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Bee Nov 2017
i can never really get too much of you
because it's never enough.
no matter the dosage i will ALWAYS want more.
so too much is never enough
because too much is never really too much.
Bee Nov 2017
"You're bad for me." He told her.

Oh no, sweetheart. You're bad for her. You are for her much worst than she is for you.

Much, much worst.
Bee Nov 2017
I'm a master at ******* things up,
this is just my ultimate masterpiece.
Bee Nov 2017
"You're bad for me." He says.

"Okay then, I'll just leave." She replies, starting to walk away.

"No.... but, I need you." Were his following words.
Bee Nov 2017
unspoken love is the deepest type of love.
i don't claim this as my own because i'm sure not the first person to say this.
Bee Nov 2017
Perhaps they were JUST supposed to be each other's anchors.
Perhaps he was JUST never meant to be hers.
Perhaps good things JUST don't happen to good people.
Perhaps he was JUST meant to trust her and be by her no matter what.
Or perhaps they're JUST meant to be in each other's lives.
Whatever was happening didn't matter,
Either way it was irrelevant because
In the JUST happening of things, one thing she was certain of;
She was meant to fall in love with him.
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