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Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
while my cat methodically licks its ****
my mind wanders off to a place where nothing is licking a ****
and there i find peace and tranquility.
hygienic Om.
soon after, i write a poem and settle in to write more.
threading private thoughts through a bullhorn of riddles
and double entendre’.
lilies sleeping with bells on
i saunter far afield and blaze a phrase
in the frozen waste
of writer's block.
i get caught in the Net of Indra
but outside the litter
Nov 2018 · 74
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
I should think you have ivory boats for eyes
afloat in the bountiful, and flawless in the lawless waves
of all creation. and I very much do.
i assume you have stars to command and meadowlarks to scold
for pinching ribbons... and i never take my eyes from
your visage… for fear of losing track
of your impractical perfection.
enslaved to the sun.

[ but blue my mind,]

even as i ponder thee in seraphic splendor
i succumb to the piccolos of gloom
and fresh linen mockery of dank dreams.
I amuse a myriad of wraiths
and spawn horrors that dim into pocket lint
and late fees. I breathe in the dark green kiss
of old butterflies.

and never comb my hair without forgetting to.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
the grass, leaning in the south wind, seeming
              as if emeralds,   had sent tendrils up - to suckle at the yellow breast, now, high above inflamed...
              over soft new
              strands of green gemstone,
              as delicate as humming-bird tongues
              teasing nectar
              from a titan,
              in the sky
              triumphant in the void,

              a golden bead in the baffling blue!

              cattails, curling in sway...and two brown eyes bob upon the surface
                          of a myriad fertilities.
              as if
                        nature itself had known, one day
                       a poet would come ~
              to roam the rambling renascence of these remote ramparts
                     in awesome humility ~ and so prepared
              a path afflux
                that ambled near

              and yes!

                        anonymous nomad
              with nicotine skin and a scabbard of scandalous quills
              would indeed
              stumble in      as if returning home
              to a mansion restored to glory
              and seraphic randomness...
              a place
              that in youth sustained a quiet, soulful troubadour
              by gospels of granite and grain,  grass finch
              and faun - ennobling an oracle ... but now
              enticed a scholar  from his cot
              to jot ephemera
              of outlasting spark
              before dark-fall

              and so... there

              amid all allurement   and soft machines

              a word-smith gathered
              poesy and prose.
              this one served
              an invisible

              of unsurpassed virility
              who charms       kaleidoscopes
              with  offhand sketches    
              a landfill
              a basket weaver,  
              that unravels to
              achieve pure
              a wineskin was decanted in dianthus and hollies -
              as ampules of anagrams
              were sold unscrambled, to dyslexics
              without hope
              a falcon frolicked above the lowborn lilies...  
              with eyes  
              too keen
              to see a
              as the hand
              of god
              or a vole
              as a lifeline
              on his
Nov 2018 · 137
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
The air was old in the long house by the beach.
You could tell by the way the ocean spray had diminished
replaced by long-dead fireplace breath and the scent
of skin gasping for rain.
There was always dust on the cobwebs now.
Books strewn about like leather-bound pistachio shells
and a rumple of pillows beneath a lump of blanket -
teeming with troubled sleep…. all frumped by the window
with the moons dead eye. and the sound of wave after wave --
Nov 2018 · 171
The Candy Fire
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
Love is the crystalline candy fire sweeping over a staggering Pine, just beyond the boundary
of a Copse.
A saccharine zypher exploding a lonely rogue.
Love is a wave of sugar daggers, unsheathed and  pouring out of your heart
all at once, by the millions.
Love is the candy fire writhing in your honey.
Like a plasma powdering
a Hole.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
Imogene’s Blitzkrieg Bonfire
was in all the papers. Steppenwolf was quoted as saying
nothing very much, but with all the vigor of a philosopher
that hasn’t read a paper in 20 yrs.
A thunderous stealth Satori in broad daylight
well into the Midnight of her Soul -
and unto the very wee hours of Herself
everything had become too grand to behold and not be felt
by complete Strangers living with No Exit.
Passersby, that by now recall a shiver in the spine
as Imogene caught a spark by the Tale
and expanded a theme by Herself.
Nov 2018 · 67
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
All the Dungeness Day our barnacles cling to the hull of a coconut -
with none the wiser. i often worry this spot of bother with penetrating thought
them come about Starboard of True North
with my southerly winds swirling in a giant tub
on a porch… where Once, God Sat -
And Tossed Stars.
Nov 2018 · 132
Quite Frankly
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
in Paris they have incandescent cigars and croissants. they nosh on hot buttered steam
arm in arm beneath absinthe umbrellas. they have tyrannical berets that hate pompadours -
and nothing is good enough for them. of course unless its Nothingness......
with Juuust a pinch of Sarte.
Nov 2018 · 101
A Swarm Of We
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
They are not wandering, these atoms… they are moving.
Life exhausts all time with its endless mortality
at speeds above Reason,; we conjure as we go, and continue
forever briefly…. like a petulant swarm -
of We.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
The feral corona of my precious sunspot; sings from the heart
of a collapsing star… without moons or harmony.
Only the perfect sound of a  Lost Hope
building a fire to defy it. A fire so cold it yearns to conflagrate
like an imperial furnace of wishful thinking…
A life, become an Om -
Like an Omen,

{ a bluebird choking on a song }

And winking.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
when you are empty like no other emptiness
as full as you. when your stars are cross
with your horizon and bitter with your shroud.
when the east is where tomorrow plots your demise.
and the west is an echo of an omen, fulfilled exhaustively.
when the night is just another daybreak.
when the owls lapse into “ Hoo is doing this to me? “ and conjures a mirror
for your consideration.
when long notes drown in their beauty
before the melody even begins.
when with a darker sun, more red the rose….
less dead, all things

we are young.
Nov 2018 · 327
Budging The Noodle
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
while surfacing in the liquid grove of our punji sticks
and pine sap fire
we lose our hearing… and whalesongs become a myth
as we emerge from the abyss -
as abysmal as a flotilla of spirals
and as deaf as a merciful nod.
but we see the Sun
for the first time.
and with our beginnings begun -
we be gone...

Nov 2018 · 109
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
have you ever been “ path blind“?
i suspect you have/are and we meet
where the moon is Mars.
and that's ok by you -
as long as we talk about the Limbo
in my teeth and not the nothing -
in your fear.

but I’ve come this far
to tell you a story

if you don’t

[  i have a Mind for You. ]

with words that finish when you do.


it was no November as much as an under- June with a callous cap of snow
for a sun, and all the peanut brittle in the Universe.
November, then, was a remarkable Moth that knew
an incandescent flame from a Terrible Beginning…
and our youth -
is the  difference continuing
to fear the light,

euro trash savvy.
and outta

it was no November on the map of things, it simply wasn’t polite.
the leaves abandoned their posts and drifted down below the feet of angels -
once pale green, but now in anguished orange, as floral as a living thing...
but dead. and on the ground. at an angle.
Nov 2018 · 105
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
woven into every step i take is another one… snagged on a pause.
but i egress… regardless. so stubborn with my solipsis
i gain an inch for every mile i disbelieve in.
and my limestone plumage softens the sky
of a hard god.
Nov 2018 · 565
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
onyx fondles the yellow hem of a skirt of sunlight
without tarnishing its reputation for unbridled darkness.
scattered amid a herd of tumbleweeds
as iron as the sky… and the odd tortoise, rehearsing
a ballad, for to soothe the odd savage jackal.
as mad things call.

a storm approaches maximum sloth, as the sun beats the clock.
as the sun beats the arid scape with sour hammers, teaching vultures
the gospel of desolation and the effluvium of dead still.
the heat rising to meet the impending rain
is a vengeance and a frenzied vole.
and the hour of our thirst is unconquered
in the shadow of a Black Mesa,
with a Red Name.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
can hardly move
outta the rain…
even under a blue
even with you,
i’m gone

and Time is where
everything Happened wrong
just right.,,,

a flawless agony.

so the lock that
murdered the key
to my heart is
My Heart.

like a law of
Third Eye Candy Nov 2018
some of Us are gone.
but the residue is a pungent Mars
where our colonies
lack perfume.
we lack the horoscope
of our every disaster
and smile like fools
for the asking.
but please gather “round
and we’ll be square,
we have enough Church
to barter with
all Gods,...
but not enough faith
to never dread
why we are.
and not enough why
we do.
Oct 2018 · 555
The Defacing Of Anonymous
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
you do not come from origins.
you arrive, loved before you know yourself
and your actions burble in the dark
willow branches... taking a **** on the Moon.
you laugh when i say that
but you know me now.
i keep the spiders from eclipse like a Pro.
i sweep rugs under the rug
and replace them
with all of
my -

“ I don’t know “

so Life is how we embrace
too soon, before that.
for no reason that English can French.
we adapt.

with all that Latin
in our laps
in a cauldron
of acid
Oct 2018 · 256
Cat Food And Consciousness
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
every day is like a brand new opportunity for nightfall.
i’m not mad about that. I’m a poet, and poets are mad hatters.
i awoke with my tongue in my shoes.
but my feet were not my stride.
every now and then...the Past is a tad sadder.
but i’m happy through it all
yet cannot laugh gladder.
like cat food and consciousness.
i persist like a meal
for a wee beast
and a think.

or I don't matter.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
Life is exactly how we get dead.
Death is a side hustle
Of Living with
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
**** your wings when they walk.
when they ***** and sting when she talks.
when the sky
is a stone.... just skip it ‘cross
your pond.
and only linger
when she’s


Oct 2018 · 92
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
" we are not well, " said the silent thing... as I was too much love in a small space... condemned to mold spores
and bundles of grieving. Having kept my leaving -
to my Self-Escape... and my geometry
on flat enough planes.
But Alas... here i come with all the energy
of dampening peaks. Hurling Valleys.
clawing at your faceless
Summoning the rude glyph of my industrial surrender
to my Human weakness
masquerading as a Party
of One.

there's always a nerve
you cannot polish for a Joy
or a hell that
has epiphanies
to elude
but not

And as for you...
Only You -

Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
time is a shrew and a villain that loves the mockery of your effort.
it boils a rabbit for Easter and swaddles you in kindling
to stoke the fires of your Kafka.
but you have no program to bug.
only your lost faith.
and your word.

a net is a place to keep holes.
no one can argue that.
but who argues You?
Oct 2018 · 97
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
the weekend blathers and every owl in my who is pleading the 5th
and nothing but the cruel sun is laughing… doubtless, I have no harbor
for my haunted canoe. only a rope and fathoms underneath
my falling or float.
the fully automatic heart is at every point…. pointless.
it must love to signify or else fail
where the center of a thing
is a broken heart.

or You.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
what are you doing now?
I ask because i care.
are you under the bus
and happy there?
or are you just about to
be someone?
and have you thought
about Nothing till it hurt?

i only ask because I’m curious.
the way we dare is the way we live!
we are not precise but we endure
the curvature of Truth
when we seek it…
we have no rings for Saturn
that have no hands
to pray with.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
Life is “ I will wait. “
it has no key to Time
i cannot lunge so much
as i may linger.
i am only loving the world
as much as Myself.

and I can’t behave.

so death is not
a Yes.

and Life is all that's left -
to get right.
Oct 2018 · 77
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
to be a person is to be a mask
and to Love is what you actually are.
i know that now.
i recognize your methods as my own
and smoke the skills of expression
as a stone may do.
i surrender to the practice
of love without artifice.
i come down from what pleasure may be mine
to lie to myself. i covet no sun
but savor the rays
of my disobedience, and intensely enjoy
the howling of my penumbra
like all puppies
love a gently.

How i fall in love now, takes no skill.
you merely must be willing.
it’s like coming from nowhere
with a Postcard

from everywhere.
Oct 2018 · 134
The Drag Equation
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
i sleep when i can
and i don’t have to
answer to
all the waves in my pond
are at Sea…. never to return
unless you shut up
and listen
to me.

the very opposite of You.


my story goes like THIS….

you can’t have a wave that is all crest and no trough….
but you can be an idiot.
you can begin as an elder sun and return to your room
where you keep moonrocks for no reason
and never be happy.
Or you can taste your soul
eating itself alive
for all reasons.


Or Not.
Oct 2018 · 802
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018

My amethyst fist
in sank soil
on a rank day
where my hour clocks in
at Forever at a time
while Time
is a dream
on a perpetual
I slip
into my own
blood in the guise of a lightning bolt
murdering my

With Open Eyes.

I come up!

when the conversation
is lapsing into a whimsy
that snarls at Death…
and when I have no pigeons
to tell Nothing too…
I have no Reason
to not
Keep a Sky for Myself.


Here I come from slumber’s thunderous churning
in more mornings than your handful
of  Nightfall…
I watch you frame
an echo like a Fool under glass
and carry on
in your slim way
weaving Madrigals of Low tolerance
where a Pantomime Horse
had a better chance
at being an Indian
than You!

Chaucer with a softer brick.
And Balloons!
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
Love is where the last thing is Always.
a crazy hemisphere of nothing but what you want.
summer is the tool of all winters.
you have no wisdom but the Love you cannot disavow.
and your slumber is nothing but a kiss
where the void has a name
and your face.
Oct 2018 · 103
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
are those your feet? are you hovering with mad toes made of dirt?
i can’t say. but are you someone else? are you nothing but the fumes of YOU?
are you lovely when it counts?
do you sleep with ghosts that have no Fury.... but lay awake in your nonsense?
are you an expert when Nobody cares?

And where are you Now?
Oct 2018 · 276
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
the doors are not perception.  just locked.
i have no keys but the random is not assuring
and all my rainbows have no narrative
only letters from dead gods
and little else.

the bar is closed now.... and the sun is foreign and In Your Face.
we have our wounds to deal with… and nothing else ~
but how a cluster ***** when a dank star collapses.
i’m nothing else.
and that’s Wit.
Oct 2018 · 135
dead yes
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
dead yes in a hammock of well dressed
like some kinda lime star on a cufflink
sinking its dreams into a morsel of “ What’s Left? ‘
and “ Hell Yes! “ … I’ve got the wound
that kills best.
I can’t seem to be real…
i actually have to not Be There.
i actually have to fold everything into a square
that has a circle for a dream
without Witnesses.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
i was never meant to be tamed
and that gallops truth like a tsunami
i go where my stars are dying in front of me.
i carry your picture like a pale of water.
i go where the leaving is gone most of the day
but leaves a message.
i appear to be out of my skin in front of a mirror.
i haunt the corners of my eye
even now.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
i couldn’t help but notice you have marvelous black wings
striking in the blast of green bursting with silk scarves and yellow corn.
your beak is like obsidian Vulcan
pecking at the sweet spoils of an early harvest
before a dog bites or a gun barks…. before God even knows you ’re there.
i sleep with one eye open.... not holy.
so i saw you coming.
landing in the twilight bounty of the land like a king of summer nights.
i’ve often found you ravenous and wise.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
spinning where the halt of your lurching heart is a musical
surging in the mundane litany of our personas
suffering the same madness that soothes the savage disconnection
of perpetual mortality…. sleeping at the center of wakeful
bedazzled by the prominence of cashew moons and the promise
of absolute doom…. but not without a word in edgewise.
in the margins of an unpublished book.

glowworms on holiday mock the cave on your back
and all the blind crickets
can see right
through you.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
i was born when the nothingness had grown weary of my absence called upon to blunder through mortality's purpose
swollen like a pufferfish in a pond of mercury
so gorgeous everything’s okay.
after that, i was born again but not from love’s Freudian vendetta with eternity.
but from an organic siege of my previous incarnation,
born from a wound in the guitar buried in the garden.
i never leave anywhere the same as not being there actually.
i absolutely almost there
at all..
Oct 2018 · 592
The Enigma And The Rube
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
when all the bells have toppled silence and on the breeze rides a summer of stammering stunnery the likes of the color blue on stilts
snagged in the sun’s corona.
like a fish on a hook of sunshine, thought he saw a worm of real life
but got caught in the vaporous torrent of his weakness.
savoring the dawn like a mushroom mottled in fresh dew
twinkling in the circus of  fecundity where the thrum of glory
spoils the view of a curmudgeon and marches on into destiny’s *****
in the clutches of our habits and rabidly
living the dream that’s killing us.

how real can it get?

and is that real enough?
Oct 2018 · 422
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
we soldier on in the endless march of our quietude sprawling the width of our last fake smile.
staring at a focal point so pointless you hardly explode without vanishing.
but never write letters. you tumble into tomorrow's womb like an orphan of yourself.
terminally accidental on purpose
Oct 2018 · 3.6k
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
cupidity is a dizzy thorn smoldering in the pith your heart
where happiness is frail and mighty and all joy a thing so vast
you can hardly keep up with how happy, but can’t stop now,
so kisses rain down from simple days lounging on couches
with adorable dimples the shape of your afternoon *******
and all is the kingdom of  vulnerability
wrapped in the impossible
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
start with a doubt and a guilt and simmer. reflect at the angle that bisects oblivion…
but never come to terms with it. drink all the suns and mutter in the patter of  late nights grinding away
at the center of your lost boy.
keep yourself to your mosquitoes while you smokescreen your terrors with beautiful things
that pour out of you like all day things with glitter for mumps! you unhappy thing.
now you must stare at the wheel of an unbearable Sun. but you have no donuts
until you wake and make them suffer holes that you decorate with glaze
while glancing at the emptiness wrapped in empty calories
you’ll never dance-off.

somehow continue.

or not.
Oct 2018 · 101
So You Can Relate To It
Third Eye Candy Oct 2018
my deary dear, i find you here so mangled in epiphanies
with all your dandelions cats and spinach in-between your teeth.
you’re simply astounding. so i want to hold you in my arms
with all the helicopters in my hovering mind.
the very mind that sleeps in the heart my everything.
telling me to love you
This Way.

So you can relate to it… let me tell you a secret.
we have this moment to be actual where a ghost would do,
my flesh is solid light…. seeing through you.
finding you milagro
where miracles
and lacking.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
this morning is like a warm plate. a blanket of lucky charms
and dense space... smoked sausages on long cords of brevity.
a supreme miasma of little things and unforeseen plasma.
this morning is like ghosts and hours.
time on a clock at a rakish angle.
i don't wanna be there when my cats die.
i  just don't wanna hurt as much
as it will.
Sep 2018 · 103
Everything And....
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
i am simply about you.
love has these wings
and nothing but gravity
is not laughing.
so above i hover happy.
i am long in joy
and always my passion
is assailed by under fires.
i keep my vision
by asking for
nothing more.
loving you is everything
Sep 2018 · 83
Howling Moon
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
i passed out and had no dreams. but i remember it.
it feels like a long stroll off a short pier.
and the wind is strange.
a perfect blur of resistance across a warped plain
of never there,
i sang a song that had words that had no meaning.
i gave my heart to a howling moon
and came back to myself.
Sep 2018 · 135
The Imperium of Last Things
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
in the Imperium of Last Things
i Love no less.
i enjoy no more than all things
and Love best.
Sep 2018 · 887
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
at the lip of a pool, i suspend time to forage through the reveries of lost love
and like thunder i roll over tragedies and dull days,,,i wrinkle my eyes at a stone sun
and embark renewed at a crossroads tethered to an iron halo.
i drink more now. my Bourbon soliloquies banter like a bantam **** at all Dawns.
but the irony is bracing and the ice is breaking a vow of iceness… now a conflagration
where a glacier burns like a sun and marvels at how tepid Hell.
i loved too much. and that was not enough. and you can tell.
so now i gaze at the impossible with a child’s eye and a poet’s dark.
i sleep with myself in my chambers of unseemly devotion.
i love everything and nothing.
and i yearn to yearn without yearning
all the while.
Sep 2018 · 286
Phantom Anthem
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
that noise in the margins of our orchestra
is none other than... The Other...
and not the cackle of a silver crone.
more the rumpus of a million bees
in a riot of sunshine.
like a Theme
to a Thing.
Sep 2018 · 200
The Stone In A Cloud
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
now that our rainbows fit on the head of a pin
a sorrow has lodged in our moon with blue lips
desolate in the feast of stars in orbit of a broken heart
and a glass thorn.
now that our lives have oceans of boredom and loathing...
and glorious Parthenons of Unbearable Weakness.
now that we shoulder the burden of obscene freedom,
casting our nets in redacted tomes
of ancient wisdom
where we dare to live aloud
and yearn for Silence.

now that we meet ourselves, dangling from a premise
are we more likely to becalm the waters
of our separate mirrors
or stoke the flames of oblivion
with soft lips to a stone
in a cloud?
Sep 2018 · 433
Third Eye Candy Sep 2018
a narrow tusk of crosswind grazing my cheekbones
as i lean into the teeth of a comet... wincing and turbulent
but still a boy. tossing moonbeams to a catcher's mitt
and all the while bewildered at the sum delirium
of Life's yes.

embroiled in the kingdom of the smallest things...
i trundle from my Kismet like a drunken crow.
i skip the stones for breadcrumbs on a perpetual wave
of vanishing points.

And fall in love because, because... because.
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