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1.7k · Sep 2018
Decline to comet
Sam Sep 2018
While satellites come close and leave,
whole moons and the swirling dust
of reflective obeyers,
it arrives from distance.

Running a course through weight
from a pencil-thin horizon brow,
it might have streaked across darkness.
With the dead shines behind,
washed clean in a trail of wild flame and
then fallen, bolide broken into cascade.

Or rising to collide,
only skim the surface.
Ruffle the sheets of land,
wrinkle fertile leas and parched sands.

No, to strike full and shudder
the core and extinguish
light and life.
With unswerving smite.

From underestimated range
and unmeasured haste,
a peacock tail drags far behind.
Each one diamond dolefully eyed.

Is this eccentric orbit
the only the path seen?
Fastened to your celestial belt
and looped in an endless trajectory.
335 · Sep 2018
To my little crumb
Sam Sep 2018
A branch I cannot bear to be far from
Lifted on wings from spell of yonder blue
Soaring high, we watched the blossom come
Lo, as leaves will turn green to umber hue
So now, as still we reach for further on
Lifting, the leaves will show their underside
And bare a shade of fractal celadon
A light beneath for wilting blades to hide
But once they drop and scatter at our feet
Until the breeze, let’s walk through tumbled time
And stay until new buds mature complete
For memories that hang need fall to climb
As we ascend until the season’s passed
The boughs will brace, for such bold love does last
297 · Oct 2018
It Felt Whimsical Envy
Sam Oct 2018
Smoke still swelling inward
But the fire has now died
Once hot, now warm
Just charred sharp harm
Of substance once held inside

A blaze that made it real
Its force does now diminish
A battle lost
At uncountable cost
Now wait for life to finish

— The End —