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 May 2013 TheGirl
Gary Muir
O, to live in the absence of time
when days are not days, but moments
always begun, never at end
unplanned, uncharted
and remembered
 May 2013 TheGirl
I am here
 May 2013 TheGirl
My boot prints leave train tracks in the snow
Because I walk with a shuffle
My parts are incomplete; I find

walking uncomfortable

No one step feels the same
But right now it’s okay
Because between three feet of snow
A moon so perfectly halved
Under a sky naked of its stars
I feel
As if my shuffle
Is graceful
As if my walk;
As if my steps
Are purposeful
Even if a little


I am standing under a street light in three feet of snow
Not feeling cold
Or alone
Even though its cold
And I’m alone
My mind
It does not mumble
My speech
It does not stutter
My hands they do not shake here
Am permanent
I am whole here
My veins
They do not show here
They are not vulnerable in their color
My heart
Doesn't skip a beat
My breath doesn't waver
here I do not hear
Ticking clocks in my head
I do not say clicking tots in my head
My speech is free of stutter
My mind as certain as these disappearing footprints
My walk, well
I still shuffle
The nausea subsided in my stomach
The anger let go of my throat
I watched a janitor clean the subway
from behind a wire fence that felt more like home
like freedom
than the four bedroom walls I share with my sister
Where I’m standing, cold grey concrete blocks don’t look like chains
The snow;
Not a burden

I am not a burden
 May 2013 TheGirl
Because we both know the sound of gunfire
Except I, didn’t grow up in a war zone
It was a different kind from yours
Our bullets were words
Sounds of breaking glass
And the shards of which made it into my cheerios the next day
Chewed them anyway to spite
The sound that
Breaking makes

you know the sound of falling bodies too readily
  you can mimic them in your footsteps
The smell of rotting corpses
What kind of scars shrapnel really leaves

What the color of blood really looks like
I see that shade of red every time you speak
  The way you keep it hidden in those paintings
In the drawer that I sneak into when you sleep
Know too well what evil looks like

I can find a place for all the words buried in my chest
inside your bullet wounds easily

If I were not a coward

Staring into the dark irises of men in uniforms dirtier than their conscience,
Find it easier to look into a barrel of a gun
Only one of them holds salvation
No, you are not afraid of guns
Nor the sound that breaking makes

But I still remove the safety pin
Just in case
 May 2013 TheGirl
Aaron Dinger
She walked me to the edge of a cliff.
The seagulls yelled at us from above
and the frothing sea salivated green foam
which dripped from its jagged, stony teeth.

We gazed down the face,
foreboding and bleak.
Our energies overlapped
and I could feel her inside of my soul.

She took my hand and said,
"Don't let me fall."
I pulled her closer and said,

We held each other there on the edge
and gazed into each other's eyes.
She kissed me and said goodbye,
never looking back as I fell to the icy water.

Luckily I missed the rocks,
but the waves shot daggers of cold into my body.
The light grew dimmer through the water as the surface grew further away from me
and I sank deeper, for my joints were frozen.

She was part of my life for only a short time,
but as it flashed before my eyes, all I saw was her.
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it

— The End —