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 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
When we were
touching hearts I thought
it would never end
now this is the only message I can send....
It is the one to say you touched my soul
I hope in some way it helped us grow
I'm writing the next Chapter of my Life
which feels like a message in an empty bottle
tossed into the ocean
A message just to say when we were touching hearts
I thought it would never end
now, honey...
this is the only message I can send.
Now my heart is floating somewhere in an ocean, or a river...
Floating waiting to be found.
© 2014
 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
on ones back
under the stars
on a hill
with you…
smelling the scent of freshly cut grass
gazing at a butterfly fluttering nearby
I would give you daisies and roses

I would love that while feeling….

the way your arms curl around my hips
and the gentle touch of your lips
all over my body.
© 2014
 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
You're my river that flows under the bright sunshine
I'm so happy I get to call you mine
A lotus flower that you carry along
floating on your river where I belong
You carry me over mountains under a midnight sky
during a white full moon
shining with all the stars in the Universe/in Heaven so high
You're my river that never ends
even as it twists, and bends
you gently carry me to the blue ocean
with so much loving devotion
Floating this lotus flower safely along
you're my river, Baby...
in your heart where I know I belong...
making me complete/you make me strong.
© 2014 Krisselle S. Cosgrove
 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
She was a dreamer during the day, and a vampire at night
seeing ghosts around every corner in the light
She tried to wish them away for another day
closing her eyes reaching her hands toward the sky
sometimes falling down on her knees/down on her knees
on the pine scented ground she’d pray
whenever there were rainy clouds the sound of grey
them away
all around she’d try to listen, or look for signs in tree’s
even in the way her red flowers blew in the breeze
Yeah, she was a dreamer during the day, and a vampire at night
she tried to scare the ghosts away to take away her fright
wishing them away/wishing them away
for another rainy day/for another rainy day
All she heard was the sound of grey
Please take these ghosts away/that’s what she’d always say
sweep them away/sweep them away
I don’t want deal with them today
not today/not today…
Yeah, that’s what she would always say--
whenever/whenever/ she heard the sound of grey.
© 2014
 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
Watch me fly through the sky
high, high, high
My back's pushed up against the wall
it's do or die, die, die...
Sorry haters I've got to fly
high, high, high..
I'm not hanging around here
I won't drink your cheap beer
This girl likes diamonds, and roses...
European Yachts made by pro's
Yeah, so watch me fly
up in the blue sky
so high, high, high
it's do -- or, die, die, die..
I won't let anyone take me down
go ahead if you're dressed like clowns
I'll knock you out in one punch
I've been blessed with a vision/Yeah, a hunch
that it's my time to fly
high, high, high...
Cause it's do,
or, Baby
Gonna fly
high, high, high.
© 2014
 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
So many lost souls passing through the station
they've lost their faith in their youth/they've lost their faith in their nation
with broken angel wings
they turned up the wrong road/they've lost their way
they've found themselves silent with nothing to say...
they feel like their life is really over/it's finally through
n' this whole time they've been the fool
now they're at the mercy of men with large arms in uniform
all because these broken angels could not conform
so they curl up in white blankets, and sleep on cold steel
waiting for their court date to make their plea
to the judge that will look down on them
while these angels with broken wings/utter these words..
Oh, Dear Lord Jesus not again
the angel looks up with teary eyes
thinking this is it/this is the end
"My angel wings are finally lost...
Oh, and at what a price/what a cost"
© 2014 Krisselle S. Cosgrove
 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
All we have now is the moment to extend our hand
with kindness toward humanity to understand
that we are more than what we see
stars on earth for humanity
shine your light up toward the sky
so it's reflected in your eyes
© 2014 Krisselle S. Cosgrove

 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
You don't have to give yourself away
because you know
that you can leave/ yes, you can go...
you're worth more than all the gold
your a diamond to behold..
don't you know...
So hold on tight you know your future is more than bright
this darkness that has come across
will soon end/yes, it shall pass...
just hold on
the darkness will soon be gone...
and you know..
you will go on.
© 2014 Krisselle S. Cosgrove
 Sep 2014 Teri Bennett
There are ****'s at my door again
Yeah, yeah, yeah--
She-she-she-bop Shalom...
I wish they'd leave me alone
So what would Jesus bomb...
forcing all of us to get along?
Would he eradicate the hatred in my neighbors face?
Screaming at me with so much hatred I wanted mace...
Would he bomb the self-righteous
the ones with black and white checkered brains
to release those they're holding down in chains?
Yeah, yeah, yeah--
She-she-she-bop Shalom...
I think you need to move to Rome...
so you can all just leave me the f* alone
Or, I need to move to Malibu
where I never have to see you...
Yeah, there are ****'s at my door again
with clubs, and guns to take down the green eyed girl
she's too happy/ they must crush her world...
Lord Jesus, won't you please drop a bomb on them...
so I never have to hear from them again?
These angry men with hatred in their eyes..
telling gossip/telling lies
Yeah, yeah, yeah--
She-she-she-bop, Sholom
please go away...
just leave the green eyed girl alone.
© 2014 Krisselle S. Cosgrove
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