
even insulting

she wandered in and out of
purposeless, prepared for failure
relationships, and now
it is a look-back, lost,
Thirty Years War

find her a friend!
reply, they are,
sad and married,
besides you know,
I travel alone
in the
company of women,
and so by now,
they have stopped asking

it hangs there,
a hanging atmospheric decoration,
till enough seconds pass
and it is restaurant-noise
clinked away,
time erased,
never was said

I kick myself under the tangible table,
so no one else has to,
reminding me that you cannot be
poet~healer to everyone,
try as you might
Third Mate Third Nov 2014
adjusting for Daylight Savings Time,
time zones, seasons, global warming,
plotting the intersection optimal,
sleeping Asia
and down under
soon to early wake,
gurgling tremulations of brewing
coffee/tea/water pipes
turning here obsessively,
a mindful poetry fix to ennerve
morning stimulate

Europe, late, tired, hungover but
hanging about, hangover present,
pub stein draft eyeball crawling,
needful for goodnight eyelid kisses,
one last hit of tonguing words

the Americas, afternoon light,
watching sunsets & football,
discussing upon what to sup,
a cocktail of vermouth and words
to enhance the evening tide palate,
the finer pleasures in life
sequenced and combined

brings us to the question beggared
when to release,
your expiation of self
when be this perfect point in time,
your foolish vanity to please

post exactly when the
flushing heat of completion
forces the


from your mouthing lips,
rereading one last time,
an almost too be spent high,
an almost ****** of
verbal pleasure
needy for finality,
for that peeking, seeking
unknotting feeling,
when then
you press the
******* courage button called

releasing a new sound guttural cri,


of prideful indecent lovely exposure,
look at me, look at my gleeful thoughts
give me the post-****** tenderness,
the after kisses, fleeting reminders of
creation, absolution and death

most of you are too
innocent to understand,
too vain,
youthful self centered
to comprehend
that the time to
unravel, reveal, give it up,
make, take and
ask for love everlasting
is not a wall clocked
or a pre-calculated moment

but is the
moment of effervescent delight,
when you step back, away,
canvas gazing,
satisfaction yours

It's done.
That is the time to post.
no tarry, no wait,
when you have undressed yourself
are ashamed and ashamed not,
give it up, breathe, risk, dare,
fired up, in kiln cooling,
thereby, winning the won,
winnowing out your chaff,
be proud, not vain

when done right,
when you feast
on that best
self-administered pleasure,
your eyes cast upon
your work, your best,
go past the small place,
counting the quantifiable likes and reads,
that quantify nothing,
enjoy your smile silly, stupefied,
by the visible quality
of you,
now before and after you,
you see it, I see it,
now comes the understanding

you have already succeeded,
maximizing the finest in your life,
you have essayed,
you have assayed,
and found the vein,
mined the vein,
bring to the surface
your golden bloodied fleece
and that is
your max,
your time,
your perfection
11-2-14 6:02am as if that mattered
678 · Feb 2015
Written in February
Third Mate Third Feb 2015
bitter month,
bitters in the mouth,
bitters all over the world
snow is Campari red

burning alive,
dying while flying
or just train-commuting home,
or even but taxiing home,
this month racks up ruin,
like keeping score at bowling,
spare no one anywhere
this month is more cruel,
for its nearness to spring,
but offering no hope, no buds,
just random mayhem

slipped on the ice in the dessert
burning ice,
I hate this month
red, black snow
and no summer visions
only cold bitters
630 · Jun 2014
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
The third mate is the Watchstander.

when all to rest, weary to unload,
eager to embark to station of quietude
he is at attention, full alert.

he is the Safety Officer.

your care to him entrusted.

you can read this all beneath his banner.

he to duty called,
sharp the alertness,
his whistle and his words
every ready, always, always,
a poem at the ready.

how else does a third mate make you safe?
Third Mate Third Dec 2014
"I'm fine with whatever you decide"

yeah, I say, by way of reply:

"I'm fine with you"
but on and on about perfunctory,
dinner, New Years Eve, schedules,
she goes, ain't reading me right

so I says,
"I'm finer with you"

she say "happy bout that"
yet still missing the mood,

so I wants the last word,
cause I got that "urge",
so I says,
"I'm finest with you,
but in the bath with
cell and tablet,
takes two
to replace you,
come home soon,
be my fine, be my edge,
be my

so that allows, aloes me back
to the place
where love poems are born,
for I know, and now
you do too,
my water just broke,
and this baby was just delivered to you....
Third Mate Third May 2014
Mr. Kang wrote in a suicide note released by police:

"I pushed for the school excursion.

Cremate my body and
spread my ashes over
the ship sinking site.
I may become a teacher again
in the afterlife for the students
whose bodies have yet to be found."


Honorable Teacher

Teacher in life,
Teacher in the afterlife,
This student humbly requests
joining your class upon
arrival in heaven,
to learn from a master,
the lesson of
living honorably,
taking responsibility,
*love beyond reason
Third Mate Third Apr 2015
but I have been to Kent,
back, thrown forth and back again,
so oft
that my words cannot
properly best
the nature of my
welling affection
sufficiently well

nurse us,
the world,
children, old souls, family,
in a big old house,
with poems of ribboned words,
that come daily(!)
like the sun riding up,
ending our days
with a sunset color collage
and always a
sweet good night
to her princes and princesses

unasked for, but so long overdue,
I over do what needs
not just saying,
but witnessing,repeating

this woman
upon who mine eyes have yet to
yet upon me,
she has so oft touched,
with deft phrase,
poet alive read,
I have no need to go to Kent,
for she
thru words,
resides inside my humbled
palate of
poets admired...
568 · May 2014
just we too...
Third Mate Third May 2014
mucho this's n' that's,
occupying the young ying
and the old yang,
which these days
seem identical....

one divorce maybe,
if we get around it...
one strange, shy, abused (?) dog,
my split, my reward,
and a few sticks of furniture,
the hound, from Taiwan, imported...

that ole diggedy dog,
feraly afraid of lightening,
but company is company,
I ain't exactly in the mind place
of saying no to nobody....

all I got is a bed,
a dresser, two nigh table,
yeah, nigh tables,
nigh enough
high enough,
for us to hide under....

got a new home
that needs TLC,
inside and out,
and the metaphors,
the parallels, escape my eyes,
but I know, I know them,
cause here I am,
telling you them

the blue days
come and go,
jet in and jet out,
pick their times,
their words,
their own schedule
when they want to
pick on me

but my spirits are entrenched,
me and the dog,
we got each other's back,
and when at a loss
pour la phrase exacte,

he, faithful and mournful eyed-one,
can be counted on to suggest a phrase
consistently, that is most apropos,
*just we too
My dog approves this poem.
557 · Jun 2014
In The Same Place
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
touched where it both
pained and pleasured

she, he, they,
son, daughter, husband, lover
returned the same,
in kind

there was no irony
that it was the same place

irony was in the kind

it was of no import
that the touching
was not physical

it was different though
in the how, in the what,
that is what made the difference,
the why was why
it sometime
pleasured and sometime pained

in the meeting place of the eyes,
revelation - then always results,
in the meeting place of the eyes,
contact most fierce,
yet no contact at all

the seismic radius of the tremors
were comprehended,
even measured,
but incomprehensibly
awesome and awful

this is how we love,
this is how we hurt,
our nearest ones,
so oft so far away

absent forever
or next door
in the same safe bed,
under a roof close to collapse,
sensible insensitive *

[this is senses insane shining mad]

this is how we love,
this is how we hurt,
our nearest ones,
so oft so far away

with a glance, a sneer, a moan, a snarl,
weeping, even when not openly,
a smile, a caress, a passing kiss,
a hard embrace,
emanations all from
the same place

in the one and the same place
where pain and pleasure coexist

who among us does not
know well this place

the place where reason absents itself,

at roll call the answer is always


and that is the signal
to that place
to commence the uncontrollable
555 · Jun 2014
Churn 'em and burn 'em
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
write a hundred poems a day

the devil may care

but I don't

any fool can do it

even me
484 · Jun 2014
Do go gentle into the night
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
the error rate of rage and snarl,
so very high

the youthful intolerance of every sad slight,
wearies me

the political correctness of the day spoils,
both the day and the night,
words can never harm me

who owns the truth?

the truth I belove is the opened arm,
the child comforted,
the kiss of the
parent and the child

not a fleer, or unafraid,
a grown man who has raised his fists in anger,
I defend fierce mine and my rights,
attack me with stick and stone,
and you shall run into my knife unsheathed

but the snarlers and the goose steppers
almost always fail,
choking on poisoned vitriol,
their own petard does not hoist them,
except to the gallows of the nothingness of infamy

I fight for tranquility and green pastures
where all shall lie down with whom they want

yet all I see is the valley of the shadow,
all I hear is the rattling from the valley of the bones

strange is the calm I feel, for rage is an old companion

my weapons are neither dull or rusted,
or put away for never to be used

come to me in peace, one by one,
come to me with chivalrous acts and kindness
spread like thick butter on dark country bread

I will easy embrace, protect and defend,
all the days of my life

rage against the dying light if you must,
but do not deny that rage hasten the dark
303 · Feb 2015
10W Sleep is a dream
Third Mate Third Feb 2015
Sleep is a dream
for fools
who believe
in dreams

— The End —