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Jun 2014 · 474
Been In Winter
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
been in winter
and the miles sought after the edge of faith
and the white murk of the Mystery
was everywhere, trojan in a snowflake
and the long beards were crisp
as ice threads of some silk
from some worm
on every chin.
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
while you were hawking your unawares
i was peddling snow to Eskimos.
they where ' into-it '.
i was intimate with the monkey's paw.
and you

lit glory through a hole
in your argument.
you cut it to ribbons
for your hair.
and danced with everyone
by your

by your self.
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
go ahead. cry
if it makes
you happy... never spare
the tear that glares
into the heart
of Darkness
and yet glistens
on the cheek
of your
a crystalline catharsis
trailing the *****
of your bones
in the rictus
of a half-smile
and a wince.
choose to bleed a little
everyday... in rememberance
of a lost toy. or go home again
and hate that place
and come back
missing it.
never fail to weep
when the beauty of what it is
to be happy
is the gorgeous sorrow blossom
losing petals in a gale
of laughter.

and a moon.
Jun 2014 · 374
how down the below goes
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
how down
the below goes
no one
but i
assure you...
there is no
at bottom
and the zenith
is a tyranny
of empty.
a truer

the birds
ate dynamite
to spite
they're beak;
they sang an evil
good, and knew it !
while the black
of their feathers -
wore white
so their black hearts
stood out.

mars was the God
of War on Red
so when we bled
no one would know
we were drowning

and no one would know
how down the below
floats, nor have a name
for wondering

without a question
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
winter has crept from it's cathedral with it's blue loom of white sod
against black crows and over-coats. we awaken in our separate pause
and modify our crumpets with thin icing,
drizzled over moon faced scones -
as golden as your marmoset of port wine
and wrinkled wheels of cheese...
at a moment's notice.
you float through the open window where crescendo the crisp winds and the bacon fats
rendering in the musk of firewood, oaking the nose of the decanted day
the early hearth of heaven, now powder blushed and rustle thrum
with skylarks larking in the luminous icebox
of barely sunrise.
your eyes sparkle and my antlers score the aspen bark
on a lost acre of our thickening plot.

we love a lot.
Jun 2014 · 732
glass drum skins
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
in the night
the trees lose their bark
and gain a smooth
they twist in the breeze
and lean moonward
in the rain
if the rain
and the moon

in the night
what crawls,
crawls deepish
and sleepless.
it dreams
and scurries in leaf pits
and scents the air-wick
with black
eyes -
inhaling the volume
of silence
without lids
to shut

just an iris
the light
a bit.

and the moonlight forages
the constant moor
of lesser marshes.

the damp cringe of the late hour
stark with stars with no power
to overcome the poetry
of the lowest things
that aspire
to cold flame
or some heaven's breath
on a dying ember
with no

just before dawn
glass drum skins
and the up above
is down below
sifting through the pollen
on the plump thighs
of sleeping bees
while singing
to itself

It's Self.


It's Dream.
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
not sure how this goes... but it went.
it went south and bent my knee and troubled glum
the fuchsia ringlets of my armoured pollywogs.  
my unkissed toad. my croaking need.
it kept no secret sacred.

we are long gone. and more long writhing in vinegar and damp spruce.
we juice the dessicated fruits of our laborious orchards.
and chant useless news at light speed
to hasten darkness. to clip wings.
we jeer at the summer of our lush coins. we spend time
but gain none. and such is our abattoir.
our fatted calf, gasping in the gears of our industry -
choking on the floral arrangement
of our daffy deal.

all metaphors are five fingered. lesser hands are not god's.
joy stumbles in the ruin of our naked ambition -
as hell abides. we sum the minus signs and add zero.

at odds.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Stigmata Hari
Third Eye Candy Jun 2014
your atheist heart at a revival tent. tentative.
van gogh gone. minivan extant. you move to idiot music and the outskirts
of once is enough. many, many times...
you bleed through your harp. you join the diaspora and flee belonging
in favour of a dry between. repetitive.
wheezing orchestral. your long strides clank. you farce and moan...
but Nothing is believable

Till Nothing Happens.
May 2014 · 433
near dark nova
Third Eye Candy May 2014
i love you and that is the yes weight
and the high noon trauma.
the unborn cathedral
of tiny smart people
and the near dark
the grove of our open wound sustains
and the very love of our bleached dream
.... a godless cream
in a crimson

our idols, a dim mirth. and nothing as it seems.

But -

Oh how the awfulness trumps the blue
and the black behind it
shines ! what might we, the feeble guttersnipes do ?
but save a prayer to a dead god
and march to wane fields
behind it...

love-blinded ?

what are your terms ? the Devil may ask of you and you and you ...

but the true quest is a riddlement,
a prune on the throat of a mute Sun
singing the bleak queries
of an afterbirth, after thought
has abandoned
a hazard's guess.

Tomorrow is a crumb of soft words
and a walk of the plank.
The high stench of probable cause
and the noisy stench
of a chaste complaint.
a dreary ruby
groomed in the *****
of the earth
to be the first

and the last lust.

a complete waste of light
where the darkness falls
like an anvil chanting
a hammer's
but tone deaf
and sparks
Third Eye Candy May 2014
the ghosts around your moist lips
clipping the sweet drench of our limp wish....
the spectral harlots of our far lit lamps
and the damp parlors of our damaged camps
the pit of our peaches, fussing the cuff
of our sap. the honey bonds -
of our wayward damp
we caste  to undo
any telling
of our demise, to save our precious
to keep our ruse

my darling... goodnight... though nothing is good
and we have only the night.... goodnight.

i will
trouble you no more
but labor to keep your sweet grief
to contend
with your unending medallions
of perfect regret, to pass your palm
with silver drek, the likes of which
your liking, may learn to kiss
with two lips
at dead

if this is the end
tremble and be
our disassembling
our open door
and nothing more than vanishing
remains, where our appearance
mocks the

goodnight... though nothing is good, and the light is a darkness,
a trump of knives and a far thing,
up too close
to save a prayer for the plight of fools
and just too far
to pry our hands from live

to live for.

but to die
May 2014 · 1.0k
Third Eye Candy May 2014
we have our plots and flotsam
and plod joyless; rain smitten.
we join the heap of foil and protagonists
in the tale of our distemper.
we whimper in the dark of our hard furnace.
fumbling for trinkets of mirth
where no god has birth
even as a dented
to a hairlip...

Or a Name that comes First.

and yet we sing. but -
the song is wrong righted. a blight
blighted and a long drum
mumbling benighted
in the silk light
of our simple

our apples ache. our knowledge, rots .
but our temples, at the core
seed the valley. we famish the mountain
but feed the foothills of our strange
and strum the harps of Oblivion
with our mean thumbs.

constant gardeners of hard loss and flight.
and the Night's Sun.
May 2014 · 645
Third Eye Candy May 2014
how are you this mad? from where comes your explicit wreck ?
are you undone ? if so, let me show the way to another trouble
to keep at your breast. let me reveal the vista
and the void.... to console your tremors in the meek nightness
of your unfortunate soul.
i love you.
and loving you is nothing more than nothingness.
but you dream of hate and cinders.
full tilt boogie with that shadow
but never mine
at last.

never mine at all.
May 2014 · 671
How It Seems And What It Is
Third Eye Candy May 2014
we have the avenue and the fortress,yes.

we are genuine. we thunder the spark of a long darkness
but alarm heaven from the porch of our peachlight.
the pit, asking why we bother
as we shackle the sun to our gross harness.


come and be clean and be witness.
be the few. the proud. the serene.
join me in the fathoms of the lost found
and jungle your monkeys
in the branches of a drowning

i suggest you move.

i plot, you prove.  indeed, i will it so -
but you must leave now.
your demons are quite proud, and no one
has the stick
to stave them off now.... now that you love
them so.

my voice, choose.
let your game prove game-less
and be twice removed.
shed your dark god
and trod upon the soft drench
of my deluge.
swirl the sun of it
so the fire burns like ablution
in the rendered fat
of your angels.

Use them.

or be disarranged
by them.
May 2014 · 604
The Worst Joy
Third Eye Candy May 2014
You live
for no reason at all
and that's
the worst


summer is a fool.
sprung from the unctuous
of a witless bloom.
the too long reason for a plausible ruse.
a dumb chump, whupped and thrashed
but never told otherwise how down
the below goes... but well informed
how the formless reeks
of damp

the worst joy is slumber
when the wind is kissing your dessicated kiss.
when the whole emotion
is half the feeling.
when the real thing is just false enough
for poetry
but real enough
for dreams.
May 2014 · 804
Sometimes Silence Is A Lie
Third Eye Candy May 2014
Sometimes Silence is a Lie.

it drains the lake, it does... it siphons the symphonies.
it bleaks the speech, unbridled
from a long mute, to a mutiny. the mute in me ~
would rather, but we'd rather knot.
null reprisals, highly prize super nova
in the Scotia of our scathing

no other might. but...
we'll do what the light won't
in the dark night.
we'll trouble the cube. each of us, the rube
in tomorrow's ****...
the Thumb
in the oyster of an ill quiet
where the Lord of Prayers
Errs the attempt
to split Heirs.

We inherit the wind
and a breeze.
And a breeze will ****
a Windmill

straight fair.

but not for the lack of peace.
but the fog of war.

at the very least.
Third Eye Candy May 2014
love is the withered regalia of a once plump.

where passion blinks, heat drinks
and stars fall, plastered.
jaundiced in the haunted grove
of our weary retreat
from the *******.

love is the drum, coming. the numb, one thing -
that might matter.
but we have our patterns and the lights flicker
where the loose tatters
knit their treason in the dumb blood
of our heart's disaster.

but love wants
what the heart
is after.

cue the laughter.
Third Eye Candy May 2014
in the half light
of the whole day; dozing
where the marsh plods clottly
but the pond scums slowly.
you can spare no moral
when your tall tale's
but you sift slop oddly
through the rot god's


Fugue ahead. Caution.


On thin air, thick tongues and brick lungs scrum
for balloons and ruinous truth, teething batter and gum-shoes
attuned to less violence, but inviolate, if only for the fist
in the violets. the pugilist in the plums. Or maybe -
the cancerous rhinoceros
in the plasticity
of a knows job

you tell me.  

no problem.
Third Eye Candy May 2014
and so... There ! Amid all allurement and soft machines;
the spoiled brat of Venus, knicking the doors and kicking the canned laughter
to the foot of a mountain of existential speculation. Amid the cherry bombs and the Persian rugs; so many menageries of tinfoil origami swans.
so very little Time.

so little rosemary wine in the pickle jars. So few wolves
in the porcupine dens  - and only a swarm of hornets
in your nightclothes, this
and nothing but nettles
in your tea.

well, nettles and golems and orange hope.
Third Eye Candy May 2014
how many butterflies would it take to hide your smile ?
my love is boundless and yet
i cannot say. it's genius, effete and ill suited
to the task. all the while, my doves pigeon home
with valentines tethered
to sky thin shins
and talons.

more smoke and words
spoken atoms.

and nothing else
Third Eye Candy Apr 2014
the radiator croaks
like bourbon and Barnaby Jones huffing ******
in a lead Zeppelin; and heat clinks  like a spider's tooth
on a moist towelette. and the stars hold a bounty of something deeper.
a dread helpless, in mean peace with a vital vital Truth
with no choice, as yet; but a marred County, of Big Thinker.
and you can hear the wrinkles on an Angel's ***, and prove
the useless rude. and politely
unseat the morning sun
through the levolor

during eclipse.

during a near
from the dark-side
of a rogue

the hard way.
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
With No Maths For Happy
Third Eye Candy Apr 2014
with no maths for happy
i divided my ' why? '
by Zero
and fell in Love again
like a sceptic
with a wild falsehood
masquerading as
a plausible
X = " WHY ? "

but  we know not.

better i should makes waves
in the cavernous
and strike wood
with earnest flint, and cheapskates
on golden ponds of ice
unfathomed, mostly
dark good
with sternest glimpse, for pete's sake  
and i could go on, twice
as unaccounted, ghostly
numb soot
in the worm's mint sutures; an armour plate
of Unreal numbers.... kites
in the unfounded, frozen
in the floating point
of a Reason.

or I could call You.... hmmmmm..... ?
Third Eye Candy Apr 2014
Addiction is a real thing
South of the last thing... a grim dope
in the hopeless soap fiend
of a washing; where a mind dreams
but a head, thinks -
where a heart

and we live
Apr 2014 · 855
Sharp Dice For Dull Games
Third Eye Candy Apr 2014
we rove in shabby clothes
in the splendorous groves
of our night kingdom.
we tread unkempt beds
than rather lay our heads
or make love
in them.
we darken the closest star
we further the farthest
more lost,  than
we groom the mane of our lying.
not for the lack of trying
the truth...
but more, for the harm -
done allies
in a war of thumbs
in a Serengeti
of our imminent

we poker face.
we monopoly grey
where our pink blood
is enough.
we trouble the rust.
we slink and encrust
where the oil slick cuts
a more striking
we toss sharp dice
for dull games. blood mites
for dust devils
in broken
we retreat from rings
that ferry ending gloom
to better yes the no of things
too maybe
to true.
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
I Glue Glaciers To The Sun
Third Eye Candy Apr 2014
I'd like it if your orange were more blue.
If your red more green
and your eyes more less than moons
that break waves against me.
I glue glaciers to sun
to cool your Spring's mischief
and never am i happy to remove
from my stillness
between Us.

I am unjoyed
in the twine of our lost joy.
Made unkind in the rasp
of our sour glee.

I glue glaciers to the sun
to cool the misadventures
of our dire hope.
I noose the rope and sing
as you go beautiful

from me.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2014
i'm not so in love now.
but love bargains for my emptiness.
it trips me up
and cries in the blue glum
whimpering for nothing more
than your sweet.
it kills the light and cadavers my living lungs.
it leaps into oblivion, more than it sinks
into pretty graves.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2014

every day
of the week
has a name.
several do without;
and last

as some



Let me be clear.
You have no soul.
You are


I am thinking of a number.
Divide it by two
and you will know
what i think
of something
Mar 2014 · 473
Third Eye Candy Mar 2014
When I gave up
Not a bell rang out.
And Lightning was withheld
By all accounts
From every corner of the sky.
And Thunder
had no
No Siren sang.
There never came
A wailing throng.
When I gave up
A Shadow passed. And shook -
my hand.
And moved
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Third Eye Candy Mar 2014
on a good day
the ice is cutting your feet
but it looks like you're -
walking a seabed of roses
and red bells
shivering in silver molasses
and your far away eyes
seek oblivion and
but you can't think
of anything
to dream.

on a bad day, you can't smoke scotch
so you drink it. you burn matchsticks
and croon lunacy with thick lips wishing
and rude plumes of an ash life.
you can hardly bark, but your bite's slipping
and the fruit is straw and dung
but the sugar,  black
in the white
Third Eye Candy Mar 2014
she sat like old smoke on the back of an elephant in the room.
like a dead wreath, breathing a pure circle
of hell. she broke a tambourine over the head
of a homeless man made of diamonds.
she broke his hardness with a constant sigh of sorrows
and chose to do violence upon her last smile
clutching the bitter rings in a porcelain
tub. brassy lion's paw
resting too heavy now on a cracked linoleum

with her eyes
Mar 2014 · 721
The Beast Of Our Burden
Third Eye Candy Mar 2014
we can't sing so much, but alive we deaden somber with aplomb.
we are remorse and ripe plums. tap roots fastened to air kisses and laudanum.
we congeal in our own ' thud '. a slow bomb coughing the alphabet's are off -
with our high noon lows; depleted aloft. we are One -
in the chamber of succinct

we carry on. drudging up the hillocks of our Pandemonious Love.

blurting the wrong devout; conjoined to the rip in our seamless joust
adjusting the rudiments of our lathe of fresh hell; to accommodate the actual constant
of our hateful esteem. the very same accursed of our mutual louse...
doubting the excellent **** of our divine Without.
we covet the reign seeds
of Love's Drought.

and as plausible honey
we comb tangles
into sunrays

out loud.
Third Eye Candy Mar 2014
we cannot sleep when the other is our dream made flesh
as we argue the point of our pointless.
all but the altar
what god says
" yes " ?
and who  needs
a wasteland
when dead cherries sing
our oasis

but winter Springs ?
Feb 2014 · 432
His Motorcade
Third Eye Candy Feb 2014
in his soul
another one.

one that is not so lovely
and not so
his soul.

but one that is unkempt
and joyless as a happy
his motorcade
draining the true yes
from a hard no.
his lungs
gleaming in the rasp
where the tundra
but the snow is keen
to undo
the dead drift
of a bleak

or a long wrong.
that sleeps.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2014
if the brand new day is more elsewhen
than the right now...
find your joy
and jump for it
when the Earth is more small
than the gravity.
when the simple thing
is more gone
than an apparent dream
where the caste is a husk
of no thinking.

drink fear and be done with it.
sour your oats
and bring the sea to your fathoms.
be one with the ghost
of your mad madness .

be glad at your march
into rude sadness.

be one with your never
as completely
as you dive

darkly. as

As Ever.
Feb 2014 · 1.8k
Third Eye Candy Feb 2014
the way you have your way
i might as well choke on Atlantis
and yield to the twilight pitchfork
of your tongue. an amaranth.
whose nectar
is some

glue my misery
to the slippery
of lost meaning....
all the while
meaning to do so -
more so
than knot
somehow, jellyfish blinder
than up close...
not quite
what matters

just the sting.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2014
you must if you must. if you must.
if you must not, then you will
because you are in love
and nothing
is what nothingness calls
and the habit of our industry
and we have two

to dance with.
Third Eye Candy Dec 2013
before the world ends

that you may not love
is the haunting.

where your ghost is rain
your mind clouds.

and nothing is foreseen
like the past.


in the long watch of this blindness
we are surely rogue begonias
needling the impenetrable nethers
of our low coronas
we jest in the rage of our humors
gilding the uvula
of our golden throats
trilling in the infinite sublime
and gain no quarter

unabridged, we straddle the span
of our chasm.

and there,
we seek to stand apart
from whatever wounds
we fathom.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
sleep is sleep. it comes like weary and leaves your bones less bone.
it comes. it descends like charity and swallows your sparrows like a blue whale
on a dark night
in midday.
Oct 2013 · 955
The Stones You Keep
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
Loving you is how the world turns
How the world burns and the willows weep.
What i know
is what the Love yearns
How the love burns more me than
Me Burns.
The stones you keep -
you cannot.
i know,
for i have been in the wind
that won't stop.
Choose your anvil from the fray
and be laid
to such
rest -
That a barter
of Our High Noon
is South of our
Soft June

if nothing else...

Where the Winter
is more
than a thin knick
to a fat vein.
Be more claimed
than my average " Have Me ! "
Get at me
and abandon the  
rude clues
to the whimsy
of Men

the Night"s bitter fabric
of " Almost Love "
and the
a jewel
for the woman
that would
have it.
and The Hell
That would
do the
Oct 2013 · 915
The Upper Bound Of Down Low
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
Love this girl.
Not quiet a girl anymore, you know.... with the kids- and all...
but we're on the skids
plowing through the canker ****
and shelling the outskirts
of something
genuine !
we re-thunk the old funk....
of our
wondrous !
We purge no demon
From Our
Earnest !
That which would
Burn Us


a god with No

That had
No Name for
The Circus.
Only One
For The Master
And The Slaves to Love
That deserve

Forever After.
Oct 2013 · 909
The Girls In The Air
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
been to your house
where all the light bends -
where all the Flamingos  
eat their feet
for Fear of landin'.
where the crosses burn your heart
and your Art
is a Most Lost Cause -
I've seen you at random
according to
your plan...
i've found you
smoldering in the east wing
of a westerly

been to your world
where the girls in the air are priceless
and found you among them
trimming treacle from
the diamonds... your gorgeous lungs
twirling the unbelieveable highness
of a soft note
from no
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
back home in the dire hope where the lens is unclean
but the sky is ****. where the numb trust is broken
mostly from the rainfall lately
and the meager tools
are as useless
as a wink.

there. there i toil in the afterbirth
of a previous misadventure. censored and reduced to a miracle
that has no reason. There i plod the chaste road to wanton Elsewhere
and arrive most gone
from my seldom
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
the soft Truth is powerless
like a Scarecrow
toiling in the Fields of Other
where Blackbirds are the Masters
wielding Shadow.
Oh great kiss
of submission !
subdue the vigor my wickedness !
swing the pendulum to a halt
in a Paradise
more sane.

in the chambers of my open wound
devour my condition
and relieve me
of so much love !

do this
And I'll be barking in the dark
hardly dog
but more the man i feel
the animal

but the manacles approve.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Sunbathing Night Blossoms
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
it was not so clear, the day. it was hostile and tranquil.
what sort of Day is That ?
I think it sparkles.
But it's gem is mean, beneath carbuncles -
and none shall pass
without wretched disfunction.
without Unpeace swilling the liqueur
of dark sweets.

it was not so clear, the day. but it clarified the manacles.
what sort of Day is that Dark ???
I think it hardens the heart of all kindness....
but it's dream is obscene, and needs the rest of Heaven's Council.
But Love's an ***
that saw the Angel... not the bulletproof glass.
just the the angle of Descent
and the " No Wisdom ".

it hurts Because.
You Live
for no reason at all
and that's the worst

Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
in the pool we sleep.
we let the deep speak
and retreat into our shallows
with our last breathing
as deep a weaving as a bird's nest
in a dead

where is where ?
and why are you there, leaving ?
why are you wrong for me ? when the right thing -
is more than our ***.

why ?
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Not Waving, But Drowning I
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
clean in the filth where the spectre yelps and bleeds
my wrists; bound to betray my hand -
i gather gods, too weak to be
unloved completely -
without vanishing
into blue

spotless in the hell of my blot
in the chambers of my open wound...
i glue glaciers to the sun's heel
and mark time
with shadows -
i cast into other moons  
for lack of a reason
to do otherwise.

in a world
so otherworldly

to love me less
than snails
in clarified

is to play god.


you have to be
God's Fool
or the Devil's

saying no.

you remark and i flinch in the breeze fantastic.
i blast past it, and return; not unscathed
but ungathered
in the Harvest of our

I'm an indentured surgeon
cleaving the cancer
from the polyp
of our necessary

in this Ocean
I'm not waving...
only drowning
in the wishful.

i barricade tsunamis
to tide-pool
the fathoms of our
Oct 2013 · 478
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
in my waking i slept heavily
and marched into the spiral
severing the path
from my step
as only an angel
may deny you .

there, my eyes were feet.
Third Eye Candy Oct 2013
As i tip-toe through the violence of our steamed peaches
i'm at least speechless. a weak link-ness
in your valley. a thorn ! -
of unreasonable size. you vie for the deep regions
of our shallow demise,..
for thine is the kingdom of no Mercy !
yours is the thing that screws -
where the knot is trixy.
we forgot how our terrors nursed the oblivion of our kisses.
we forgot how to lie.

as i tip-toe through the two lips, like low hanging fruit to wax eloquent by...
i delight in speeches. in the thunderous hush of fairy wings in a hurricane
as i blend margaritas on the back porch of our squalor....
with a terrible blender. i'll toss in
the splinters of our tyranny.... how we waged war on innocent fallacies !
how we gathered our storms in the basement.
tripping over land mines
in the shape of human hearts.
YOU had your nerve.
and I had us both

as i tip-toe through the violence of our steamed peaches
i'm at least speechless, but yes !  i'm most ******.
for mine is the kingdom that has no sun
but on Thursdays we have these banquets that starve you to death -
Right in front of Everybody !
you might get to talk about sport
but you're more game to wander off
from the insipid herd
to gather moss from dark pavilions.
you might nurse the ****
of **** all !!!!

but you'll  be ****** if she's not there
to see it !

we have gardens that have no center. wild things in us.  

Third Eye Candy Sep 2013
you move the sun closer to me
and that has no disaster.
your All is the wet funk of my Yes.
the graven image of a total thing -
masquerading as ****** glint
of my " just asking " without the  burden
of my suspicion. only the wonderful
of my submission.
You are the One
that Two
looks up

you march into my femur. break my bones
where the soul is course and rancid.
where the Always has no Answer
but the Never has as a

you move the Sun closer to Me.

you bring me joys that hate
and mutter the rumple
of lesser men
who have no Love.

you join the disjoint
and mock the cradle
of our discontent
with the spectacle
of our humble
What ?

you move.

you move the sallow fortunes of our weakest
too the strong weeping
of our dire " of course ".

the code. Morse, may be... but the dots
align in the ragged farse
of our profuse jungle.

we are these monkeys
lifting hammers
we cannot claim
but we have stars
that march
the verity
of our lies
to preach
the brevity
of our almost
in love.

with an up-close sun.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2013
a tough nut
to crack
is why ?

I am not a poet.
Third Eye Candy Sep 2013
these days
i look upon the weary throng and sink my teeth into the pith of dreary
but sup luscious the wrung jewel with my wet lips decanted in the mid night.
i clutch the vocal point in a deep silence and patch the quilt of our unusual tapestry
cinching the knot in our not known, knowing the difference is the same light.
i suspect the heresy of my devotion longs for pink sheets of syndrome and theory
but my church has no steeple. it merely goads hydrocephalic angels to play bingo
in the right light.
i kiss peaches where they hurt. i drive a hard bargain to drink; and I keep my worms
in apples that bob for your eyes.

but not for nothing.
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