I awaken to the chirping of birds,
Sparrows chattering gaily,
flitting and fluttering,
In their thicket of green,
Regaling the dawn.
O happy contagion,
O irrepressible joy,
Their siren song beckons,
To share in their exuberance,
Their zest and passion for life!
To give humble thanks
For the start of day,
To trust in that Love
Where all life issued,
Where all Creation
In gentle balance hangs.
My spirit rises,
My heart races,
To face life anew.
Drawn on by a sense
Of hope,
Of purpose,
Of excitement,
A new beginning unfolds.
O the carefree spirit
Of the sparrows!
Without labour and toil,
Finding fullness of life,
Sustenance and freedom,
Enjoying flights of fancy
In the leafy expanse
Of their emerald world.