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Sep 2019 · 456
Why I Can’t Sleep
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
sleep is a ******. it recoils when the moon and the night conspire.
it shuns slumber like a timebomb on a porch.
sleep ticks like a phantom with Tourettes...

we are not familiar.

in the wee hours, I am disconnected
from trivia. attached to the hull of a great force
surging through the aqueous chasms
of my insomnia.
like a butterfly the size of a classical harp
clapping in the dark
Sep 2019 · 115
I Don’t Often Surrender
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
I don’t
often surrender
but when I do, I win.
I give up and go
all in.
I take the risk -
out for a
I linger where
I fall
Sep 2019 · 97
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
you know the rain for its staccato
of intimate noise. the wildebeest-
deluge-migration by the thunderous
hooves of infinite raindrops.
like recalling a song
only you can
Sep 2019 · 154
Magic Is A Real Thing
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
magic is a real thing… it has no bones but
all the moons in a nebulous symmetry.
we swim in things we can’t correct.
and yet, there lies the bloom of our -
Infinite Jest.

magic is a real thing… sleeping on the floor
with the cold sparkles and marsh marionettes
glowing in the farthest thing from practically Nothing.
Like a Boss.

we go where the real things **** us and return with fresh hells
to feather our nested resurrections in the face of a Comedy.
so magic is a real thing, sleeping with Strangers
an opulent soliloquy of unexpected

magic is a real thing… but the ***** of our Narcissus
daunts the pavillions of our introspection. our numerous harmonies.
so real we had habits.
And that is.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
there’s an acorn made of sensible things
never in your tree. your branches sprawl
unencumbered by the width of a paradox
dangling from an infinite Other.
you extend your extremes
by simply living through an eon
of overexposure.
you wane like a champion of Nightfall
but your Love is another ******
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
my imperial darkness is so bright
it knows how many lights
to take away.

how many moons to forge
in a black kiln on
an Autumn day.

how many thorns to invite
to a crown…

in a throne room
made of

no rooms.

and an Always.
Sep 2019 · 1.1k
i keep losing things
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
i keep losing things.
i keep finding out
things are gone.
i'm a perfect hole
in a pocket.
whatever that means
and double it.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
The world is a rogue wave in an otherwise tranquil cacophony.
Like porridge in a squeaky door hinge too sleepy to be orange.
The jawbone of an *** at rest on a window sill. next to a Pi.
The world, a smoldering flume of genius, unbridled, by and by.
a continuous ravine of asymmetrical adoration.
as we inhabit the foreign,
native to Fate.

We sing the body eclectic in a percolating rue of an infinite gumbo.
Like Venice, with Florence in its teeth. our pompadours-
shameless for sport.
The heart of a battle trout in a river of Trojan lures are We!
dangling from a current as swift as any eventuality.
An upstream vagabond of illustrious toil in the wee hours. Common
as weevils in a Gin. sweetening the palate of an unctuous ablution.

sleeping through the good parts
our eyes on spikes
in the dark.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
my teeth rake the radio like a sieve at the heart of midday
straining the kelp beds of the horizon for crystalline krill
dulling the pain of our daily dread with a happiness
made of cyclones and Lincoln Logs.
i usurp my last breath. my tundra is sincere.
i go nowhere in a single bound.
and it's like the world
won’t let me
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
what love has done is not so much the moon in a cup.
it’s more as if the sun had all the sky
in a thimble…  and I had the eye of the world -
where my witness was gospel
and my time, a nest of unimpeachable

what love has done is more than my angst interrupted.
it’s more as if a dove had stories to tell, but only a song said best.
every windmill… an uncertain calliope less inert
than my reckless cacophony
driving a nail into a palm
of endless.
Sep 2019 · 98
wound pink umbrella
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
where I toil I have no moon
save the spoils of my dissonance.
and a pulsating garnet of chaos
in a spoonful of wishful

with a wound pink
umbrella. I am aloft

I'm remote
and vendetta.

like a noise
without a voice
in a fog.
Sep 2019 · 102
A Silent Disaster
Third Eye Candy Sep 2019
in this case, an ermine fool
has too many hats, but alas -
too few heads.

the Jacomo laughs
out of turn.
and jokes lay spinning in amber -
ever devoted to the premise
of an Absolute Laughter…
As sonorous
As Entropy.

or a silent disaster

cloaked in the
strange robes
of a naked.
Third Eye Candy Aug 2019
is the chocolate spasm
of an unquenchable joy.
like a kite on a string of unending naivete…
a glorious mongrel of “ I’ll be ******! “ -
and all the manifest Destiny you can squeeze
into a perilous adventure.
no ropes Is like No Fun,
but only from This angle, where I lust for succulent jewels!
where I slept last on a diamond
made of pure flesh -
and pulsed into a realm
of amorous blunders.

all these sweet things
kick in the teeth
of your black hole.
like an aggregate Comedy
of stalled horizons.

you see how love has mastered Madness
by slipping in-between
Third Eye Candy Aug 2019
I keep leaving
the thousands of miles
between us
for the outskirts of
close to you.
I sleep where the strange stars hum

in a teacup
of the last
day… I hold
your hand

we never sleep
through the Life
we’re dying

always aswoon.

and un-clever.
Third Eye Candy Aug 2019
out of harm’s way, i have never been; for all ways are harmonized. I appear in the guise of an everlasting Denouement. but all the while seething with trumpets
of triumphant self-loathing and mood swings hitched
to a non-Euclidean fulcrum in the white noise
of a vibrating fog where your heart should be...
with all the corridors
of an infinite

with an Ampersand.
Third Eye Candy Aug 2019
I go where the trees are sleeping in droves.
in the peace of somnambulant groves;
perched in frostbite and sugar, with all my teeth
and postage stamps gathered into a pile
of awkward. But I continue like a crop
of circular arguments.
i hang stars where a storm should be.
and can’t remember where i was

I'm always this.
Third Eye Candy Jul 2019
shall I dive into your skin
with all my Dostoyevski
dangling from a thorn
in my argument?
shall i ghost where eyes
have no jurisdiction>
slumber in the alleys of
our wayward way.
beneath the effort of our stars
in the cumbersome
ritual of loving you
the very most?

or shall I descend into the majesty
of your updraft? catch the remarkable
clue to your aspect and journey there
like a happy fool on a day
without a name?
Jul 2019 · 92
Evening Is A Verb
Third Eye Candy Jul 2019
like a stain on an apron, the sky mauled a rainbow.
twilight was in bloom like a laceration
at the heart of the color Blue.
like a song on a blind beetle’s mind
before a windshield epiphany.

i feel the ropes of a ghostly heaven
hauling my anguish to a pulsar
in a far off kingdom,
i luxuriate in the wholesome disassembly
of my chaos, and swear fealty
to a blank spot
on a Sun.
Jul 2019 · 97
Strife Glamour
Third Eye Candy Jul 2019
all the world in the world is all wegot.
crushed pearls of wisdom in a cracked goblet
of divine fire.
we have Hours where a century would sleep -
none but ourselves to adore into Oblivion
with all the hubris of a bris
at the summit
of some other world.

wegot mushrooms where the sun don’t shine.
and that’s just like having

Third Eye Candy Jul 2019
how dim are your headlights?
I’m asking while you drive.
I’m wondering where we go
when we’re gone?
I’m sleeping when the world comes
to an End,
with a comma.
right through the bliss of annihilation
too busy dreaming
to be bothered.

dreaming of grief
as a landscape with an offramp
into ****** fears of your warp.
I’m asking because the sun will die
before your answer
but the question will echo
like a song in the throat
of the very last
Jun 2019 · 268
Third Eye Candy Jun 2019
on my skin lay the words that can't be tamed
and all manner of beasts snarl in golden rickshaws
ferried up the mountain pass to my pyramid
floating on a cloud of lightning, woven by hand
in the heart of Darkness, beneath the canopy
of an old Oak...root bound in the soul of the void
but flourishing, my head wound feeds the branches
when i sleep underneath them, it seeps into earth
that has no form... and I have an insomniac's dream
in the middle of my awakening, by the sound
of your footsteps...
as you make your approach from the East
and bring with you the scrolls of lost tongues
and the rye tales of the crow in winter...
with your eyes marked
by having solved the Mirror's riddle, in the dark.
and your sallow cheeks, flush with empathy and famine.
your coarse hair, descending like elven craft...
resting on your shoulders, as if draped over a banister
of an endless spiral...
I see you before the light strikes
my optic nerve.
Long before the sun
was born...
I crawl from the space -
that contains my shadow
and greet you at the foot of the stairs
where your tresses
caress moonbeams
and I smile
so deeply - even -
the stars in your palm, stall -
their ponderous orbits
to behold.
And I hear
what you have to say
about love and the virtue
of flesh enmeshed
with a Spirit
to untangle
and your voice is soothing
As i listen to the Truth on your lips
till you pause.
then i tell You " It is good to see you, as always...
and would you do me the honor
of sharing my blanket made of glacier skin
and stardust feathers stitched into the dewdrops
i harvest gently, Before dawn...
off the glistening shells
of iridescent beetles
and bluegrass. with my eyelashes.
here beneath the Oak?
It would please
and our head wounds feed the tree as we dream.
on the roots, we slumber into worlds without end
and i fire my maid for sweeping
the terrarium.
Third Eye Candy Jun 2019
I cannot have a song in my throat
without the hour of my silence
smoldering in the ramparts of my thunder blush
where the seamless coil of my mortality
aches like a beacon on a cliff
of Nothing Else.

I cannot change my little Bibles
for a little Bliss.
I can only exchange the vapors
of my longing
for a non-touch
at the heart
of a wrong.

September is as brisk as a Discoteque
in a neon cadaver.
with all the palaver of a garden gnome -
full of further promises.
a prominent departure
where everything eminent
is Gospel.

I have pools of Time in my dislodged serenity
and all the ghosts to haunt me as lightly
as a gale.
I have come from an open wound
that has no closing argument.
Only the infinite armament of hollow guns
for solid snakes and
horizons made
of Nonsuch.

Before Begun
I had no Always
as much
as having
Jun 2019 · 153
no king but a thought
Third Eye Candy Jun 2019
let the world turn with its burden
churning the Sun’s apathy into
Buttercream and Absinthe…
like all the boys in the dark…
with all the girls
in a spark.

let the air have
no king but
a thought.
Jun 2019 · 186
math problem problem
Third Eye Candy Jun 2019
by my calculus, the star is an expanding collapse.
a furnace of Lagrangian Ghosts
warping the membrane of an entire wisp
of grandeur.
a particle of infinite jest.
like scrimshaw for Job
in a Never Whale.

or a Black Hole’s Tattoo.
Third Eye Candy Jun 2019
I was open like a book is closed. but a gorgeous sort of apple-worm
doting on inlets of fever and dim revels. I slept in a barn.
i swept infinity under the carpet to approach an impossible scenario -
while slumbering for no reason as I gathered a host of reasons.
True I parked in the dark quadrants of my simple joys,
But I digressed.
I came upon a pool of sublime introspection
and my reflection
was another
May 2019 · 1.1k
Josephine For Breakfast
Third Eye Candy May 2019
The East is singing. Like a slug of happy Banshee
at a salacious angle across my decedent pillow, while my phalanges
***** for your waist like a sleepwalking magnet
to the sun-drenched ***** of an impossible Mermaid.
It's Josephine for Breakfast….and all is steam.
And I Amazed.
Third Eye Candy May 2019
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit an age of inscrutable things
that feast upon docile swarms of sensitives… but never says what you're thinking
in a Eulogy. Only what you’re missing.

But sometimes, like Most Times…. the wounds are like walnuts -
parked in a field of oncoming traffic.
Or some gratuitous cerebral laughter.
Choked from a spasm of serene
by the clutches of a Sphinx
with Midnight teats.
And a mane of plausible
Third Eye Candy May 2019

He wore his madness like a coat on a spoon.
A gamma ray troglodyte groping in the dark fennel
inhaling the effluvium of dank adrenalin…
carving suns into bite-sized pieces.
opening the wounds he could never discard out loud,
he tore his sleeve of remembrance
hawking an empty smile at a mile of bad road
with all the gusto of terminal
May 2019 · 109
The Crooked Cookie
Third Eye Candy May 2019
I storm to my waking place
and serve no master save time
I linger far afield in extraneous metaphors
slumbering in a pillow’s kingdom
with too much joy
in my never there.

the crooked cookie is more how the morning
is a midnight on a ******.
a whiskey halo with a tumbler of divine angst.
wall nuts and hemispheres
swimming in tandem.
gorgeous wheels of sobering
May 2019 · 96
Third Eye Candy May 2019
sleep if you can, but good luck
tall tremors cavort with your short light.
you have no usual suspense.
only Night’s Hammer as a guide
to your unusual premise.
calm are the wings of your septic joy.
bent by fathoms of unadorable
May 2019 · 220
darker now, because…
Third Eye Candy May 2019
time is like a stale wink in a flurry of numb skulls
killing the landscape with obvious globes of misbegotten tropes.
more of a casual blight than the usual love,
an extraordinary thing… darker now, because…
Time is the sworn enemy of me.
a heap of Judas in the pinwheel of my effigy.
burning too many kingdoms to Queen.
I rejoice when the sour sky has fallen -
but Not Like Happy.
more like a glum sugar on a wave
heaping all the always upon
a Right Now
for Nothing
May 2019 · 578
My Lute
Third Eye Candy May 2019
My lute has found a voice
made of porcelain
and the risible rattle
of dry leaves.
I have only one note.
But my lunacy resounds.
With only two hands
I grasp; dropping -
the Sun…

But I keep the Moon
for an Eclipse
when I want

like an amateur Magician
at a Mirror,
over a

i shave a Dove
in my sleeve -
for the

that I weave
for lucid

[ I think }
Apr 2019 · 105
Third Eye Candy Apr 2019
gone and more gone my going
in too much snow without rubies.
my breath is a pike
in a stream…
churning in frigid whorls
of unbelievable
crisp air dangling from a yellow star
with all the blue in the world

gone and more gone my going astray
into the wilds of my Destiny…
slumbering ‘neath the void like a dragon’s egg
in a hammock of all
Apr 2019 · 241
Third Eye Candy Apr 2019
it is the evening and all the world is ablaze with phosphorescent eyes
on long stilts, below the moon’s prayer and above the verdant green
poised in the endless Beauty of the vast creation
swollen with dew and perpetual laughter… like a happy cog -
in a wheel of unbridled Love.

it is the shiny Night with all our parables sinking into the Sea.
all the fathoms of our credible dementia
are illustrious in the extreme.
and falcons soar into open light… astounding the ponderous Enigma.
Joy has a word for Bliss
beyond the Alphabet of Poetry.
It lives in a kingdom
made of new flesh
where a Bone
should be.

It has no name. this wonderment… it gathers in the cauldron of our distinct apparition. we desire and desire… we swoon in the sway of a random riot. rolling in the sphere of our Right Angles.
kissing the invisible
like a visionary blind Truth
in a blanket
full of blanks
that reminds Us
To Behold.
Apr 2019 · 112
Not All Poems Have A Choice
Third Eye Candy Apr 2019
maybe you have too many lights in your fingers
and too much dirt under your nails
so now miraculously you can play guitar
without chords you know…
and songs without hearts
you chose.
not all poems have a choice
but every verse has
a noise.

maybe you have too many atoms
and that’s what’s wrong with you
trying to be Nothing-

maybe that explains the pearls in your head
and the long braids in your
Apr 2019 · 218
Third Eye Candy Apr 2019
strolling the block where the after-hours smother towers with black snow
and Halogen lights with black velvet haloes.
I go where the moths grovel in mobs
towing a lifeboat out to Sea with a straight face
staring at a Northstar made of bottle caps
and headlights… humming to themselves -
because it’s midnight now
and nothing can stop
Third Eye Candy Apr 2019
you have slept in the barn
when you had the notion
and haystack eyelids bejewelled
with evening dew.
beneath the stars you have wept
lucid and bewildered.
with only so many tortoise shells
to intercept the ocean
caterwaul… with hollow houses
of slow ghosts.

you have made a path
in the sodden earth
with misbegotten hurt
and jolts of jubilation.
gone East in Westerly ways
bathing in thimbles
of burning desire.
you’ve made a living
out of dying on the vine
in full bloom.

like a plausible
Mar 2019 · 119
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
slumber is Chinese. and I am ghetto, Wittgenstein.
my eight legs sprawling into walrus paradigms.

we love the fish
but hate the WalMart.
so in a sea of punk living, we are invested
in something more than Art.
but much less than Unreal


you pay for everything you Love.
you have as much Cancer as Virgo….
You have no idea Why
You have no

in your crystal purse of tech
your anthems


As alone you always do.
something dark
is All.
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
a butterfly was asking for pennies on a bookshelf
as dusty as a mummy.  i was absentmindedly
threading tea leaves
with sharp snowflakes and
milkweed silk.  freehand…
with a Needle made
of Eyes.
Mar 2019 · 104
where the islands were gone
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
in the hour of my dislocated Id
purging the snowblind hedgerows
of my blighted mind.
where the minute of my larks are loons.
plump silver spoons in a pool of moons
sleeping in a manger.
in the Tempus, my time has more swiftly
become invalid
in a maze of white noise algebra
deriving the sum of madness
by dividing by an infinite

then and there i see The Map
of my extinguished constellations
in favor of holes where
there used to be -
painless days. The world shone there
with too many Orchards for too many Wines.
no casks of vinegar
have gone missing.
as they lay under rubble
and stiff winds. where I could find them.
i see the gossamer clouds of a mind
at the mercy of a somber pondering…
and islands of remote cacophony
in every sea of damage -

and Hope.

where the islands are gone.
for they had sprouted

and moved to a pond.
Mar 2019 · 145
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
Drums are drums. beats me…. but they over-pray for rain. nuff said.
they sing in the choir of my invisible. but not so much
where i contain my rhythm where my loving heart is beating music to death.
Drums keep coming like Always.
why do I conquer sleep with poetry? how does it end?
it never does what you want
but You want IT to do.
you want it to slather the skin of the future
to get past the gathering of lonesome
and no other thing can rimshot
your quiet.
Mar 2019 · 137
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
I abort the assumption that my life is a narrow frame
and the idea of a frame.
I collude with my better Angels
and drink with the devils that remain nameless.
these days i embark on crude soil
and wishful think the rest of my redemption
like a gyroscope in a soap bubble
toying with the notion
of True North.

I exude the Arabella of my Comedy.
and never am I in Love with the viscous deluge
of my impending calamity. I eat the root of the rain.
but I upheave.
I challenge the voice in the noise. singing backward
from a hollow.
there are more things in my revery
than my sorrow.

sleep is a slow thief with sticky embers.
drooling languid fire where the wick
is most likely limbic nerve.
i prevent myself from a Hell with my name
because your name fits
and that’s my
Mar 2019 · 101
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
I prefer to elongate the everlasting and
continue unabated with my mind so bright.
I bring a dark with me where a sun is lording.
and a moon as soft as last night.
I prefer the gruesome epiphany of going to work
if it satisfies the going to bed.
if it resembles a complete surrender
with an asterisk *.
i clump where the air is cool enough
to dislodge a prayer
from a Hope.

I prefer to sing without eyes.
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
all of a sudden the sails were empty-limp in the tepid sea of ever yawning soliloquies.
lurched into stillness by an angry god snoring through the movie. your eyes bark at the moon
on an atoll of unbearable enigmas, but ever startled by the calliope of your Heart’s Desire’
at the very peak of your weakness. It thooms! like an iron lung in the dark
alone with an impossible star. Like a daisy in a marathon.
or a clock for a spoon full
of “ why?”.
Mar 2019 · 115
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
as fools do, i do in a maze of undoing.
I roam the cataract -
a ghost, woven into spinning smoke
and double stitched where the hymns are bleak
with a wry giddy disaster for a smirk
with the most lost eyes.

and then I [  ]
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
In the moment everything is still
like a humming hornet in a begonia of irascible
misfortune, made glorious summer.
all the worlds engaged in fluorescent play.
the opal of all agonies
displaced by all the ghouls
of rabid faith.
our epiphanies are random
but we define the sojourn of-
our solitary Togetherness.
as our every kingdom is an abandoned kiss
where the stars; all falling-
are falling for you.
and all the worlds, some sort-
of hemisphere
of destinations
on all
Mar 2019 · 331
I Beg To Be Deciphered
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
oh what is this space between words and the emblem of speech, enchanted by the calamity
of opening my mouth to ask the very same thing?
oh how do i bloom so much with all my fairies Fae and all my moons New Earth
surging in the pixie ****** of what i can only assume is my purpose
among deader men than my living hell?
oh how i beg to be loved like a coin!
oh how i strive to slit the throat of a laughing troglodyte to let the sun shine
into the purpose of an idiot.
i consume what disbelieves the power of my weaknesses and secure a place in Valhalla
full of plush toys for Gypsies and waifs of every sadness
doing nothing but getting hit… by dead-end jobs
in the mouth of profound madness…
on this side of happy….
which incidentally, is the dark side of smiling
out of fear like an ape
with a word for a
man... without a god.
Mar 2019 · 338
Third Eye Candy Mar 2019
Canto I

The Dream is The Dreamer. I Intuit by strife and yards of Sleep.
I know the very secrets that I keep… and keep them coming, from underneath.
I swerve where the world is flat and the stars, less cheap.
All are Suns to plunder for the Heavens that are jealous of the Hells we seek.
Without our barbs, we are wires that electrons elect to flee.
So the light we gather is nothing more than the lies we speak.
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow… is only half as deep.
I tread where the Angels have false hopes
and conquer everything.

Canto II

Somewhere in my Soul is the last gasp I’ve been keeping
for the curtain fall of a dull day, perched on a steeple wilting.
My Church, Flesh, and Blood like any book you’re reading.
I assemble my disassembly with all the fire in my teeth careening.
Top bad for the Lost Ones. The way they trouble the void with wishing.
I summon the marvelous crux of a Fiction I am sincerely believing.
And make it so.

So beautiful… I’m still Alive.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2019
If Wednesday had a boyfriend they would rendezvous on Monday.
They would eat fried rice and stroll in the rain. Without umbrellas.
Monday would be horrified. But Simply Horrified.
Tuesday spreads a rumor and I still can’t find my cellphone.

In a sea of screens,
there is only one blindness
to see with.
so cherry blossoms
are no longer meaningless -
On Wednesday or until
they Break-Up.

and Friday gets all that Rebound Action.
Feb 2019 · 481
Third Eye Candy Feb 2019
Sleep has been a sluggish pixie and the moon a constant Patheon
Of Twilight Sirens. I am lulled into molasses eyes and am never sane.
Only a  ghost in my sheleton. A malingering cocoon
in the shape of a perpetual Snow White Crane.
I garden the grove of Midnights inner thy
and valiantly persist. I lay siege where I lay down my arms to suffer peace - as merely a mirage of luminous Tchotchkes and stolen kisses from Abyssal Lips.

Under wrong stars, I roam the Halls of UnTime. I go on my way where looming is sprinting into stagnations embrace
with all the vigor of Hermes. Floating in the hall is like surfing a dark gods wave. An undulating fog
of prodigious oblique.  in haste.
I am a Time Machine that writes poetry
and may never finish my Tea.
Earl Grey.

With the Soul of a
Frozen Agog.
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