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Third Mate Third Jun 2014
write a hundred poems a day

the devil may care

but I don't

any fool can do it

even me
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
all bite at first,
but some do not lose the taste for it,
and they become the haters,
needy to be put down,
or at vey least,
restrained and retrained

but I doubt most can

I am not a hater, just a doubter
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
lead only,
read only,
craft yourself a better poet,
after you have crafted yourself
a better being

leaders are dragged to the fore

selected and elected,
pushed and pulled

be wary of those who shout
and boast
Follow Me,
for they think not of you,
they think only of the me in us,
their glory in your gore

do not follow me,
I shall not follow you.

let us each lead by example
and upon the shoulders
of our fellows will we be lifted
spontaneously combined, but not combusted

then, especially then,
go quietly inside yourself amidst the haste

for fellowship endures,
but fame fleeting,
and the adorers will soon flee
to the next prince of promises,
and when to the ground you slide,
slipped from their tilting shoulders,
be unsurprised
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
The third mate is the Watchstander.

when all to rest, weary to unload,
eager to embark to station of quietude
he is at attention, full alert.

he is the Safety Officer.

your care to him entrusted.

you can read this all beneath his banner.

he to duty called,
sharp the alertness,
his whistle and his words
every ready, always, always,
a poem at the ready.

how else does a third mate make you safe?
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
the error rate of rage and snarl,
so very high

the youthful intolerance of every sad slight,
wearies me

the political correctness of the day spoils,
both the day and the night,
words can never harm me

who owns the truth?

the truth I belove is the opened arm,
the child comforted,
the kiss of the
parent and the child

not a fleer, or unafraid,
a grown man who has raised his fists in anger,
I defend fierce mine and my rights,
attack me with stick and stone,
and you shall run into my knife unsheathed

but the snarlers and the goose steppers
almost always fail,
choking on poisoned vitriol,
their own petard does not hoist them,
except to the gallows of the nothingness of infamy

I fight for tranquility and green pastures
where all shall lie down with whom they want

yet all I see is the valley of the shadow,
all I hear is the rattling from the valley of the bones

strange is the calm I feel, for rage is an old companion

my weapons are neither dull or rusted,
or put away for never to be used

come to me in peace, one by one,
come to me with chivalrous acts and kindness
spread like thick butter on dark country bread

I will easy embrace, protect and defend,
all the days of my life

rage against the dying light if you must,
but do not deny that rage hasten the dark
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
summer incisions on a crystalline day*
(it sorrows me to end a poem this way)

every leaf, every tree,
edged silhouetted sharp
against the pale blue cadet uniform color of a
portrait background framing sky,
this museum piece painting,
unsigned, unguarded, uninsured,
yet, surely the worlds most valuable

the sun's early morn golden glint reflection,
somehow pools in the palm of the each chlorophyll green flat goblet,
this necklace of carat gold cavatine melodies
gets me happy drunk on an aurora of
the green n' blue seasonal summer's glories,
upon the skin-stamped a caramel hallmark,
what we wait for all year long,
all the earth's colors crystalline pure,
my senses say it's as it was
on the first day of creation

this is not the first day of summer 2014,
yet, it should be so remarked,
for summer visions so perfect crystalline
are summer incisions,
allowing entry of interferon hopes of we irregular,
imperfected assorted human shapes,
the marvel of a free-for-all serenity,
nature's sweet permanent kindness to
wayfaring temporal humans

corporeal that I am, my being flooded
by all of this and a grateful satisfaction,
but my mind knows that as real as all this,
is as well, the not well, the ashen pallor inside,
the burnt tongue words that circulate
in my bloodstream, the status of my
reality, where my job, survival, is a
Monday day to one day thing, and where the luxury of being
summer incised
is a sometime thing

and it sorrows me to end this poem this way
but I come from another place this day

and the computer asks
save this poem?
and I answer,
no, save me, save my family,
even if it must rain every day for the rest of my
sunsetting life

and it sorrows me to end this poem this way
but I come from another place this day
Third Mate Third Jun 2014
touched where it both
pained and pleasured

she, he, they,
son, daughter, husband, lover
returned the same,
in kind

there was no irony
that it was the same place

irony was in the kind

it was of no import
that the touching
was not physical

it was different though
in the how, in the what,
that is what made the difference,
the why was why
it sometime
pleasured and sometime pained

in the meeting place of the eyes,
revelation - then always results,
in the meeting place of the eyes,
contact most fierce,
yet no contact at all

the seismic radius of the tremors
were comprehended,
even measured,
but incomprehensibly
awesome and awful

this is how we love,
this is how we hurt,
our nearest ones,
so oft so far away

absent forever
or next door
in the same safe bed,
under a roof close to collapse,
sensible insensitive *

[this is senses insane shining mad]

this is how we love,
this is how we hurt,
our nearest ones,
so oft so far away

with a glance, a sneer, a moan, a snarl,
weeping, even when not openly,
a smile, a caress, a passing kiss,
a hard embrace,
emanations all from
the same place

in the one and the same place
where pain and pleasure coexist

who among us does not
know well this place

the place where reason absents itself,

at roll call the answer is always


and that is the signal
to that place
to commence the uncontrollable
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