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Jul 2012 · 1.1k
Oh August!
The Ankh Jul 2012
Oh August, please be kind to someone who's tough
For I have battled with July fair enough
Survived June not bad enough
And cried for May --- more than enough

Stranded with time as it slowly tick
Friends do think that both of us will click
But time gives test to see who will stick
Like a coin with results in just one flick

Nothing lasts for long as well as being alone
Time will surely come that you will find a home
Live each day with a smile and pretend you're not lonesome
Avoid being snob, don't make someone feel unwelcome

Love is just around the corner
Waiting for you to uncover
Just don't rush into things until you fully recover
A wonderful life awaits for you to discover

Spend each day doing things your heart desires
Adventures done alone will have nothing to require
So treasure the memories that you will acquire
Share the lessons that will possibly inspire
May 2012 · 819
The Ankh May 2012
Clock stopped ticking
Heart stopped beating
Mind stopped thinking
Soul stopped searching

Eyes start crying
Tears start falling
Dreams start fading
Future's now changing

Started from nothing
Turned into something
A love that's burning
Is now shattering
Feb 2012 · 805
Always This Way
The Ankh Feb 2012
Nothing is wrong
Everything is perfectly fine
The mood has been set
But feels like there's a connivance

"IT" is happy
"IT" is satisfied
But she is not
And she is silently breaking inside

Then the song that made her cry plays in the background
Now a stir of emotions is occuring
Tears will fall but she's making them stop
Not now, not here, not for them to see

Looking for a secret place
A hidden room in the corner
Where nobody will ever see
These eyes that always pretend

She is always suspicious
Have they planned this before?
They gave her what she wanted
But took away what he had loved the most.
May 2011 · 958
The Ankh May 2011
A fragile object my friend has given me
An eye-candy in my area for everyone to see
It has a LED light that makes the scene
Takes away the impression that my place is obscene

I love how the lighting gives the effect
That wings are fluttering as we expect
The frail wings are a sign of a delicate subject
A gentle object that to me is perfect

Real butterflies have brittle wings they use to flee
A bright tomorrow is for them to foresee
Similar to friendship that is nurtured by thee
A form of comparison that you call simile

I took photos of this picturesque gift
Saddened feeling that it will uplift
I thank my sponsor for this dazzling gift
And for its purpose, unhappy hearts it shall uplift
May 2011 · 5.1k
Sunrays On My Windowpane
The Ankh May 2011
It's not usual for me to be writing a poem this early
But since I can't sleep yet and my soul seemed empty
Here I am typing the words that came out eagerly
The concept that was pushed out of bravery

I lost my Sunshine and so darkness evaded
Ate my emotion and in Heaven I was rejected
On Earth I stayed trapped, bruised, and depleted
Away from the jewels all my life I have venerated

Pain is inevitable but at the same time curable
To a heart that is wounded, aftermath is memorable
Recovering from the incident is somewhat imaginable
Though at times it may seem unfathomable

It's hard to understand when your mind is shut
And the only thing that's open is your mouth and a "but"
A hint to a conversation is all but a gut
To start things through from where they should start

I would like to apologize to those I've caused hurt
With those words I've uttered and hearts I may have burnt
An instance wherein I lose control of my emotion
Such a lame and deep sign of depression

Before I end this short release
I thank thee for the glimpse
Writing this gave me peace
And hope it did give you ease
Apr 2011 · 1.5k
On Poems
The Ankh Apr 2011
reading poems has been my hobby
writing them was my escape
posting them was my pride
and being liked has been my accomplishment

i write poems to let loose what's within
to express what's been hiding
to utter things indirectly
to those concerned but never bothered

this is my haven
a secret place in times i am feeling forlorn
away from the real world
that brings nothing but hurt

when a stir inside occurs
that's a call for you to scribble
be able to jot anything
and be released from the excruciating pain
Apr 2011 · 3.0k
I am Special
The Ankh Apr 2011
there were times i feel like I'm a special child
the one who needs most of the attention
the one who needs love the most
but the only difference is, i only need those that are from my loved ones

it's not that i feel that i am neglected
not that i am rejected
not even was i isolated
it's just that... i feel alone at some times...

it was unintentional --- i guess
nobody left me
they were just busy
busy with their own lives

i was never an attention-seeker
i never wanted to be an eye-candy
neither a center of attention
or someone in the middle of a commotion

maybe i just needed some of your time
some of your busy time for me
even the least of it that you can give me
just for this day... make me feel like I am Special
Apr 2011 · 729
The Dawn of Fear
The Ankh Apr 2011
Why pretend that you're happy eventhough you really are NOT?!
Why pretend that you like what's happening eventhough you really DON'T?!
Why pretend to be someone you're not?!
Why believe in things that doesn't align with your principles?!

Life is a matter of "WHO can withstand WHAT".

Can you withstand the everyday trials life will give you?
Can you withstand the storm that will pass you?
Are you even strong enough to face the greatest fear of your life?
Or you're just a common coward hiding from the thick sheets of "show-off bravery"?

C'mon think things through... Don't just give in with what's happening now...
As the saying goes, "there's always a rainbow after the storm", it applies to all.
Wake up! And learn to face the facts on your own.
It's YOU that matters the most!
It's YOU who should withstand everything and anything!
'coz in the end... it's just YOU and YOURSELF... and NOBODY ELSE!
[from my Multiply account]
The Ankh Apr 2011
even i myself don't understand some things as they come...
even the actions and reactions i produce...
i don't usually say things or comment on events or react on commotions...
i act plain and casual...
as if though i just don't care for anyone or anything at all...
but i do...
and when i start to recognize my feelings...
they come and go as often as the wind blows...
destroys the composure i have kept...
and eats up everything i have set aside for...
and ends up with nothing at all...

there are people who don't open up that easily...
there are people who don't give you a piece of them...
there are people who don't give their trust to anyone...
there are people who don't stay with you for long...
and i was one of them...
i enclosed myself...
kept away from anyone...
refrained from any relationship...
played safe...
avoided pain...

then came a time i opened up...
i shared...
i gave whatever i can...
i felt pain...
i learned...
i see things as they were never before...
got open to ideas which i never thought had existed before...
i became "normal", i guess...

pain though is inevitable...
the more you free yourself...
the more you show who you are...
the more you share what you've got...
the more you care...
the more you keep people close to your heart...
the more know about others...
the more attached you get...
the deeper it hurts in the end...

guess why i got so protective with myself in the beginning...
i was afraid of getting hurt...
afraid of the harsh and rude world outside...
and the greatest fear i had all along...
i covered up...
got separated from what is real...
ran away from the world...
stayed with a few...
and hid from the crowd...
[from my Multiply account]

— The End —