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Oct 2013 · 774
fuck cupid
Terrari Smyth Oct 2013
is stupid.
True love isn't that lucid.

Sep 2013 · 690
Those summer nights.
Terrari Smyth Sep 2013
It was the scent of juicy, honey dew melon,
It was the golden kiss of the sun,
It was the warm summer feel
that let me know you were the one.

It was reggae basses and baritones blessing the air,
It was your lips on the back of my neck letting me know that you were there.
It was the screech of the fan
replacing the tune of the ice-cream van,
It's funny how both joy and sadness reside with that man.

It's the gentle waves smooching the edge of the tub,
those summer nights, when we gently fell in love.

Terrari Smyth Sep 2013

I understand.
Mama I wana tell you that i GET IT!
I know why you told me not to keep certain friends
I even get those days you wouldn't send my phone credit!

I know.
I now know that you've dealt with all "my people" before
I know you've heard all the lies I've been told
and for me you only wanted more.

I know you didn't want my mistakes to be like yours
and dear mama thank you for fighting those wars!
but mama this isn't a piece to tell you how much you mean to me,
For that, pretty girl I've planned MUCH more

Terrari Smyth Sep 2013
I hear you sing along to Beyoncé's  "why don't you love me?"
My Darling do you really want to know why?

I DON'T love you, because you not loving me, makes me want to commit suicide.
I DON'T love you because you call me after you and him have a fight
or you text me on a slow TV night.
I DON'T love you because you "need" me to make a quick run to Frozen Berry
I'm that late night text after the *** was ordinary.
I'm your afterwork friend,
that's good for drinks and money to spend
and we make plans on tuesday but you're "too busy" over the weekend.

So sing it again!
why have i been keeping all this inside?
I don't love you because you won't see the love in my eyes

Sep 2013 · 734
I notice you.
Terrari Smyth Sep 2013
I notice her.
I watch her press on her nails
And whiten her teeth,
Put on that bleaching emulsion before she goes to sleep.
She has thick braids, pinched into her tender scalp
Then has Brazilian hair woven  in on top of that.
I see her look in the mirror satisfied because she now sees beauty,
She purses her painted lips,
Closes her eyes as if her looks are her duty
To this world,
That she so desperately wants to fit into and stand out of.
This magnificent girl,
Who's capabilities are unheard of.
She suffocates her essence
To be accepted in facades presence.
I notice you darling, in spite of your recrudescence.

Sep 2013 · 1.3k
You were...
Terrari Smyth Sep 2013
You were...
You were the love of my life, but in love with another.
and i galloped into the relationship with my "know better voice" undercover.
suppressed and muffled
i tangled a puzzle
and (deep sound of cigarette inhalation)
I set myself up for PURE pain and struggle.

(don't read the parentheses. Feel them)

Sep 2013 · 561
The girl from Nairobi.
Terrari Smyth Sep 2013
I fell in love with a girl from Nairobi.
She was from a political family, timid with the heart of a coyote.
You couldn't hide the intelligence in her smile
because she smirked and stroked her bottom lip, like her joy was on trial.
she thought she was always being watched
and that prevented her from experiencing real joy.
even though i tried with all I am, i could never maker her fully enjoy
because hers was never really her own to live.
i fell in love with a girl from Nairobi, she already employed the greatness i could not give.

Sep 2013 · 1.4k
Profile Picture
Terrari Smyth Sep 2013
i change my profile picture often
because everyday I feel a lil' different,
and the thought of being who were i was yesterday just seems like mental imprisonment.
So sometimes it's me at my best,
sometimes ill make a character with my photographs.
other times my heart is trying to scream, so my picture writes a few paragraphs
feel like there are a million me's
and you misunderstand,
so my pictures are like the map to my intellectual wonderland.

Sep 2013 · 957
Please darling.
Terrari Smyth Sep 2013
I've often wondered why the sun has to set,
but lately i've been cursing its rise
for darling I love the way the candle lights your eyes.
I suppose,
I shun the conception that the sun will expose
the intricacies of my insecurities and depths of my woes.
i want to gyrate in my groves
and triumph over my pain
but the weather man in my pupils only predicts rain,
so why does the sun have to rise?
this darkness is a deterrent for my sweltering eyes
and in your perfection, my sweet, i must wear a disguise,
so keep the sun at bay, so my imperfection tries.


— The End —