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Jul 2015 · 345
losing sam
t watson Jul 2015
Today I saw void in your eyes
It's a look I've grown to despise
Growing up outside the lines
Is so important say the wise

Your jewelry and glitter all a glow
I want you to see what I already know
To feel yourself and let it flow
The universe doesn't need a show

You need to know that it's not bad
Be yourself with what you've always had
Someday this pain will turn to mad
If I don't protect you from your dad
Jul 2015 · 416
Porch Time
t watson Jul 2015
For a moment on my porch,
while staring at the moon with his face in full bloom,
listening to the nurture of your gentle tune,
inhaling the scent of fresh lavender perfume,
I could feel your essence like that day in the tiny room.
Jul 2015 · 323
Moon Man Haiku
t watson Jul 2015
You appear tonight,
Mouth open, eyes protective
Thanks,  man in the moon
t watson Jun 2015
Like a drug or wine it fills up the mind,
evacuating the brain one thought at a time.

At the mercy of it's creators, anticipation looms,
making cherished spaces out of standard rooms.

Seeking it out becomes an adventure;
sitting with it in solitude, our guilty pleasure.

Now we've become spoiled, or at least our ears.
Feeling so grateful,  to that let's cheers!
On a bus in SF
May 2015 · 627
t watson May 2015
She lures, leads, lusts, lies with eyes made of steel.

Her mind is weary, her body is easy, her soul incapable of feel.

Men and women alike fall into the trenches that she digs with her apeal.

Shell of a being,  the pain she inflicts is real.

I'm human in every sense of the word and have now suffered some events untoward.

You will falter as you saunter through the halls; it won't be the first time you'll read your name on bathroom stalls.
May 2015 · 449
universal provisions
t watson May 2015
The universe and it's provisions make
The worst situations great

A friend told me once to have faith,
sitting with that puts me in the right space

Knowing that things will be ok
Makes getting up easier each day

The root of all suffering is expectations,
worth tolerating for some relations

BUT, people will ultimately dissapoint,
Time for a glass or maybe a joint?
May 2015 · 366
heart theif
t watson May 2015
We meet ever so randomly
On the streets or on the pier
The universe sends you to me
When I need you near

It doesn't occur to you
That you're my rock
My everlasting bridge
My once again on the dock

You will always live inside of me
Connecting the dots of my soul
To my sensuality
And making my rumble roll

The soft touch of your hand
On my head
Your hips in synch with mine
In your bed

Extracting the darkness from my mind
You insert yours into mine
Sweet Robbery I love you
No man makes me feel so fine

Now you're leaving,  so you say
I know you need to find your way
Please know I'll be the "hi" to your "hey"
Constant, till my dying day
My phone auto-corrected this man's name into Robbery. It's appropriate.
Apr 2015 · 5.1k
booty call haiku
t watson Apr 2015
spontaneous ***
on a warm spring night brings peace,
pleasure, pain and plight
Apr 2015 · 347
the vented patients
t watson Apr 2015
We take for granted
Unfailing inhalation
This ailing nation
I have seen so many lives prolonged in vain.
Apr 2015 · 543
fuckin ashlee
t watson Apr 2015
To which desire do I succumb?
Ever so quickly my needs creep up
And so it goes I urge to numb.

Your melodious floor sounds the same
Every night. I walk through that door &
My heart and soul go back from whence they came.

Strumming in silence you make me weak.
Breathing is effort without you with me, and I long to break your self loathing streak.

In this lifetime...or maybe the next,
We'll be together, unless of course
You decide you'd rather just sext.
Apr 2015 · 346
waiting for nothing
t watson Apr 2015
It's killing the love affair
with each gasp of air.
Apr 2015 · 228
t watson Apr 2015









One night at a time my mind builds a bookcase full of passionate memories. The eyes look down on me without judgement and I can say anything, be anything, do anything, feel anything, taste,  touch and sense anything.  You lift me up, you lay me down and place your hand on my head. It feels like home. You love, you ****, you feel,  you read, you are vulnerable.

You've made me a weak, wild, wet woman from girl.

I hate you a little bit.
And so it goes.
Mar 2015 · 366
Lift off
t watson Mar 2015
I remember 19
I remember the ride, the drive, the equal parts anxiety and "**** it"
Extroverted by force,
I remember Chico and the Spice Girls
I remember being random and feeling wildly alone in that

Thinking it would never be me that would be free from the weight of the thick, sopping wet emotional ropes strangling all 4 chambers

Prepare for lift off


I find comfort in exhaustion and peace in introversion as my body is lifted into the air. Soul and spirit light. Tethered ever so slightly to that earth, letting out slack as I go.
On my way to Seattle. I think I'm already in love with the city.

— The End —