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260 · Jan 2015
The Story Of A Boy
heather leather Jan 2015
she told him, with a cigarette hanging
at the edge of her mouth, to stay away
not for his sake; she was selfish, she told him to
stay away for her
because she knew that it was better to not feel at all
but he didn't listen
he never ******* listened
and that was the problem
he didn't listen when she told him that it was too late,
he didn't listen when they told him that she
was already destined to live a life not well spent,
he didn't listen because he didn't care
he should've
he knew all too well that she was a nightmare,
a freak, a lost cause, but he didn't care
because she was also the girl who taught him
how to drink (even though he never got drunk)
she was the girl who taught him how
to relax (even though he was a stressful freak)
and she was the girl who taught him how to live
and one day, the fact that she was a horrible,
bitter mess escaped his mind
in a way it was all his fault;
she told him to never forget who she was,
but he did
he forgot that she was a life-ruiner, she ruined
people's lives

she told him, with a cigarette dangling
from the edge of her mouth, the puffs of smoke making him
dizzy, to stay away
but he never ******* listened

and that is the story of the boy who lives on the corner
of the street, he smokes a pack a day and sings shallow songs
still reminiscing in the memory of the girl
who ruined his life
"She's a life ruiner. She ruins people's lives."--Mean Boys (wattpad story)
259 · Jan 2015
drunken thoughts
heather leather Jan 2015
the lines on the paper i'm writing on are becoming
so blurred
and i don't exactly remember what this
was even about in the
first place
all i know is that i had woken up at
3 a.m. and i tried to sleep but i couldn't because
you voice was clear as day inside my head and
it was driving me insane and now
here i am
writing about my sorrows
with green day on the radio and
that was your favorite band and oh ****,
now i'm thinking about you again
this always happens
god, what happened to me?
i used to be happy believe it or not
but now i'm pathetic,
now i stay up in my bedroom listening to old records
and crying all because of you
and even though i can't exactly blame you
i will say this:
you crashed through my like a tornado would
into a city; you give me the world and then turned me
upside down whilst i was still dangling
you were one of those hurricanes every one is afraid of
and yet somehow in awe of;
you felt me in the eye of a hurricane
and i am still drowning
this is very bad. i am sorry.
253 · Jan 2015
dust and shadows
heather leather Jan 2015
"we are nothing but dust and shadows"
the drunk man said as he stumbled along
the streets with the burning sun scorching his skin
they all though he was insane
they thought he was certifiably crazy
and maybe he was
but he was also smart
he knew seven languages
and he had enough money
from the days when he actually worked to survive
he had a family, who loved him
but even that didn't stop him from
collapsing on the street and
dying because even though he knew
seven languages; none of them could speak to the dead
and he had money, yes, but only enough
to help him drown out his sorrows
with alcohol
and his family,
who lived him *so **** much

were the ones who had stolen most
of his money,
the ones who only dropped by when
they wanted more
they were the ones who had spat on his
grave and had said "good riddance"
in fact, they let him die in the streets,
his last words being
"we are nothing but dust and shadow"
as he closed his eyes, happy to be free of
such a miserable life
"we are nothing but dust and shadows"-Cassandra Clare
247 · May 2015
heather leather May 2015
she cried, she cried because she would never be
good enough for someone else, she cried because
her mother didn't love her and neither did her father,
he loved beer and her brother more than he did her
she cried because she was so entirely alone in this world
and she had a dream once and now it was what
felt like light years away and god she wanted to end it--
she wanted to end the suffering then and there and
she could do it so easily, just one step off her balcony
she knew she was being young and dumb and naive
but in that moment she didn't care, she didn't care
because the future was what felt like light years away
and she wanted to end it all now,
and so she did
i feel very very bad and so stupid why am i so dumb what did i ever hope for i should have known that life was inevitably going to ***** me over
234 · Aug 2014
Born Broken
heather leather Aug 2014
The thing about me is
nothing happened to me
nothing that warrants me thinking that I'm
I wasn't traumatized
My family wasn't bad
I wasn't bullied or teased

I was, to put in the most simplest form,
Born broken

Nobody had really broken my heart
My heart was just made to be broken

I was lucky
There really isn't any other way to see it
I wasn't born with an incurable disease
My parents weren't mean or even remotely abusive

There isn't anything to blame for how I turned out

You see, the thing with me is, I was
Born broken
A cracked star that faded a little everyday
and nothing had happened to me

maybe that was the problem

Or maybe damaged things weren't meant be healed and I will just spend my days writing sad poetry and thinking sad thoughts

But that isn't really that bad

After all, I was born broken and nothing about my life was meant to be whole
232 · Jun 2015
heather leather Jun 2015
there was a storm today, it was full of thunder
and lightning, it reminded me of the way you smoked
cigarettes because even though i shook every time
the lightning struck, i couldn't look away
i think i'm supposed to reminisce about
you being gone, i'm supposed to cry and shake
and lose my will for living because you were my
miracle, the one good thing in my life that was
supposed to make me special and now you
are gone but instead i just stare at the
windows covered with rain and wonder if the
sky is crying because the earth orbits the moon
and not the other way around, maybe the earth
is sobbing because it knows that it
is no longer special for it was reminded today that
it is only another planet in orbit
it was pouring rain today, it reminded me
of you, hopefully wherever you are it is raining
and you can imagine the earth shaking and the
clouds sobbing so that you can see what you've done
to me and shake your head and try to come up with
another excuse
this ****** i'm sorry
226 · Jan 2015
Same Love
heather leather Jan 2015
do you know that sinking feeling
and that aching in your chest
when you see him holding hands with her?
well, that's exactly how he feels
every time he sees you chase after him
he loves you, you love someone else, and
i love a boy who does not want to be loved
by me
so don't you dare tell him to move on and find better
don't you dare break his heart
and dismiss his love so easily
when you can't even give up on
the same love
you so easily make fun of
just a little rant based on the show i'm watching right now. basically, this is in the perspective of one of the characters in the show. god i become attached to fictional characters too easily.
222 · Jun 2014
heather leather Jun 2014
Honestly thinking about it,
I didn't always tell the truth
Like when they teased me about you and I lied and said
I'm over you
Or when
You had stared right in my eyes and poured your soul and I lied and said
I'm sorry I don't feel the same way

Looking back on it, when it came to you
I almost never told the truth
The truth held things I wasn't ready to admit and
I still don't think I can
I think it would have been better if I had been more
220 · Apr 2015
who do you think you are
heather leather Apr 2015
i really hate you i do i know i do because
every time i hear your name my blood boils and
there is a scream begging to be released stuck in
my throat and ******* if you look at me one last time
i'm not sure what i'll do
because no,
you do not have the right to play with my emotions
you do not have the right to tell me you love me and
then leave you do not have the right







no, no, no

you do not have the right to only talk to me when you
feel like it or when you feel insecure because honey, i can
love you in all those times, but you do not have the right to
tell me that you love me too

especially if you don't
more like a rant :/ sorry i'm just really ******* and annoyed right now x
213 · May 2014
Until Then
heather leather May 2014
He was just a boy.

Nothing special. He was just the boy with the dark brown almost pitch black eyes and the soft hair. He was just the boy who only listened to books because he couldn't stand reading.

Nothing special.

He was also the boy who knew her favorite Starbucks flavor and had amazing taste in music and made her heart race. He was the boy who  listened to all her favorite books and ran track and spoke two languages and was too good for her.

She didn't deserve him. That much she knew.

So when he talked to the other girls and held hands with someone else she didn't complain. She just silently cried herself to sleep and lied and said that nothing was wrong, if she says it long enough-maybe it'll be true.

Probably not.

Oh well.

She knew there was someone out there who would make her smile and laugh and maybe even fall in love and forget the dark days. She wasn't worthless, that much she knew.

Until then, she wasn't giving up hope. She was done crying.
After all,

He was just a boy.
I Don't Even Know. Sometimes I just write and I have no idea what's happening and then things like this happen.
213 · Aug 2014
When You Go To Church
heather leather Aug 2014
When you go to church, they say that you must bring your bible
So she brought her Jack Daniels
When you go to church, they say that you must dress modestly
So she wore tights under her two inch skirt
When you go to church,  they say you must have faith
And because she didn't have any she brought the closest thing she had to faith;  her old records
When you go to church, they say you go to be saved but that's obviously a lie because it was already too late for her
She went to church to visit an old ghost she called Mother
Her mother would have her New Testament
And would be wearing a long skirt
And had more faith than the size of the U.S.
When she saw her, her mother would cry and make her feel worst than she already did
That was what the Jack Daniels was for
And her mother would say her skirt was too short and she would argue she had tights
Then in the late of the night, when she would try to sleep and couldn't she would put on her old records
When you go to church, they say you shouldn't be afraid
Obviously "they" had never met her mother
210 · Jun 2014
heather leather Jun 2014
The thing with poetry is when I start
I can’t stop
It’s as if everything I've tried so hard to keep in
Comes tumbling out
And sometimes I admit to things that
I didn't want to
And most times I can’t deny the truth
because it’s written onto paper
With every line comes my undoing
And little by little
I can feel myself breaking away from the ties
That I am bound by--
slowly I am becoming my own person
The thing with poetry is when I start
I don’t want to stop.
204 · Sep 2014
One Day
heather leather Sep 2014
and so I put my sadness into words
and listen to music too loud to drown out my feelings
and spend all day reading into a world better than my own
in hopes that i'll be able to survive until a day where
i can put my happiness into words
and listen to music for the hell of it
and spend all day writing a world that is my own

heather leather Dec 2014
This is how to make your child feel worthless.
This is how to make them regret being born.
This is how to teach them a lesson. Doesn't it hurt? This is discipline.
This is how to control your child.
This is how to deal with a drunken man.
This is how to feel like hell and still hold your head up.
This is how to act okay.
This is how to heal a broken heart, remember save whisky for last.
This is how to hide the scars he gives you.
This is how to cook.
This is how to clean.
This is how you pray. To who? Don’t ask.
This is how to love a man even if he hurts you.
This is how to live.
This is how to endure the pain.
This is how to be beautiful. That looks painful. Tough luck, pretty hurts.
This is how to put on makeup.
This is how to make a man weak.
This is how to lie.
This is how to live a broken life.
This is how to survive.
This is life.
I guess this is an imitation on this great passage I read in the summer. I can't remember the name but I love the format. Thoughts?
191 · Nov 2014
heather leather Nov 2014
and I want to take it all back--
every laugh, every whisper, every blissful moment,
I want it to be gone like every shred of innocence I ever had that
you had stolen
I want to pretend that you are just another nightmare
and that I have awoken
I want to feel again
to be alive
to be whole
I want to be the girl with the sun kissed, scar free skin
I want to be the person that I used to be before I met you
and it all burned to ashes
I don't want to be another abandoned building that was taken out of order
and I don't want to join the list of victims you had made
I don't want to be yours anymore

I want to take it all back.
176 · Jun 2014
heather leather Jun 2014
I like to run
Not because it helps me think
Or it helps me calm down
Gives me too much time to think
About all the ways the world is ******* up
When I run
All I think about is
How the flowers seem alive and the cracks on the sidewalk are
Actually beautiful
I like to run
Because when I run
The world that is drowning seems to have finally taken a
And I’d like to be apart of a world that breathes every once in a while
So one day
I’m going to run.

— The End —