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1.1k · May 2013
Faint Heart
Terry Hardy May 2013
With halted breath he saw her there
He didn’t mean to stop & stare
But such beauty, demure & sweet
Caused the heart to miss a beat
Pulse was racing, blood was heating
Wondered how to affect a meeting

Should it be a cheesy line
A bunch of flowers - a glass of wine
He approached her - his mind a quiver
Felt his body start to shiver
His stomach now, begins to flutter
Then he really starts to stutter

Excuse me miss, - he began like this
But soon his voice became a hiss
Carry on, - his brain did urge him
Then at once his courage failed him
Excuse me miss he uttered again
The moment had gone…..this was plain

So young sirs when you go wooing
You really have to practice cooing
Nothing comes to the faint of heart
You really have to act the part
If you wish, to sweep off her feet
A nice young lady demure & sweet.
766 · May 2013
Love on the Internet
Terry Hardy May 2013
How well I remember the day we first met
A click of the mouse on the internet

Wondering, questioning, definitely cynical
Could one find love in a manner so clinical

Unable to see each others faces
Just using words in cyberspaces

( Remember the days of the old fashioned dances
The secretive looks, & the furtive glances
The wooing, the cooing, a bunch red roses
Embarrasing silences, - posturing poses )

Sweet words passed, - histories revealed
Pondering, now, how much was concealed

Trust grew, slowly but, surely – just lots of fun
We spoke of Art, & all the things we had done

Then came the day my heart missed a beat
She wrote & suggested, that we two should meet

We met each other on neutral ground
It was hard to stop, - my mind whirling round

The rest of the story is really quite plain
That’s how I found love, - in a corner of Spain

So now I am here to tell all cynics
Click on the mouse, & you'll all write lyrics
I met the love of my life after discovering a free weekend on an internet dating site.
573 · May 2013
Simple pleasures
Terry Hardy May 2013
Shall we two some pleasures reach
Dance together on a moonlit beach
Look in awe at mountains soaring
Dip our feet in rivers roaring
Take some wine at sunsets wane
Walk barefoot in gentle rain
Bathe beneath warm waterfalls
Listen in wonder to the Nightingale call’s
Stroll along through fragrant meadows
Make a wish on vibrant rainbows
Lazy days with love filled hours
Kisses shared in leafy bowers
Sit in silence, warm content
When the balmy day is spent

— The End —