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Mar 2013 · 599
I am SAD :(
The8thGuy Mar 2013
What’s with this day?
Seems like it’s full of dismay
It was not my intention
To put pressure and tension

I don’t know why
I just let out a sigh
Things went wrong
I feel like I don’t belong

I feel so weak
It’s like I fell from the peak
I have to breathe
I’m just being a freak

Please forgive me
I’m just being me
A ***** and a ******
Who never deserves you

But you know what
It's just my way of showing
how much I LOVE YOU
Mar 2013 · 460
I'm Feelin' Blue
The8thGuy Mar 2013
I dont' know why
I just let out a sigh
I'm not gonna cry
Seems like my tears are shy
Feb 2013 · 688
I am that Boy
The8thGuy Feb 2013
I am that boy

who always smiles

Even though behind those

are sorrows and lies

I am that boy

who never weep

For that is a

promise I must keep

I am that boy

who always goes to the side

Not knowing what to do

other than hide

I am that boy

with no one to confide

Because I got

no friend by my side

I am that boy

who never fights

Instead, I go to the side

with my fright to their delight



I really am so sad.  I dont know why. Call me crazy !

Why do I feel like I'm so lonely ? <---check out my site :D
Feb 2013 · 522
The Guy
The8thGuy Feb 2013
I used to admire the sight of you

But now it's burning my eyes

I'd rather eat some fries

Than listen to all of your lies


Yeah, I'm the guy during the fifth grade

I am the guy you seem to look disgusted

Remember that day when you got me rejected

Oh, I definitely am that guy you busted

Loving you was my biggest mistake

Coz you're feelings are nothing but fake

Now my heart is at the floor

And I am aching to the core <---check out my site :D
SORRY ! I'm not a great poet ...

— The End —