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Thapz Kolatsoeu Sep 2017
A touch of skin soft and slippery, With the hint of hint of sweat. We fought our resistance beneath the cool sheets, As the wind flowed from the window above us. Eyes met briefly and begged for the chance, To abandon all of our uncertainties. You began your work on my lips, Probing gently as if drawing ***, From a deep well of longing and need. Then heated tongues met in the midst, Of hot and quickening breath. And greedily we drank the wine of our lusts. Then intoxicated with those spirits, Our clothes found resting place on the floor. Piece by piece, Until there were no hiding places, For the two glistening and wanting bodies. Hunger revealed in this hot moment. Then skin meshed with skin, As the floor became the stage. You moved atop of me easily, And lowered yourself gently. Kissing me as I was filled with you. As a gasp broke the kiss, Your hands stroked the stray strands, Away from my forehead, then became entangled. Our slow rhythm gave way, To urgent and demanding thrusts of passion, As I arched my body for your comfort, And you threw me into ecstasy, With the strength of your blows. You left me screaming and soaked, In oblivion again and again, As you growled my name from the back of your throat, And our bodies both demanded more, Each giving to the other, High on the fluids of foreign substance. I grasped, then released you, Grasped then released you, In effort to relieve you of your control. The taste of your skin between my lips, Was like no other. To hear your cry of mercy, When my teeth met your warm skin, Was more breathtaking than you knew. Yet I still released the control to you. As you wound your hands in my hair, And pulled until the flesh on my neck was taut, You moved with one final and breaking blow, Forcing our way to the peaks of bliss, Leaving our screams to echo on like battle cries. I welcomed the weight of you to crush me, As you collapsed on top of me, Still hot and burning, And I glowing like an ember, Casting a welcome light, Should you seek my gifts again.
Thapz Kolatsoeu Sep 2017
I want to explore your womanhood.
I want to take your mental essence to higher plateaus.
I want to kiss you in the most sensual place.
My desire for you is driving me crazy. No need to worry love the time has come.
I am yours for now and beyond.
Here I am standing before you.
I am yours to adore. Give me some ***. Make me wet.
I am yours to fulfill. Let’s enjoy ourselves. Let us make love in the moonlight.
My body yearns for yours. Your body yearns for mine.
We are both dramatized to captivate each other minds.
Give me some ***.
Come to me with your fine ***.
Make love to me between these satin sheets.
Please me. Shh, say no more.
Just a mind ***
I am yours.
Thapz Kolatsoeu May 2017
miss you nights

Where you used to be
There is a hole in the world
And a role left un-played
And prayers left un-prayed
There is a hole
which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime
and falling in at night
Missing you night
A thousand words
couldn’t bring you back
I know this because I tried
neither could a thousand tears
I know this because I cried
I know this because I died
Through all I've said I never lied
To bring you back
I might have left behind a broken heart and happy memories too
But I never wanted memories
I only wanted you.
Cause I miss you night
I realize that we are miles apart
But just know my feelings
for you are still the same
There blame is on me
Just seen your name
makes my heart race
I feel like am unto heaven grace
I miss you more and more
I understand we brooke up
Failing to make up
and just the thought of you
Hurts me even more and more
You can say i lied and you cryed
I left, and you stayed
You ripped my heart out
and after all this still just thinking about us makes me want you back
I want the best for you
even if the best isn't me
I miss you night
Just know that where ever you go
I love you
Some mornings
still feel like the night before
I’m just waiting for the days I don’t miss you anymore.
You said am doing less to be in your life
What more was I to do without givin a chance to be in your life
If getting us back together won't be luck on my side.
Till a day I won't miss you a nights.
Thapz Kolatsoeu May 2017
Take time.
To relinquish the struggles.
Of the mind.
Drift into the world.
Of your imagination.
And dream.
Pursue the life.
Most sought, No doubts, no fears.
But with blinders,
And live the creation.
Of your dreams.
Like they say
Reality happens when you awaken
Be thankful that you had another day to live...
Celebrate, work, love, kiss just be... That is a moment to have
Gratitude for be thankful for experiencing the sun rays in your face... Inhaling and exhaling....
Tomorrow the sun will rise again.
Simplicity is reality
Simplifys who you are
Freedom in you and being natural.
Thapz Kolatsoeu May 2017
Did I ever say it to you face to face?
Let the lord grace lead me on this race to feel an empty space in your heart
maybe I sang my way out to say it? No. Not yet.
My memory says no.
Yet I know,
I surely love you.
Why then will I not tell you that
I love you?
Everyday and everyone hour?
Why not say it, face it, face to face?
Why take advantage of pen and paper?
Why not confess by mouth, face to face?
You didn’t say it to me either Why didn’t you say it?
Are you not sure that you love me? $Yet I’m sure that you love me.
But I’ve said to you,
“I love you”
And you’ve said to me,
“I love you”
We’ve said, “We’re in love”
And the world has said,
“They’re in love”
For when a smile could say,
“I love you”
I would smile enough to say it
When turning away suggests,
“I love you”
I look away and smile unseen
When crying meant
“I love you”
I always remember those times
When your eyes shone with tears Tears that said to me,
“I love you, boy”
Let me say it one more time;
“I surely love you, girl.”
To you...I'm sorry for the things I've done and said. And for not being perfect enough.
Thapz Kolatsoeu Apr 2017
This poem is about love! Dedicated to my loving my future wife..through our imperfections and fights love will always be there for us and in us.
I once heard a dance song by Robin S
"Show me love"
I again heard a song by HadaWAY
"What is Love"
What is love baby don't hurt me no more
I once heard a song by Foreigner
"I want to know what love is
I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is
I know you can show me
I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is
(And I know)
I know you can show me Let's talk about love.
Brother and Sisters
Lovers and haters
I have heard singers sing about love
I have seen writers about love
I have watched movies made for love
What is love if you're not here with me What is love if it's not guaranteed
What is love if it just ups and leaves What is love if you're not here no more What is love if you're not really sure
What is love when you hold grudges
What is love when being so insecure
What is love when we are not on
Our freewill
Here's the thing about love LoVe
Ooooh LovE what a precious thing
It's hard to put into words
Love brings up emotions that run the gamut from agony to ecstasy
Love can inspire us to accomplish some of the craziest and most amazing feats Love can make you
Happier than you've ever been
Sadder than you've ever been
Angrier than you've ever been
It can elate you
It can deflate you
Almost at the same time
While we can all pretty much recognize
The emotions associated with love
Actually finding the words to explain Those feelings is a pretty tough order People have searched for centuries to find the right way to say
"I love you"
And to try to explain those butterflies in Their stomach, that warm fuzzy feeling In your belly and that heart skipping a beat
That heat of our lifetime
One thing we
DO know is that whether you've love and won
or loved and lost
it's ALWAYS worth it
While there are plenty of non-verbal
Ways to express our love
Finding that perfect love quote that Sums up exactly what you're feeling can Be pretty amazing.
Luckily some the world's greatest artists, poets, musicians and hopeless romantics (like ourselves) have managed to articulate the magic of love using words so simple and perfect, sharing them can mean the world.
I love You!
I love in our perfect inperfections
We fight we had our differences
At the end it all about love.
I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.
You are my best friend, my human diary and my other half. You mean the world to me and I LOVE YOU.

— The End —