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 Feb 2014 Tessa F
Claws for Hands
 Feb 2014 Tessa F
I am a tantalizing combination
Of shifting eyes and shallow breathing
Twitching hands and nervous laughter,
Oozing, gaping, wounds & barely healing scars
I can't help it if I flinch when I meet your eyes
If I draw back when you reach out to me
It's ingrained in my being
Don't trust anyone
Because those eyes may be blue and beautiful,
but poisonous flowers can be beautiful too
And a hand reaching out may not seem like a threat,
but I've seen fingers turn to claws more times than I can count
After all, I have these scars for a reason, you know
They didn't appear there on their own
Well, some did maybe
Self-inflicted wounds from my own personal array of beastly qualities
But the rest are a result,
Of a world coated in lovely, poisonous people
People who speak quicker than they think or don't bother to think at all
People with masks built so intricately, you can't tell where the real person ends & begins
People with claws for hands and battering rams for heads
People with venomous tongues and acidic eyes
In a world where beauty is not equivalent to goodness,
And in fact beauty often equates violence,
One can't be too careful
When meeting beautiful, blue eyes like yours
 Feb 2014 Tessa F
Tim Knight
Because when I see it
I wanna view it all in 720p;
a 360 window to the world around me.

No grit, grain, or scratch-sand photographs,
no bullet-pointed drafts of what there is around,
but instead something clear cut and defined,
like the cut throat lines of the rail track heading north,
the tarmac black railings decorating the edge of the port,
telegraph poles and fly fish line linking
your telephone call to my telephone call; and
if you're ringing from a mobile there are still
lines connecting the call, it's just you can't see them
as they're kept within a box somewhere above us
waiting to be decommissioned, waiting to fall back to Earth.
 Feb 2014 Tessa F
Blood flows blue under our skin
Take the needle, pierce my vein
Extract all the life you need from me
Put it to good use in someone else
God knows, I'm not worth it.
Gosh, I'm nervous. What if I pass out??
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