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56.3k · Aug 2013
The Dreamer Teen Aug 2013
It's been nine years now. Nine years since the angels took you away. Nine years since I stood at the home, looking at your peaceful face; eyes closed, a ghost of a smile gracing your lips. It doesn't seem that long. It seems like yesterday you were calling me your little princess; I'm still that little girl at heart. The one who believed she would grow up to be a beautiful elegant contessa. I don't have many memories of the times we shared as I was only young when you passed. In fact, sometimes I struggle to picture your gorgeous, smiling face telling me stories of your past of advice for when I grew into an elegant older woman just like you were then.

I was only 6... 6 years old and I had to go through the pain and heartache of having my nan cruelly taken away from me. I'll be 16 next year. I'll be having my prom next year. I will be leaving year 11, getting my GCSE results and starting A-levels next year. So much has happened in these 9 short, short years. There is so much more to come and you won't be here to share it with me. My graduation from university, my first career move, my marriage, my children... Your great-grandchildren. You won't be here for the good times, the bad...The happy and the sad...

There are certain qualities about you that I will always remember... Being made banana sandwiches every time we went round to your house! Having a Sunday roast with you and Granddad every single week! Your 60th birthday (I knocked Zack down and felt so chuffed!) The last birthday you ever spent with me... You made my birthday cake that year... If I remember correctly, it was a princess castle with all the Disney princesses stood around it! You told me I deserved a cake because I was a beautiful princess also.

I know you will be looking down on me and the family just to make sure we are alright! I just hope it's a smile on your face and not a frown! I hope I have made you proud nan... I really do. I hope you Rest In Peace nan and I will never forget you. Forever in our hearts and minds. 15/06/2004... We love you nan and always will. <3
1.8k · Aug 2013
I miss you!
The Dreamer Teen Aug 2013
Uncle Andrew,
It's been a long few years since you passed away
It only seems like one!
Although you are sadly not on earth
You will never be truly gone.
You are forever in our hearts and minds
It's because of you we are this kind!
The angels are so lucky
to have someone so down to earth join them!
You are and always will be
everybody's shining gem!
I remember when you would scream for your favorite football team,
Because you acted like Shrek and Homer,
you were known as uncle Shromerton!
Although you are up with God now,
everyone has made a vow.
To forever have you in our hearts,
even though we have from the start!
To this day forward, you are the very best!
Now it's your turn to deserve a good rest!
Love you always and forever we will remember, **Our Uncle Shromerton

— The End —